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Core Neighbor Lists

Sam Reeve edited this page May 18, 2023 · 2 revisions


Two different methods of neighbor list generation are available within Cabana. Verlet lists use a grid to speed up the search for nearby particles, while the (experimental) ArborX based lists use tree structures.

In the figure below all neighbors are shown in yellow for the example central particle (red) within a specified cutoff radius. Neighbor list


Given a list of particle positions, for every particle in the list a Verlet list computes the other particles in the list that are within some specified cutoff distance from the particle, accelerated by a linked cell grid decomposition. Once created, the Verlet list data can be accessed with the neighbor list interface.


Header File: Cabana_VerletList.hpp

Usage: Creating a neighbor list via a Verlet List


template<class MemorySpace,class AlgorithmTag,class LayoutTag,class BuildTag>
class VerletList

Template Parameters

  • MemorySpace: The memory space in which the neighbor list data will be allocated
  • AlgorithmTag: Algorithm type indicator. Valid parameters are FullNeighborTag for building full neighbor lists and HalfNeighborTag for building half neighbor lists.
  • LayoutTag: Data layout indicator. Valid parameters are VerletLayoutCSR for using compressed sparse row and VerletLayout2D for using a two dimensional array.
  • BuildTag: Hierarchical parallel build indicator. Valid parameters are TeamOpTag and TeamVectorOpTag


Example: Verlet List Tutorial

Example: Verlet List Unit Test

// Define data including particle coordinates
using DataTypes = Cabana::MemberTypes<double[3],int>;
using DeviceType = Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>;
Cabana::AoSoA<DataTypes,DeviceType> aosoa( num_tuple );
auto positions = slice<0>( aosoa );

// Define the bounding box of the grid
double grid_min[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
double grid_max[3] = {3.0,3.0,3.0};

// Create the neighbor list for particles within a given radius.
double neighborhood_radius = 0.25;
double cell_ratio = 1.0;
using ListAlgorithm = Cabana::FullNeighborTag;
using ListLayout = Cabana::VerletLayoutCSR;
using ListType = Cabana::VerletList<DeviceType,ListAlgorithm,ListLayout>;
ListType verlet_list( positions, 0, positions.size(),
                      neighborhood_radius, cell_ratio,
                      grid_min, grid_max );

ArborX Tree List (Experimental)

Given a list of particle positions, for every particle in the list an ArborX tree list computes the other particles in the list that are within some specified cutoff distance from the particle, as with the Verlet list.


Header File: Cabana_Experimental_NeighborList.hpp

Usage: Creating a neighbor list via ArborX


template <typename MemorySpace, typename Tag>
struct CrsGraph

template <typename MemorySpace, typename Tag>
struct Dense

Where CrsGraph is used for the compressed storage layout (makeNeighborList) and Dense for the full 2D storage layout (make2DNeighborList).

Template Parameters

  • MemorySpace: The memory space in which the neighbor list data will be allocated
  • Tag: Algorithm type indicator. Valid parameters are FullNeighborTag for building full neighbor lists and HalfNeighborTag for building half neighbor lists.


Example: Neighbor List with ArborX Tutorial

Example: ArborX List Unit Test

// Define data including particle coordinates
using DataTypes = Cabana::MemberTypes<double[3],int>;
using DeviceType = Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>;
Cabana::AoSoA<DataTypes,DeviceType> aosoa( num_tuple );
auto positions = slice<0>( aosoa );

// Create the neighbor list for particles within a given radius.
double neighborhood_radius = 0.25;
auto nlist = Cabana::Experimental::makeNeighborList<device_type>( 
    Cabana::FullNeighborTag{}, positions, 0, positions.size(), test_radius );

This is part of the Programming Guide series

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