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Cédric Godin edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 7 revisions

The project has multiple dependencies. Most of them are specific directly in the dependency pages of each modules (with links), but some of them needs to be globally install for others to work correctly. The ROS packages distributed with the project, that we didn't do, are also listed here since we are not going to document them in our code documentation.

List of dependencies :

  1. ROS Melodic
  2. RTAB-Map ROS
  3. v4l2 loopback
  4. Node.js (LTS 10)
  5. Vue-cli 3.X
  6. Doxygen
  7. Altium (to open PCB projects)
  8. Solidwork (to open mechanical drawings)
  9. YOLO/Darknet

Hardware specific dependencies

These dependencies are required to interface your hardware with ROS. Install those that match with what you have.

  1. roboclaw ROS node
  2. Kobuki ROS node (TurtleBot 2 includes the Kobuki base)
  3. Intel Realsense ROS node
  4. rplidar ROS node