Releases: vazhka-dolya/slavicclamp
Releases · vazhka-dolya/slavicclamp
SlavicClamp 1.3.0
- The included FFmpeg binaries' file size is now around twice smaller.
- After compression, SlavicClamp now asks if you want to open the folder where the compressed video is located.
- Small UI and grammar adjustments.
SlavicClamp 1.2.0
SlavicClamp 1.1.0
When choosing where to save the output:
- You get some options for the format in which to save it (specifically MP4, WMV, and AVI). However, you can still manually write another format, of course.
And, if you had already selected an input file:
- SlavicClamp will direct you to the same path as the input file.
- It detects the format of the chosen input file and suggests saving it in that same format.
Special thanks to my friend Nikita3000 for suggesting me to add these quick options for the format.
The file you need to download is
. Just extract it somewhere and you can use the program. FFmpeg is already included.
SlavicClamp 1.0.0
Just extract the archive somewhere and that should be it. FFmpeg is already included.