Repository for paper "A Generic Trajectory Planning Method for Constrained All-Wheel-Steering Robots"
Operating instructions:
Download and install NVIDIA Omniverse issac Sim
- use isaac Sim open
- use isaac Sim open
Installing ros noetics
- put file in src in your src folder of workspace.
Installing required python environments by
conda env create -f environment.yml
Installing required pkgs by
sudo apt install libompl-dev
and refer tohastar_path_planner/package.xml
Launch peripheral modules
cd src/aws_control python plan_utils/ # to bridge the control velocity commands and wheel status python # to launch the path smoothing and following module
Launch hybrid A star for AWS
source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch hybrid_astar manual.launch
- set goal pose by pressing
on keyboard and left click in rviz
- The hybrid_path_planner is developed refer to (Author: Karl Kurzer)