A React-Native(RN) binding library for [Pingxx.com]'s iOS and Android(TODO). For more details upstream documentation, take a look at the following links:
- iOS: PingPlusPlus/pingpp-ios
- Android: PingPlusPlus/pingpp-android Not worked currently.
$ npm install react-native-pingpp --save
So the first place is there, those steps will be required at upstream library PingPlusPlus/pingpp-ios.
Added the URL handled code to your application delegate like the below:
// for iOS 8 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { return [Pingpp handleOpenURL:url withCompletion:nil]; } // for iOS 9 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary *)options { return [Pingpp handleOpenURL:url withCompletion:nil]; }
to play around as below:const { createPayment } = require('react-native-pingpp'); // anyway, you will be able to request and get back the charge object var result = await createPayment(charge, schema); // now will redirect to corresponding application, and get back.
- Why not found the libWechat.a which is able to find at PingPlusPlus/pingpp-ios?
Because react-native use static library to build, so that we require user to link that by yourself. Or you could directly use another WeFlex's RN library react-native-wechat.
- Why not working on Android?
That's just because I have no time to work on that platform, come soon later, Or Github pull request is also welcome :-)
GPLv2 @ WeFlex, Inc.