A curated list of awesome Objective-C frameworks, libraries and software.
- MustangYM/WeChatExtension-ForMac - A plugin for Mac WeChat
- marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge - An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
- TKkk-iOSer/WeChatPlugin-MacOS - 微信小助手
- ccgus/fmdb - A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
- CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack - A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
- robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket - Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
- vicc/chameleon - Color framework for Swift & Objective-C (Gradient colors, hexcode support, colors from images & more).
- nicklockwood/iCarousel - A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
- bang590/JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
- sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS - A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
- jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController - An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- WenchaoD/FSCalendar - A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- forkingdog/UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell - Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating
- facebookincubator/SocketRocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
- steipete/Aspects - Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming in Objective-C and Swift.
- slackhq/SlackTextViewController - ⛔️DEPRECATED ⛔️ A drop-in UIViewController subclass with a growing text input view and other useful messaging features
- onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode - Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.
- path/FastImageCache - iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
- banchichen/TZImagePickerController - 一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
- nst/iOS-Runtime-Headers - iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection
- PureLayout/PureLayout - The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
- facebookarchive/three20 - Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
- CEWendel/SWTableViewCell - An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
- MortimerGoro/MGSwipeTableCell - An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
- BlocksKit/BlocksKit - The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
- mutualmobile/MMDrawerController - A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller
- johnno1962/injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
- johnezang/JSONKit - Objective-C JSON
- ivpusic/react-native-image-crop-picker - iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- robbiehanson/XMPPFramework - An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS
- pokeb/asi-http-request - Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, Mac OS X and iPhone
- xmartlabs/XLForm - XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. Fully compatible with Swift & Obj-C.
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-ObjC - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer - A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
- Tencent/lemon-cleaner - 腾讯柠檬清理是针对macOS系统专属制定的清理工具。主要功能包括重复文件和相似照片的识别、软件的定制化垃圾扫描、可视化的全盘空间分析、内存释放、浏览器隐私清理以及设备实时状态的监控等。重点聚焦清理功能,对上百款软件提供定制化的清理方案,提供专业的清理建议,帮助用户轻松完成一键式清理。
- NJHu/iOSProject - iOS project comprising a collection of demos for iOS Apps, developed in Objective-C;iOSProject iOSdemo iOSdemos ocdemo ocdemos
- soffes/SAMKeychain - Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- CanvasPod/Canvas - Animate in Xcode without code
- CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout/CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout - UICollectionView replacement of UITableView. Do even more like Parallax Header, Sticky Section Header. Made for iOS 7.
- brunophilipe/Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
- material-components/material-components-ios - [In maintenance mode] Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
- TimOliver/TOCropViewController - A view controller for iOS that allows users to crop portions of UIImage objects
- chiahsien/CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout - The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.
- jspahrsummers/libextobjc - A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
- John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController - A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !
- youngsoft/MyLinearLayout - MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- ECSlidingViewController/ECSlidingViewController - Customizable sliding view controller container.
- tomaz/appledoc - Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator.
- cruffenach/CRToast - A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs
- cocos2d/cocos2d-objc - Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C
- alibaba/coobjc - coobjc provides coroutine support for Objective-C and Swift. We added await method、generator and actor model like C#、Javascript and Kotlin. For convenience, we added coroutine categories for some Foundation and UIKit API in cokit framework like NSFileManager, JSON, NSData, UIImage etc. We also add tuple support in coobjc.
- HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl - A highly customizable drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl.
- casatwy/CTMediator - The mediator with no regist process to split your iOS Project into multiple project.
- coolbeet/CBStoreHouseRefreshControl - Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app
- typcn/bilibili-mac-client - An unofficial bilibili client for mac
- scalessec/Toast - An Objective-C category that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
- pkluz/PKRevealController - PKRevealController is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.
- google/promises - Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
- coding/Coding-iOS - CODING iOS 客户端源代码
- SBJson/SBJson - This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C.
- leichunfeng/MVVMReactiveCocoa - GitBucket iOS App
- KJCracks/Clutch - Fast iOS executable dumper
- nst/RuntimeBrowser - Objective-C Runtime Browser, for Mac OS X and iOS
- Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C - A few code snippets from my Xcode arsenal
- dogo/SCLAlertView - Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Objective-C
- BigZaphod/Chameleon - Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit for iOS (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X.
