The Varda2 database stores genomic variants and coverage information. To enable efficient and meaningful insertion into the database we have defined a set of preprocessing steps that all participating centers should follow. Note that these steps are not cast in stone and hopefully will converge as a set of best practices between the centers.
The information about variants comes from VCF files and the information about coverage comes from gVCF files. The following sections describe the process in more detail.
The following figure depicts the process DAG generated from the Snakemake workflow at The rules are described below. For all the details, look at the workflow itself.
To extract variants from the VCF file in a way that Varda can process them, multiple steps are involved:
- trim_alt_and_uncalled:
bcftools view --trim-alt-alleles --exclude-uncalled --output-file {output} {input}
- split_multi:
bcftools norm --multiallelics - --output {output} {input}
- exclude_alt_star:
bcftools view --exclude 'ALT=="*"' --output-file {output} {input}
The first step is a pipeline of bcftools
filtering and normalisation to get
rid of alt-alleles and multi-allelic entries so that we end up with a single
variant per line.
The second step is to take the filtered VCF file and convert it into a Varda variant file.
- vcf2varda:
vcf2variants < {input} > {output}
The last step is only required if there are no proper refseq id's used, i.e. only chr1
or even 1
instead of NC_000001.10
- var_cthreepo:
cthreepo --mapfile h37 --infile {input} --id_from uc --outfile {output} --id_to rs
This outputs the following tab separated format:
NC_000001.10 13656 13658 1 0 0 .
NC_000001.10 13895 13896 1 0 1 A
NC_000001.10 14164 14165 1 0 1 G
NC_000001.10 14672 14673 1 0 1 C
NC_000001.10 14698 14699 1 0 1 G
NC_000001.10 14906 14907 1 0 1 G
is homozygous,0
is unphased.
is no insertion (thus deletion only)
To extract the coverage from gVCF files, the following steps are required.
- gvcf2coverage:
gvcf2coverage < {input} > {output}
- cov_cthreepo:
cthreepo --mapfile h37 --infile {input} --id_from uc --outfile {output} --id_to rs
The second step is only required if there are no proper refseq id's used, i.e. only chr1
or even 1
instead of NC_000001.10
This outputs the following tab separated format:
NC_000001.10 10033 10038 2
NC_000001.10 10038 10043 2
NC_000001.10 10043 10044 2
NC_000001.10 10044 10048 2
NC_000001.10 10048 10049 2
NC_000001.10 10049 10050 2
NC_000001.10 10050 10051 2
NC_000001.10 10051 10054 2
N.B. By default the tools merge the resulting entries with a default merging
distance of 0. If merging is disabled, it is recommended to immediately pipe
the results of gvcf2coverage(.py) to bedtools merge
to merge all the
individual adjecent entries. Note that bedtools will also merge the entries
with a different value in the ploidy column, therefore we opted to do the
merging in the gvcf2coverage tool.
N.B. This repository contains two functionally similar implementations of a coverage extractor from gVCF files. The Python version is more readable and apt for modification, but the C version is roughly 12x faster.
After the variants and coverage files are created per sample, they need to be submitted using the varda2-client in the following way. The varda2-client
expects the supplied access token to be present in the VARDA_TOKEN
environment variable.
varda2-client submit \
--disease-code {params.disease_code} \
--lab-sample-id {params.sample_id} \
--coverage {input.coverage} \
--variants-file {input.variants} \
> {output}
This results in a JSON file with the following format:
"message": "Sample being inserted ...",
"sample": "<VARDA_SAMPLE_ID>",
"task": "<TASK_SAMPLE_ID>"
- gvcf2coverage:
- pygvcf2coverage:
- vcf2variants:
- cthreepo:
- varda2-client:
- bcftools: