An Awesome & curated list of ZeroNet implementations, plugins, tools, and zites.
ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users.
Zite is shortened version of ZeroNet Site.
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
Kaffiene Search | Caffeinated Search & Index | 1Mr5rX9TauvaGReB4RjCaE6D37FJQaY5Ba |
zerosearch.bit |
Zoogle Zearch | Google Search for ZeroNet | 13EYKqmPpwzBU4iaQq9Y4vfVMgj8dHeLkc |
N/A |
Dream Search | Dream Search - The most data scanning search engine in ZeroNet | 1JBFNPrAGp1nQX6RsAN6oRqCfvtoeWoion |
N/A |
Search And Index Zites | A Simple search engine and index | 1xiwbXaTbo9XU32hEpW4NyjZHrugSFdo6 |
N/A |
0find0go | Every public website on ZeroNet in one search engine | 1Jj3kjHmjPYWGfCdyd8Pr6pm5sJawrLmrp |
N/A |
Important Zites | Index of user-added zites | 15Pf9VVuDT8NSWj1qUBh4V89yPmrmzRw6a |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
ZeroSitesX | Sites of ZeroNetX | 1SitesVCdgNfHojzf2aGKQrD4dteAZR1k |
Sites.ZeroNetX.bit |
ZeroSites | Sites of ZeroNet | 1SiTEs2D3rCBxeMoLHXei2UYqFcxctdwB |
Sites.ZeroNetwork.bit |
ZeroWiki | ZeroWiki site list | 138R53t3ZW7KDfSfxVpWUsMXgwUnsDNXLP/?Page:list-of-zites |
N/A |
Search And Index Zites | Site directory by Krixano | 1xiwbXaTbo9XU32hEpW4NyjZHrugSFdo6 |
N/A |
ZeroShortener | Make your zerolinks way shorter and easier to remember | 1GNTAKCimBv5xEnt7QvkDn8sTkEPj7ZYTL |
0sh.bit |
ZeroCentral | A Zite index with ability to sort by votes | 1Dt7FR5aNLkqAjmosWh8cMWzJu633GYN6u |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
ThunderWave | A beautiful chat for ZeroNet | 1CWkZv7fQAKxTVjZVrLZ8VHcrN6YGGcdky |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
The All-Night Bookstore and Cafe | A Friendly Local Forum | 13gLfTixjjktySEGHBMnmrQu4qMJpoRuXw |
N/A |
UnlimitTalk | For those who are cramped in ZeroTalk limits | 1HMLvnRWViMnuvZc5LK4Dm86sZNcSH1jdh |
N/A |
ThreadIt | Decentralized Forum from ZeroNetX Team | 15UYrA7aXr2Nto1Gg4yWXpY3EAJwafMTNk |
ThreadIt.bit |
NetTalk | Discussion about interne…s and other electronics | 1LfvE91ZF18jdG3wW62Dw7NtfTZh737KPL |
N/A |
ZeroTalk++ | Decentralized forum engine | 1EgyL4nj9DmeSSQg3fytxGJjihxtmMon5y |
N/A | | Discussion about Linux | 16Go5kc2U9Ff4jeaY8kYiDEgpMYdgyboPY |
N/A |
ZeroTalk Tech | Talk about Anything having to do with Technology | 1EfLnw7GDXbZfJmGNoXGQ4XkuHGWkRZTMq |
N/A |
1stZC: ZeroNet Development | 1stZC's ZeroNet Development forum | 1fznczNZUMEMvCiqSmCZGUiv5sVnRcsTD |
N/A |
1stZC: Talks: General | 1stZC's general forum | 1fznctFebYHnmjmFZCmAWPd7nnamAy3Tg |
N/A |
1stZC: ZeroNet Support | 1stZC's support forum | 1fznc4VQbbrQAf4UzHrWS6W2mpGFqXSeD |
N/A |
1stZC: Talks: Politics | 1stZC's politics forum | 1fzncJdLpbsT5eeeYP14EKSaStHhtn5LY |
N/A | | A forum about programming | 17YUF4geTD7gBDPeMtQtnV7uhhNcjrYi9u |
N/A |
ZeroNet DevZone | ZeroNet core & plugins: issues, pull requests, ideas, RFCs and documentation | 18ryVioVmwFYzhRZKTjKqGYCjkUjoxH3k6 |
N/A |
ZeroDev Talk | Place for developers to collaborate | 142jqssVAj2iRxMACJg2dzipB5oicZYz5w |
N/A |
ZeroTorrent | Torrent sharing forum | 192dZ1EG5tU7PnCfuwGMDEBrr2eLqvs4t3 |
ZeroTorrent.bit |
New GFW Talk | Forum dedicated to Great Firewall of China | 19BPUZYAdCMxExKHoVSG3cG95wfUfFTEC9 |
NewGFWTalk.bit |
IranTalk | Forum dedicated to Persian speaking users of ZeroNet | 1AS355T7MGApApoBeE9JgxvvvDxf33Eyh1 |
N/A |
Pirate Party Forum | Forum dedicated to Pirate Party | 1CLQ81TNixktJ67YFkZtbtsESy3MwZqLEG |
N/A |
Note: Email services that are built based on ZeroMail are End-to-End encrypted and nobody should be able to see the actual message you're sending, but the username of senders and receptors are publicly available.
