For this project the following set up was used:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS OS
- Ros kinetic
- Gazebo 7.0.0
- Rviz 1.12.17
- Clone this repository to your home directory:
$ git clone
- Review the documentation and dependecies of the Packages mentioned below.
Launch files for master branch:
- Run the following commands in a terminal:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
- Open a new terminal and execute the following commands:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot amcl.launch
Load the the Rviz configuration located in the rviz_config folder.
Use the 2D Nav Goal option to drive around. If the robot lose its position use the 2D Pose Estimate.
Launch files for Teleop branch
- Run the following commands in a terminal:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
- Open a new terminal and execute the following commands:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot amcl.launch
- Finally one more terminal and execute the following commands:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Load the the Rviz configuration located in the rviz_config folder.
Using the third terminal you will be allowed to control the robot position with the keyboards.
Provides the gazebo world environment and the robot model.
This package generates a .pgm file of a gazebo world. Using this powerful tool I was allowed to generate the folllowing 2D map:
By default, AMCL package will treat 'darker' pixels as obstacle in the pgm map file, and 'lighter' pixels as free space. The threshold could be set as a parameter which we will cover when we are building the launch file.
For more detailed information please refere to the following link: pgm_map_creator
Provides a control of the car by using keyboards.
For more detailed information please refere to the following link: teleop_twist_keyboard Package
The map_server node provides map data as a ROS service to other nodes such as the amcl node. Here, map_server node will locate the map you created in the Map Setup step and send it out as the map data.
It takes odometry and laser scan data to perform the AMCL localization.
The move_base package is a very powerful tool. It utilizes a costmap - where each part of the map is divided into which area is occupied, like walls or obstacles, and which area is unoccupied. As the robot moves around, a local costmap, in relation to the global costmap, keeps getting updated allowing the package to define a continuous path for the robot to move along.
What makes this package more remarkable is that it has some built-in corrective behaviors or maneuvers. Based on specific conditions, like detecting a particular obstacle or if the robot is stuck, it will navigate the robot around the obstacle or rotate the robot till it finds a clear path ahead
The main objective of the project is to test the AMCL to determine the position of the robot given a 2D map.
master branch:
- The robot will move to a navigation goal by its own. It only needs a goal point to start the movement.
Important: Check full video in the following link: AMCL_Autonomous_Project
Teleop branch:
- The robot will move by using the keyboards.
Important: Check full video in the following link: AMCL_Teleop_Project
- Create a single launch file to execute the project.