This codebase is based off our Interview Checklist, please check it out if you're interested!
The problem metadata is located here. To add a problem, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Edit the corresponding problem JSON, or create a new one here as you see fit.
- If you're adding a new olympiad, make sure to add that to the order file here.
- Run this script to update the combined JSON file the webapp actually pulls data from.
- Run this script to update the tags (it will edit the file filter_tags.json automatically).
- Open up a pull request with your changes!
All contributions are welcome! You can add functionality, edit the problem database, or make any other improvements. When you're done, submit a pull request!
- Add option to load user data from previous OI Checklist automatically
- Customized problem lists
- Automatically update status based on judge activity
- Make problem list more extensive (update to add 2022 contests, tags for problems)
- Enhance problem crowdsourcing
- Add support for Google Authentication
- Add option to hide tags
- Add option to collapse section
The code is licensed under the MIT license.