- nygard/class-dump - Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
- yapstudios/YapDatabase - YapDB is a collection/key/value store with a plugin architecture. It's built atop sqlite, for Swift & objective-c developers.
- shaojiankui/JKCategories - JKCategories(iOS-Categories,Category), a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.
- gavinkwoe/BeeFramework - [Experimental] A semi-hybrid framework that allows you to create mobile apps using Objective-C and XML/CSS
- jhurray/JHChainableAnimations - Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C and Swift
- erichoracek/MSDynamicsDrawerViewController - Container view controller that leverages UIKit Dynamics to provide a realistic drawer navigation paradigm.
- liberalisman/iOS-InterviewQuestion-collection - iOS 开发者在面试过程中,常见的一些面试题,建议尽量弄懂了原理,并且多实践。
- ChatSecure/ChatSecure-iOS - ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- bennyguitar/Colours - A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.
- kishikawakatsumi/UICKeyChainStore - UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.
- zxingify/zxingify-objc - An Objective-C Port of ZXing
- LeoNatan/LNPopupController - A framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- soffes/cheddar-ios - Cheddar for iOS
- romaonthego/REFrostedViewController - iOS 7/8 style blurred view controller that appears on top of your view controller.
- alikaragoz/MCSwipeTableViewCell - 👆 Convenient UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content to trigger actions (similar to the Mailbox app).
- wangmchn/WMPageController - An easy solution to page controllers like NetEase News
- travisjeffery/ClangFormat-Xcode - Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang
- YouXianMing/YoCelsius - A weather app that uses animation to give you an at-a-glance look at the weather.
- ChenYilong/ParseSourceCodeStudy - Facebook开源的Parse源码分析【系列】
- omz/ColorSense-for-Xcode - Plugin for Xcode to make working with colors more visual
- core-plot/core-plot - Core Plot source code and example applications
- topfunky/hpple - An XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, inspired by Hpricot.
- chrismiles/CMPopTipView - Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
- appsquickly/typhoon - Powerful dependency injection for Objective-C ✨✨ (https://PILGRIM.PH is the pure Swift successor to Typhoon!!)✨✨
- facebookarchive/ios-snapshot-test-case - Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- krzysztofzablocki/Playgrounds - Better playgrounds that work both for Objective-C and Swift
- prasmussen/chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line
- kevin-lyn/STPopup - STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad. It's written in Objective-C and compatible with Swift.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveObjC - The 2.x ReactiveCocoa Objective-C API: Streams of values over time
- TransitApp/SVWebViewController - A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app.
- modocache/MDCSwipeToChoose - Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Tinder.app. Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!
- m1entus/MZFormSheetController - MZFormSheetController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup controller size and feel form sheet.
- ruslanskorb/RSKImageCropper - An image cropper / photo cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.
- sshiqiao/douyin-ios-objectc - 抖音 iOS Object-C版
- hholtmann/smcFanControl - Control the fans of every Intel Mac to make it run cooler
- twitter-archive/CocoaSPDY - SPDY for iOS and OS X
- mmattozzi/cocoa-rest-client - A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
- specta/specta - A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa
- robbdimitrov/RDVTabBarController - Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
- jbtule/cdto - Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal
- card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK - card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
- mwaterfall/MWFeedParser - An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS
- buginux/WeChatRedEnvelop - iOS版微信抢红包Tweak
- kconner/KMCGeigerCounter - A framerate meter that clicks like a Geiger counter when your animation drops a frame
- cwRichardKim/RKSwipeCards - The basics of a swipeable card interface inspired by Tinder
- erikdoe/ocmock - Mock objects for Objective-C
- rickytan/RTRootNavigationController - Implicitly make every view controller has its own navigation bar
- 1and2papa/CTAssetsPickerController - iOS control that allows picking multiple photos and videos from user's photo library.
- programming-nu/nu - Nu is an interpreted Lisp that builds on the Objective-C runtime and Foundation framework.
- Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl - A pull down to refresh control like the one in Apple's iOS6 Mail App
- ChristianKienle/Core-Data-Editor - Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data. Core Data Editor is compatible with Mac and iOS applications and supports XML, SQLite and binary stores, visualizes all relationships and is able to edit the data and generate Objective-C code for the data model.
- kharrison/CodeExamples - Code Examples
- leancloud/ChatKit-OC - 此项目已经废弃,以后不再维护。我们推出了基于 Swift SDK 的 Chat Demo。
- ashfurrow/C-41 - C-41 is an application to help people develop film at home by providing a series of "recipes" for photographers to use.
