Adds commands ConjureMacroexpand
, ConjureMacroexpand0
that will macro-expand the form under the cursor, using
Conjure's REPL connection.
This is the one bit of functionality missing from Conjure that kept vim-fireplace in my Neovim config.
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'walterl/conjure-macroexpand'
- Callsclojure.walk/macroexpand-all
on the form under the cursor.<LocalLeader>c0
- Callsclojure.core/macroexpand
on the form under the cursor.<LocalLeader>c1
- Callsclojure.core/macroexpand-1
on the form under the cursor.
Disable mappings:
set g:conjure_macroexpand_disable_mappings = 1