IDE made using python3-tkinter
Finally, got few ideas and started working on it...
- tkinter
- pygments
- open new editor, open files, delete editors, save edited file
- open files given as arguments
- undo and redo changes
- highlight color of keywords and comments specific to language
- show up a file tree
- search for a pattern in text
- replace required patterns or all patterns
- automatic indentation when pressed enter for going to next line(not language specific yet)
- print automatic complements of parantheses, brackets, braces, quotes
- skip printing excess brackets
- show current position on cursor in status-bar
- open terminal to in the file specific directory
- add line-number bar
- add better and more background colors to editor('m bad at selecting colors)
- underlining complement of the bracket when cursor is on a bracket
- add automated language specific run to terminal, which I was unable to do because of bad docs
- open a file when double-clicked on a filetree object
- suggest word-completions
- consider many more languages
- increase and decrease font size-does not work : /