- cezarywojcik/CWStatusBarNotification - A library that allows you to easily create text-based notifications that appear on the status bar.
- bestswifter/MySampleCode - 这个项目用于存储我博客中的demo
- klaus01/KLGenerateSpamCode - iOS 马甲应用工具
- erichoracek/MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout - UICollectionViewLayout for displaying cells chronologically. Similar to the iOS Calendar app.
- ZhongTaoTian/WNXHuntForCity - 城觅By-Objective-C
- mattt/GroundControl - Remote configuration for iOS
- nicolaschengdev/WYPopoverController - WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
- jivesoftware/PDTSimpleCalendar - A simple Calendar / Date Picker for iOS using UICollectionView
- 520coding/confuse - iOS混淆加固差异化翻新加密工具,模拟人工手动混淆,识别上下文 ,支持继承链、类型识别、方法多参等复杂高级混淆。source-to-source obfuscation of iOS projects,Xcode's refactor->rename. 告别插入毫无关联的垃圾代码、弃用无脑单词随机拼接替换,模拟正常开发,一款最好的混淆最彻底的Mac App Tools。支持OC(Objc、Objective-C)、C、C++(Cocos2d-x、Cocos2dx和Lua游戏开发)、Swift、C#(Unity)混淆,可用于ios马甲包游戏SDK混淆,减少账号调查过机审上架过包过审4.3、2.3.1、2.1
- alan-ai/alan-sdk-ios - Conversational AI SDK for iOS to enable text and voice conversations with actions (Swift, Objective-C)
- stonesam92/ChitChat - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web
- JohnCoates/CSSketch - Plugin that adds CSS support to Sketch 3 for a faster design workflow.
- zekunyan/TTGTagCollectionView - Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and support Autolayout at the same time. It is highly customizable that most features of the text tag can be configured. 标签流显示控件,同时支持文字或自定义View
- Spaceman-Labs/SMPageControl - A drop in replacement for UIPageControl with a slew of additional customization options.
- lxcid/LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout - Extends
to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook. - gh-unit/gh-unit - DEPRECATED Test Framework for Objective-C
- IFTTT/FastttCamera - Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
- atomicobject/objection - A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C
- novastone-media/MQTT-Client-Framework - iOS, macOS, tvOS native ObjectiveC MQTT Client Framework
- octokit/octokit.objc - GitHub API client for Objective-C
- Yalantis/Context-Menu.iOS - You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- 12207480/TYCyclePagerView - a simple and usefull cycle pager view ,and auto scroll banner view(轮播图) ,include pageControl for iOS,support Objective-C and swift
- kentnguyen/KNSemiModalViewController - KNSemiModalViewController
- steventroughtonsmith/cartool - Export images from OS X / iOS .car CoreUI archives
- uber/ios-snapshot-test-case - Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- lefex/iWeChat - 从 0 开始解刨一个 App,以微信为例
- mattt/CargoBay - The Essential StoreKit Companion
- Haneke/Haneke - A lightweight zero-config image cache for iOS, in Objective-C.
- dustinrue/ControlPlane - ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X
- kevinlawler/NSDate-TimeAgo - A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad
- xyfeng/XYPieChart - A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app.
- codykrieger/gfxCardStatus - gfxCardStatus is an open-source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand.
- cwRichardKim/RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - Swipe between ViewControllers like in the Spotify or Twitter app with an interactive Segmented Control in the Navigation Bar
- Lision/LSAnimator - ⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
- wimagguc/ios-custom-alertview - Custom UIAlertView. Continue adding images and UIViews to dialogs in iOS7+
- B-Sides/ELCImagePickerController - A clone of the UIImagePickerController using the Assets Library Framework allowing for multiple asset selection
- panicinc/PunchClock - An in/out tracking app for iOS 7+ that uses iBeacon and Geofencing.
- carsonxyz/CNPPopupController - DEPRECATED CNPPopupController is a simple and versatile class for presenting a custom popup in a variety of fashions. It includes a many options for controlling how your popup appears and behaves.
- chenfanfang/AvoidCrash - This framework can effective avoid crash by potential error code. For example : If you insert a nil into a mutable array, this framework can avoid crash and note you that where cause crash.
