The software behind our fully autonomous FIRST robots
First, clone this repo into your catkin workspace. We then use rosinstall
and rosdep
to install non-indexed and indexed packages respectively.
# Ensure rosinstall and rosdep are installed and up to date
sudo apt install python-rosinstall python-rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
# Clone the repo
cd <workspace>/src
git clone
# Install all dependencies
rosinstall --catkin . uwreact_robot/uwreact_robot.rosinstall
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y
In order to build anything zed related, you'll also need to install CUDA 10 and the ZED SDK
Download CUDA 10 and follow install instructions according to which installation method you prefer
Download the appropriate ZED SDK, then to install:
chmod +x ZED_SDK_{YOUR VERSION}.run
We largely follow the ROS coding guidelines, with a few noteable exceptions. To make development easy, we provide configuration files for standard linting and static analysis tools such as clang-format, clang-tidy and yapf.
To install the linters:
sudo apt install clang-format-7 clang-tidy-7
pip install yapf pylint --user
# If ~/.local/bin is not on your path:
echo "PATH=\"$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin\"" >> ~/.bashrc
To run the formatters:
find . -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" | xargs clang-format-7 -i -style=file
yapf -ir .
To run the linters:
./ uwreact_robot
find . -iname "*.py" -o -iregex ".*/scripts/.*" | xargs pylint
We facilitate a completely open source environment for all of our projects, and are always welcoming contributors.
Before opening your editor, read this project's contributing guide to learn about its development and contribution process.
The uwreact_robot
project is BSD 3-Clause licensed.