Package = Apollo.GetPackage("Drafto:Lib:PixiePlot-1.4").tPackage
PixiePlot is a plotting library for WildStar. It can currently create line, stem, bar/histogram, scatter, polar, and parametric plots.
The Basics
First, get PixiePlot into your addon by using Apollo's Package system, and initialize it with a container Window: local PixiePlot = Apollo.GetPackage("PixiePlot-1.3").tPackage self.wndMain = Apollo.LoadForm("MyAddon.xml", "MyForm", nil, self) self.wndPlot = self.wndMain:FindChild("Plot") self.plot = PixiePlot(self.wndPlot)
Now the data. PixiePlot plots "DataSets." A DataSet is an object containing an x-start value, and an array of y-values. The x-values are computed from a given x-start and x-interval. local dataSet = { xStart = 0, values = {0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21} } For scatter plots, values is an array of objects with "x" and "y" fields.
Each DataSet can have a different x-start, allowing you to shift certain DataSets. This is useful for creating piece-wise plots, or for plotting dataSets with different x-bounds (e.g. you are tracking NPC damage and a new enemy spawns midway through combat). The x-interval, however, must be the same for all DataSets: self.plot:SetXInterval(xInterval)
Finally, add the DataSet to the plot and call Redraw:
PixiePlot:New(wndContainer, tOpt)
Creates a new plot. Plots are drawn inside the Window
is an optional table of plotting options, which must be complete.
PixiePlot keeps a set of options that it will use for plotting. Options are set using PixiePlot:SetOption(strName, value)