- zhengwenming/WeChat - 实现类似微信朋友圈或者QQ空间,评论回复,九宫格布局。处理键盘弹出后定位到当前点击的被评论人处。另:滑动时候FPS在57-60之间,纵享丝滑!
- couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios - Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS and MacOS apps.
- BlueM/cliclick - macOS CLI tool for emulating mouse and keyboard events
- jezzmemo/JJException - Protect the objective-c application(保护App不闪退)
- specta/expecta - A Matcher Framework for Objective-C/Cocoa
- ericjohnson/canabalt-ios - Open source release of Canabalt for iOS
- bendytree/Objective-C-RegEx-Categories - NSRegularExpression extensions that make regular expressions easier in Objective-C, Swift, iOS, OSX
- dzenbot/DZNSegmentedControl - A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl for showing counts, to be used typically on a user profile
- CharlinFeng/CorePhotoBroswerVC - 快速集成高性能照片浏览器,支持本地及网络相册
- danielamitay/DAKeyboardControl - DAKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (ala iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code.
- dmitric/DLCImagePickerController - ImagePickerController with live filters, radial blur and more. Brought to you by Backspaces.
- waylybaye/XcodeCleaner - Cleaner for Xcode.app built with react-native-macos
- puls/objc-TimesSquare - TimesSquare is an Objective-C calendar view for your apps.
- panicinc/ColorArt - iTunes 11-style color matching code
- cwRichardKim/RKDropdownAlert - iOS / Objective C: an extremely simple UIAlertView alternative
- mikeash/MAObjCRuntime - ObjC wrapper for ObjC runtime API
- ChenYilong/CollectionViewClassifyMenu - CollectionView做的两级菜单,可以折叠第二级菜单
- mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController - A flexible, advanced split-view controller for iPad developers.
- dzenbot/DZNPhotoPickerController - A photo search/picker for iOS using popular image providers like 500px, Flickr, Instagram, Giphy, Google & Bing Images
- snail-z/zhPopupController - Help you pop up custom views easily. and support pop-up animation, layout position, mask effect and gesture interaction etc.
- callumboddy/CBZSplashView - Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
- TimOliver/TOWebViewController - A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
- comyar/Sol - ☀️ Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any city around the world. Implemented in Objective-C.
- contentful-labs/Concorde - Download and decode progressive JPEGs on iOS.
- 12207480/TYPagerController - page scroll view and controller,simple,high custom,and have many tabBar styles,,support Objective-C and swift
- choefele/CCHMapClusterController - High-performance map clustering with MapKit for iOS and OS X. Integrate with 4 lines of code.
- Naituw/WBWebViewConsole - In-App debug console for your UIWebView & WKWebView
- samvermette/SVSegmentedControl - A UISwitch-like segmented control for your iOS app.
- enormego/EGOCache - Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- blakewatters/TransitionKit - An Objective-C library for elegantly implementing state machines.
- macoscope/CodePilot - Code Pilot is an Xcode plugin which lets you woosh through your code and save a lot (and we mean a lot) of your time.
- KittenYang/KYAnimatedPageControl - A custom UIPageControl with multiple animations
- 12207480/TYAlertController - Powerful, Easy to use alert view or popup view on controller and window, support blur effects,custom view and animation,for objective-c,support iphone, ipad
- GabrielAlva/Cool-iOS-Camera - A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation.
- Roxasora/RxWebViewController - 实现类似微信的 webView 导航效果,包括进度条,左滑返回上个网页或者直接关闭,就像 UINavigationController
- ChavezChen/CWLateralSlide - One line of code to integrate 0 coupling side drawer!一行代码集成0耦合侧滑抽屉!
- hsousa/HCSStarRatingView - Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C
- davedelong/CHCSVParser - A proper CSV parser for Objective-C
- mdiep/MMMarkdown - An Objective-C framework for converting Markdown to HTML.
- mayuur/MJParallaxCollectionView - This is a parallax for the cells inside UICollectionView. It gives us an effect just like scrolling the images in Whatsapp or scrolling through the Weather app for iOS
- spotify/SPTPersistentCache - Everyone tries to implement a cache at some point in their iOS app’s lifecycle, and this is ours.
- gyjzh/LLWeChat - 实现IM基本功能,并且在细节、完成度、bugfree上媲美任何主流IM应用
- nenosinc/iCloudDocumentSync - Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
- xu-li/cordova-plugin-wechat - A cordova plugin, a JS version of Wechat SDK
- EddyBorja/MLPAutoCompleteTextField - UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu. For iOS.