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
ZeroMailX | End-to-end encrypted messaging | 1MaiLX6j5MSddyu8oh5CxxGrhMcSmRo6N8 |
Mail.ZeroNetX.bit |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
XeroMe | ZeroMe with an easy-on-eyes theme | 1JgcgZQ5a2Gxc4Cfy32szBJC68mMGusBjC |
N/A |
0Hub | List Of ZeroMe Hubs | 1GLndW2MJn7japuF3X2tbfBqgPMR52zaLQ |
0hub.bit |
AsocioHub | A ZeroMe Hub | 1MxqEM11KaAuKE2X9anKV2hz5NYmM1jaSP |
N/A |
PersianHub | A ZeroMe Hub dedicated to persian speaking users | 13YccBekYK3S5LE1sva2wE2cUo6tk3BaWV |
N/A |
Modkraft ZeroMe | A ZeroMe Hub for danish speaking perople | 1FS2XUptdQFnFaZiJtGKE1RB1PQuqLEK1r |
N/A |
GigaByteHub | A ZeroMe Hub with 100GB limit | 185bkA3iwv1uuprQMbBCN37ArRDFPbnpBg |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
NGnoidTV | Video site, also named KopyKate | 18Pfr2oswXvD352BbJvo59gZ3GbdbipSzh |
big.kopykate.bit |
Play | Movie torrents | 1PLAYgDQboKojowD3kwdb3CtWmWaokXvfp |
0play.bit |
TV Episodes | Magnet links for TV episodes | 1MagneTSMMkNmJTMsTGJtfuNsqGjzzXgQv |
tvmagnets.bit |
eh anime? | Anime torrents | 1E8Z8sk3cGeWdQumBaYEh6LraqC2BRnutV |
N/A |
StreamZ | Real-time streaming platform for Zeronet | 1BTZh5pymEKzMYr3qgDtgr4dMmap77QvEs |
N/A |
Box HD | TV series boxsets in HD | 1BoxHDypbjd2yakQtjPwwbJMWR1KbHt1j9 |
N/A |
Play Anime | Anime torrents | 1AnimePihDhcbVdK1nvnbSEtH4oKU8RAYG |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
ZeroPub | Book torrents | 1DYwX4W1qfSaiihfN5gW6ahLp5332TawH5 |
zeropub.bit |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name | UniqueIDs | Centralized |
ZeroId | Sample trusted authorization provider | 1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz |
zeroid.bit |
✔️ | ✔️ |
KaffieId | Decentralized ID provider | 1K3tM7irQqSX4Hx3JvNgkimkQzY6jPtBfz |
kaffie.bit |
✖️ | ✖️ |
GateWay | Manually approved ID by Caryoscelus | 144vF644nw3X9dUb4uqsethDjjskhkpavH |
N/A | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
NullPaste | Decentralized paste-bin | 1MgHVPCE1ve6QfKrgsqCURzRj72HrRWioz |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
Privact blocklist | Blocks websites with external files | 18zoKfKYPnVBuHtKpK1mhAuVsWXV72obA1 |
N/A |
Kaffie's Spamlist | Mute/ban list for spammers | 1CufK1ZtvekbFXEpSyKT2gDjf9jnqW8KwG |
N/A |
Pornography blocklist | ZeroNet pornography blocklist | 13CgSQeywg2ius5pjXVCk7dKUCRkz5xvW3 |
N/A |
NoMiner blocklist | This is a blocklist that blocks all known sites that cointains a miner. | 1NominErMMEodukCTKD5NN6HqgmtsG4Z8U |
N/A |
0net-preview blocklist | 0net-preview's blocklist | 16soWyYc1kTobaevbN25FJjWL2qf9PWvFG |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
xkcd mirror | A mirror of randall munroe's | 1XKCDh5XeLm5eN4jM8b1Mk4wKrnUJxV12 |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
Zero Bird | Flappy Bird inside ZeroNet | 1LMG9b3mhvnfAiMpRccSNzvTbq6bYCQWLf |
N/A |
Snake Game | Simple snake game inside ZeroNet | 1JsJ1JitaLboc8pvo4fxh9dvP8mt6toPrE |
N/A |
Pac Man | PacMan inside ZeroNet | 14Q1So3DH9qvHts5VuLDgqGp7yCXceujop |
N/A |
ZeroSudoku | Simple Sudoku game inside ZeroNet | 16Gn4QBd8iXFnDcVEcsmYw8soBKCeBezzS |
