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vmariano edited this page Dec 5, 2014 · 3 revisions


Creating a new CustomView is as simple as:

  1. Create a new directory under lib/custom-view as well as a component.json manifest file. Remember: the name must match the directory name.

  2. Scripts should contain a view.js file and it should be the main file as well in the manifest.

  3. Template should contain a template.jade file. This template should contain at its top level a div element (or something alike) with a class name or id identifying the component.

  4. Styles should contain a styles.styl file with a top level container element matching the class name or id set on template for setting styles inside that component.

TODO: write a script to do all the above stuff

The view.js file should contain something like this:

 * Module dependencies.

var dep1 = require('dep1');
var template = require('./template');

 * Expose CustomView

module.exports = CustomView;

 * Creates a CustomView
 * domifies the template inside `this.el`

function CustomView() {
  if (!(this instanceof CustomView)) {
    return new CustomView();
  };, template);

 * Inherit from `View`


 * Turn on event bindings
 * called when inserted to DOM

CustomView.prototype.switchOn = function() {
  this.bind('click', 'a.btn', 'onclick');

 * Turn off event bindings
 * called when removed from DOM

CustomView.prototype.switchOff = function() {
  this.unbind('click', 'a.btn', 'onclick');

And that's it.

The same goes for FormView