quick and dirty reproduction of the Objects Room dataset from Deep Mind https://github.com/deepmind/multi_object_datasets#objects-room
The only requirement is Unity (2020.3.7f1 was used, but any version that uses Unity Recorder 3.0+ should work as well, but not tested).
All of the settings like number of spawned objects, types of objects, spawn area etc. are set through the Simulation Manager object in the scene. At the moment Unity Perception SDK doesn't directly render depth maps, so as a workaround this is done through the Recorder.
To get RGB + segmentation masks + instance masks - just hit play and all the files will be saved in the c:\Users\XXXX\AppData\LocalLow\ObjectRoom\ObjectRoom\XXXXXX folder
To get RGB + depth + segmentation masks + instance masks - the game needs to be started throug the Recorder window (in case the UI is reset go to Window -> General -> Recorder), adjust settings like output path and start recording. The RGB and depth maps will be saved in the folder set in the Recorder Window settings, the segmentaion and instance masks will be saved the in the Perception output folder, that is c:\Users\XXXX\AppData\LocalLow\ObjectRoom\ObjectRoom\XXXXXX folder