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Port 32400

Admin9705 edited this page Feb 28, 2019 · 7 revisions

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Port 32400

Port 32400 is the primary port that is utilized to access Plex. Port 32400 is utilized on both local and remote servers for inbound or outbound reach. For local servers, port 32400 is critical only if you are attempting to reach the server from outside of the network. It's critical that port 32400 is able to utilize UPNP. Without it, a user will find difficulty in accessing the port address form outside.

Next, port 32400 is required to be open in order for a user to access a remote server. Ensure that the server is properly claimed or the user will be able to access port 32400 and other servers from it, but not anything from the server itself.

Users who wish to access the main plex interface through the port 32400 should type 32400/web to access the interface, if not; the user will be present with XML garbage.

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Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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