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Matias Lescano edited this page Oct 7, 2015 · 17 revisions

Update NodeJS to >= 4.1.0

The newest version of node is available on We recommend to use a Node Version Manager such as n or nvm.

Update MongoDB to >= v3.0

Available for download on

Database scripts

First of all, make sure to do a backup of your database:

mongodump -h <host>:<port> -d <db-name> -u <db-user> -p <db-pass> -o <backup-destination-folder>

Rename collection laws to topics

In a MongoDB shell please type the following:


Update comments

In a MongoDB shell:

  .update({ context: 'summary' },
    { $set: { context: 'body' } }, 
    { multi: true })

  .update({ context: 'law' },
    { $set: { context: 'topic' } },
    { multi: true })

Update Notifier

As of 1.0 the Notifier can be used as a standalone server (the way that you probably have it right now) or as an embebed app super easy to configure.

To continue using your standalone DemocracyOS/notifier-server simply update it to >= 1.0.0.

If you want to use the embebed notifier, first tear down your notifier-server, and then simply configure the config values.