Psychrometric analysis library for .NET
For basics on Psychrometric calculations see
If you build the solution it will produce an executable file named "PsychrometricTest.exe".
This executable launches a windows form that looks like this:
- Enter dry bulb temperature.
- Enter wet-bulb temperature.
- Optionally, enter the altitude.
- Hit calculate
The library will calculate the rest of the properties.
- Given Dry-bulb temperature (Db) and Wet-bulb temperature (Wb), calculate the other humid air properties.
- Given Dry-bulb temperature (Db) and Relative humidity (RH), calculate the other humid air properties.
- Given Dry-bulb temperature (Db) and Dew point (Td), calculate the other humid air properties.
- Given two psychrometric points with assigned VolumetricFlowRate and MassicFlow, calculate the humid air properties of the resulting mixture.
- Based on the interior dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity of a room, calculate the dew-point. This dewpoint is the temperature above which you must keep the interior surface of walls and windows in order to prevent condensation during the winter at those interior air conditions.
For code examples, see and