SnapAirUnit_Hardware_V1.0 is supported.
[Support] 2.4G WiFi(AP/STA) wireless mode
UART direct passthrough
MSP protocol passthrough, UDP port 8889 (iNav Configurator 5.0.0 Tested)
HuiYuan customized protocol passthrough (Simulation) -
[Support] BT SPP wireless mode
UART direct passthrough
MSP protocol passthrough, SPP UART (iNav Configurator 5.0.0 Tested) -
[Support] Tello school API throught UPD protocol
[TODO, SW] FC-WiFi bridge
[TODO, SW] postion Estimator -
[Support] RESTful API for snap programming
[TODO, SW] FC-WiFi bridge
[TODO, SW] postion Estimator -
[TODO, HW] ELRS control link
[TODO, SW + HW] WiFi video link
Wireless mode switch (AP/STA/BT SPP) by button press or web access
Support UDP commands
- lbb
- bluetooth
- ap
- wifi
- sdk?
- arm
- emergency
- reboot
- command
- exit
- identity
- lbw
- Support RESTful commands
- /api/v1/system/info
- /api/v1/rc/raw
- /api/v1/rc/post
- /api/v1/command/raw
- /api/v1/command/post
- /api/v1/ap/raw
- /api/v1/ap/post
- /api/v1/sta/raw
- /api/v1/sta/post
- /api/v1/wireless/raw
- /api/v1/wireless/post
- Support serial port debugging
- switch <mode>, mode:ap(0)/sta(1)/bt(2).
- status, get status of the application.
- bluetooth, switch to BT SPP UART.
- wifi <ssid> <pass>, switch to AP.
- ap <ssid> <pass>, connect to AP.
- sdk?, get application version.
- emergency
- channel <channel> <value>, value 900~ 2100.
- reboot
- command <mode>, mode:false(0)/true(1).
- restore <confirm>, confirm: yes or no.
#61 Add last of MAC characters to AP SSID for multi device distinguish
#62 Support control data passthrough for custom progamming drones
#63 Loop back test support for udp commands
#65 LED function tune based on V1.0 hardware
#66 IP network segment customization
#68 Extra addon simulation feature based on HuiYuan V1.1.12 Beta API