- gleue/TGLStackedViewController - A stacked view layout with gesture-based reordering using a UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.
- rsattar/ClusterPrePermissions - Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request. This is based on the Medium post by Cluster describing the different ways to ask for iOS permissions (https://medium.com/p/96fa4eb54f2c).
- indragiek/CocoaMarkdown - Markdown parsing and rendering for iOS and OS X
- rs/SDSegmentedControl - A drop-in remplacement for UISegmentedControl that mimic iOS 6 AppStore tab controls
- omergul/LLSimpleCamera - A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS.
- nfarina/calloutview - A lightweight callout view class for iOS mimicking UICalloutView.
- applidium/ADTransitionController - UINavigationController with custom transitions
- liangdahong/BMLongPressDragCellCollectionView - 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 让你轻松实现类似支付宝的拖拽重排功能, 支持各种自定义操作。
- hebertialmeida/HAPaperViewController - 😵 [Deprecated] UICollectionView with layout transitions inspired by Facebook Paper App
- CoderMikeHe/WeChat - 🔥 iOS 利用MVVM + RAC + ViewModel-Based Navigation来搭建微信(WeChat 7.0.0+)的整体基本架构,以及实现微信朋友圈、通讯录、下拉小程序、搜索等主要功能,代码规范惊为天人、注释详解令人发指、细节处理精益求精、核心功能配备文档、接近98%还原度的原生App视觉体验,代码不多,注释多。(持续更新,敬请期待,欢迎Star和Fork…)
- jamztang/JTRevealSidebarDemo - (demo) A carefully implemented iOS objective-c library to mimic the sidebar layout of the new Facebook app and Path 2.0 app.
- YPLiang19/Mango - MangoFix is a DSL which syntax is very similar to Objective-C,MangoFix is also an iOS App hotfix SDK. You can use MangoFix method replace any Objective-C or Swift method.
- v002/v002-Camera-Live - Live Syphon Camera
- wildfirechat/ios-chat - 即时通讯,聊天,野火IM iOS客户端
- libgit2/objective-git - Objective-C bindings to libgit2
- cyndibaby905/TwitterCover - TwitterCover is a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UIScrollView, inspired by Twitter for iOS.
- ideawu/Objective-C-RSA - Doing RSA encryption and decryption with Objective-C on iOS
- defagos/CoconutKit - CoconutKit is a productivity framework for iOS, crafted with love and focusing on ease of use
- CooperRS/RMDateSelectionViewController - This is an iOS control for selecting a date using UIDatePicker in an UIAlertController like manner
- mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine - Objective-C Twitter integration library for Mac OS X and iPhone. Official repository.
- akosma/nib2objc - Set of tools and utilities (command line, GUI, Mac Service) to transform NIB files for the iPhone into Objective-C code files
- kelp404/CocoaSecurity - Encrypt/Decrypt: AES. Hash: MD5, SHA(SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512). Encode/Decode: Base64, Hex.
- yongyuandouneng/YNPageViewController - 特斯拉组件、QQ联系人布局、多页面嵌套滚动、悬停效果、美团、淘宝、京东、微博、腾讯新闻、网易新闻、今日头条等标题滚动视图
- square/spacecommander - Commit fully-formatted Objective-C as a team without even trying.
- krzysztofzablocki/PropertyMapper - Property mapping for Objective-C iOS apps.
- DyCI/dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C
- khanhduytran0/LiveContainer - Run iOS app without actually installing it!
- leichunfeng/WXTabBarController - 在系统 UITabBarController 的基础上实现安卓版微信 TabBar 的滑动切换功能
- arauchfuss/Simple-Comic - OS X comic viewer
- kishikawakatsumi/PEPhotoCropEditor - Image cropping library for iOS.
- forkingdog/UIView-FDCollapsibleConstraints - Builds to collapse a view and its relevant layout constraints, simulating a "Flow Layout" mode
- nicklockwood/AutoCoding - AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying to every object.
