This is my personal Whim configuration. I sometimes use features that are not (yet) part of the official release. My personal Whim dev repo will contain all needed features in those cases.
My keybind configuration is intended to be used on a Colemak keyboard layout. Here's a reference chart:
- streamlined keybinds with
Bind(mod1, "P", "whim.command_palette.toggle");
- icon labels for workspaces in status bar
- binds to cycle over workspaces, skipping those that are active on any monitor
- binds to swap monitors
Alt + F
unmaximizes and toggles focus layout,Shift + Alt + F
maximizes if focus layout isn't active and otherwise toggles maximize
For the icons to work one must install a Nerd Font and use it for the Workspace widget. Here's the relevant line in my bar.resources.xaml
<Style x:Key="bar:workspace:button" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Ubuntu Nerd Font Propo" />
With Scoop the font I use can be installed as follows:
# Add a bucket for the nerd-fonts
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
# Install the patched Ubuntu font
scoop install Ubuntu-NF-Propo