Basic seq2seq model including simplest encoder & decoder and attention-based ones
This repository implements the "most" basic seq2seq learning as one small step of my own project.
Basically, it constains the essential ideas of the following papers:
SimpleSeq2Seq model: Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
- Simplest rnn encoder and rnn decoder
ContextSeq2Seq model: Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
- Adding context vector to each step of decoder (rnn inputs & classifier inputs)
BahdanauAttSeq2Seq model: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
- Bahdanau Attention mechanism: first calculating attention weight and vector with previous hidden state of the decoder and the hidden states of the encoder; then feeding all info to the decoder rnn and doing classification by current hidden state of the decoder
LuongAttSeq2Seq model: Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
- Global attention mechanism: first getting hidden state of the decoder and calculate attention weight and vector with current hidden state of the decoder and the hidden states of the encoder; then feeding all info to the classifier
This implementation features the following functionalities:
- Easy to use and understand code framework with simple pre-processing and decoding
- Mini-batching (although the decoder goes one step at one time)
Adding mask for attention- Making the passing of dimension para more clear
- Comparing the performance with reported results of papers in formal datasets
- Beam searching
- Implementing "Attention is all you need".
- Training Seq2seq by RL
Some resources I refer to during the implementation:
Please feel free to point them out if there are errors whether in the implementation or my understanding of papers. Thanks.