N/A |
Taxi Drift | 2D taxi driving game | 1EzPDDHciaG9AH4ErxsmAKsF4hsrJPktiM |
N/A |
Game of Life | Conway's Game of Life inside ZeroNet | 19TrFbEUS1mdznSX24FqnxZgftzNpxCXv8 |
N/A |
TypinMaster | Simple game to test your typing speed | 1KNvxg3ww7ZLxZRPT8MX4tRcFxwGhWRRK3 |
N/A |
Games Nintendo | JSNES Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator | 19za8TViGJF4xdvkQHLXK2UCb2gLC1nSVT |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
Git Center | Git Center is a decentralized hosting platform for Git repositories | 1GitLiXB6t5r8vuU2zC6a8GYj9ME6HMQ4t |
N/A |
Name | Address | Domain Name |
Syncronite | 15CEFKBRHFfAP9rmL6hhLmHoXrrgmw4B5o |
N/A |
Onion V3 trackers | 13hNAdge5ntxJmcnKzAxeLCuyowJkdvFxF |
N/A |
Trackers Site | 1EsjAWNxu7iWVNdtAp7zZyTZmuM52jgiLQ |
N/A |
Yggdrasil trackers | 1Bd2mgwbxQAHdHnWyDD7URBLDuwxxybw8t |
N/A |
Name | Description | Address | Domain Name |
StoreAge | Upload and share files using BitTorrent | 1UPLoADsqDWzMEyqLNin8GPcWoqiihu1g |
StorAge.ZeroNetX.bit |
Note: The original version of ZeroNet is not maintained anymore, and using it is not recommended, so please consider using other forks of the project.
Repo URL | Description | Fork |
---|---|---| | A fork of ZeroNet with HiddenService v3 support | ✔️ | | A fork of ZeroNet that is dedicated to sustaining existing p2p network and developing its values of decentralization and freedom, while gradually switching to a better designed network | ✔️ |
Repo URL | Description |
---|---| | Rust Implementation of ZeroNet. Note: This project is not completed yet | | Rust Implementation of ZeroNet Core. Note: This project is not completed yet |
Repo URL | Description |
---|---| | ZeroNet Mobile is an Native Client for Mobile Devices running Android |
Name | Description | URL |
Name.Yo Plugin | Centralized Domain Names for ZeroNet | |
Name.Trust Plugin | Centralized Domain Names for ZeroNet | (mirror, Official GitHub Mirror) |
Description | URL |
A Very Technical Look at ZeroNet | |
A Guide to Security, Privacy, and Anonymity on ZeroNet | |
Creating an Encrypted Portable Container for ZeroNet | |
Description | URL |
Original ZeroNet installation guide Note: Original ZeroNet is not maintained anymore | |
ZeroNetX installation guide | |
Zeronet-Conservancy installation guide | |
Description | URL |
Original ZeroNet's guide on site development | |
The Truth about ZeroNet by imachug | |
How to build a decentralized chatroom in ZeroNet | (mirror) |
Tutorials on site and plugin development | (mirror) |
Wiki on ZeroNet site development | (mirror) |
URL | Allows to add new sites |
---|---| | ✖️ | | ✖️ | | ✖️ | | ✔️ |
WARNING: Do not sign in into ZeroNet through public proxies as proxies have access to the private keys and there is chance for your identity to get stolen by the proxy.
- ZeroNet community on Reddit
- ZeroNet community on Matrix
- ZeroNet community on Session
If you find this project helpful and would like to show your appreciation, consider making a donation. Your contributions helps me dedicate more time working on Free and open-source projects ❤️