This hub contains all the information that break down recommended training volumes by muscle group using the Renaissance Periodization (RP) training volume landmarks concept. Thanks for @hinsley for standarizing the information in this google sheets.
- Next.js 12
- Typescript
- Chart.js
- Prisma ORM
- Supabase on the backend with PostgreSQL
- TailwindCSS
First install pnpm
as package manager so we avoid dependencies problems.
npm i -g pnpm
Then install the packages
pnpm install
Modify your prisma schema to use SQLITE:
datasource db{
provider = "sqlite"
url = "env(DATABASE_URL)"
Before developing, first you need add the SQLITE path to your enviroment variables. In this case will be
Run prisma commands with
pnpm prisma db pull
And then generate the client
pnpm prisma generate
And for development run
pnpm run dev
For deploy you need to use a PostgreSQL database provider. In this case i'm using Supabase. Currently there's a prisma seed file on /prisma/seed.mjs
that fills the database with the correct volume landmarks.
After you modify your .env variables to connect to your db provider you must modify your prisma schema on /prisma/schema.prisma
to use PostgreSQL:
provider = "sqlite"
Then run for the first time run migrations
pnpm prisma migrate
After migrating, you run the build command from next
pnpm run build
Or you just can deploy it on Vercel.
- Add .env.example for local development.
- Seed the Excercise table with excercises for each muscle group from the RP website.
- Add more info to each muscle?
- Improve the chart
- Add tooltip on the volume landmarks of each page.
- Maybe improve the design of the cards?
- Fix Typescript typos (still learning how to fetch and add types to it with Next.js ...)
- Fix the values from RP
- Add image URL to each muscle group in SQL