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Go XDR compiler (goxdr)

goxdr compiles the RFC4506 eXternal Data Representation IDL down to go data structures. It also creates go interfaces for RFC5531 RPC interfaces. goxdr has several features that together make it an attractive alternative to other go XDR compilers for many situations:

  • Fully RFC4506 compliant, including nested structure and union declarations.

  • Fully RFC5531 compliant, including procedures that take multiple arguments.

  • Output code is highly readable, with data structures segregated from messier marshaling code. The generated go source is a convenient reference when programming with the data structures. Autogenerated comments remind you of vector and string bounds as well as the mapping between union discriminants and bodies.

  • The compiler copies godoc-formatted comments from the XDR source code into the generated go file. If your XDR source is appropriately commented, the output will render nicely with godoc, providing self-contained documentation for libraries that include XDR types.

  • Generated data types use the most natural go representations, such as arrays for arrays, slices for vectors, strings for strings. Union discriminants are ordinary fields, while arms (case statements) are methods that lazily allocate the necessary body based on the discriminant. Unlike some approaches that waste memory by transforming unions into structs, memory is only required for one arm of a union at a time.

  • String, vector, and variable opaque bounds are strictly enforced by generated marshaling functions, rather than being encoded in the types (which would make assignment annoying) or in struct field tags (which requires use of reflection and doesn't work for typedefs).

  • You can generically traverse XDR data structures using simple interface methods. Marshaling and traversal make no use of reflection, and hence avoid incurring the associated overhead and complexity.

  • In addition to standard binary XDR serialization, generic traversal allows concise implementation of pretty printing, or extraction of all occurrences of a particular type at any level of struct/union nesting. Traversal functions have access to field names.

  • Traversal can special-case particular typdefs. Even though typedefs are compiled to type aliases, their XDR functions return types that return the type name used via the XdrTypeName()string method.

  • An option to make comments on enum constants available at runtime allows you to specify things like human-readable error messages for error codes right in the source code of your XDR file, avoiding the need for manual synchronization between your XDR and go sources.

  • Tiny XDR runtime package dependency is optional. For small projects the compiler can instead emit boilerplate code directly into its output.

  • Also includes a thread-safe RFC5531 RPC library. For simplicity, server side calls are handled non-concurrently by default, but functions can choose to detach from the main event loop to reply asynchronously.


To install goxdr, run:

go get

To use the latest development version within a go module (i.e., below a directory with a go.mod file), run:

go get


The compiler's command-line usage and its generated code are both detailed in the goxdr(1) man page.

Building goxdr for developers

goxdr uses autogenerated source files. Hence, the master branch is intended to be compiled using make. Doing so requires goyacc, which (if you don't already have it) you can install or update in your gopath by running:

make depend


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