- coderMyy/CocoaAsyncSocket_Demo - 基于AsyncSocket搭建即时通讯体系 . 包含TCP连接 , 消息发送 , 消息接收 , 心跳处理 ,断网重连 , 消息超时 , 消息分发 , 数据库结构设计 , 消息丢失等 . 以及UI设计, 文本表情消息/语音消息/图片消息/视频消息/文件消息/撤回消息/提示语消息的实现思路讲解
- dzenbot/DZNWebViewController - A simple web browser for iPhone & iPad with similar features than Safari's
- kimsungwhee/KSHObjcUML - KSHObjcUML can show oriented graph of dependencies between Objective-C and Swift classes in your project
- CoderMikeHe/MHDevelopExample_Objective_C - 🔥🔥🔥 iOS开发技术要点汇总,核心功能配备文档。表情键盘布局、大文件分片上传、基于MVC的基类设计、MVVM+RAC实践、微信朋友圈实现方案等。
- mixpanel/mixpanel-iphone - Official iOS (Objective-C) Tracking Library for Mixpanel Analytics
- matbeich/StickyCollectionView - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
- CooperRS/RMStepsController - This is an iOS control for guiding users through a process step-by-step
- matteogobbi/MGSpotyViewController - Beautiful viewController with a tableView and amazing effects like a viewController in the Spotify app.
- nealyoung/NYSegmentedControl - Animated, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl
- cocos2d/CocosBuilder - CocosBuilder, the visual editor for cocos2d
- Jinxiansen/JHUD - A full screen of the HUD when loading the data (Objective-C).
- arnesson/cordova-plugin-firebase - Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
- nst/STTwitter - A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
- eleme/Stinger - Stinger is a high-efficiency library with great compatibility, for aop in Objective-C, using libffi instead of Objective-C message forwarding. It is 20+ times faster than the Aspects, from message-sending to Aspect-oriented code ends.
- MatiBot/MBCircularProgressBar - A circular, animatable & highly customizable progress bar from the Interface Builder (Objective-C)
- jonreid/OCMockito - Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects
- CRAnimation/CRBoxInputView - Verify code input view. Support security type for password.短信验证码输入框,支持密文模式
- m1entus/MZFormSheetPresentationController - MZFormSheetPresentationController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup UIPresentationController size and feel form sheet.
- vitoziv/VIMediaCache - Cache media file while play media using AVPlayer
- CharlinFeng/CoreLock - 高仿支付宝解锁
- apache/cordova-plugin-camera - Apache Cordova Plugin camera
- martinjuhasz/MJPopupViewController - A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
- RepairShopr/react-native-signature-capture - A simple modular component for react native (iOS) to capture a signature as an image
- asafkorem/COSTouchVisualizer - Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad
- u10int/URBMediaFocusViewController - An easy-to-use view controller that animates thumbnail previews of your media to their full size versions with physics similar to Tweetbot 3.
- zhiyu/chartee - candlestick chart for ios
- gnustep/libs-base - The GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects.
- KieranLafferty/KLNoteViewController - A view controller that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack inspired by Evernote 5.0 app
- christianroman/CRGradientNavigationBar - Custom UINavigationBar subclass which allows gradient coloured navigation bar on iOS 7.
- chat-sdk/chat-sdk-ios - Chat SDK iOS - Open Source Mobile Messenger
- erica/iphone-3.0-cookbook- - Sample Code
- sozercan/OpenInCode - 📂 macOS Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code
- naotaka/ClipMenu - A clipboard manager for Mac OS X
- ChenYilong/CYLTableViewPlaceHolder - 一行代码完成“空TableView占位视图”管理
- problame/CSNotificationView - Drop-in, semi-translucent and blurring notification view.
- kstenerud/ObjectAL-for-iPhone - Mac and iOS Audio development, minus the headache. ObjectAL is the easy Objective-C interface to OpenAL, AVAudioPlayer, and audio session management.
- boztalay/BOZPongRefreshControl - A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong, originally created for the MHacks III iOS app
- kimziv/PinYin4Objc - PinYin4Objc is a popular objective-c library supporting convertion between Chinese(both Simplified and Tranditional) characters and most popular Pinyin systems, it's performance is very efficient, data cached at first time, and use async method with block, this can avoid ui blocking, and runs smoothly. The output format of pinyin could be customized.(关键字:汉字转拼音,中文转拼音)
- brutella/chatheads - An implementation of Facebook's ChatHeads on iOS.
- quemb/QMBParallaxScrollViewController - Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header
- nicklockwood/iConsole - [DEPRECATED]
- vtourraine/VTAcknowledgementsViewController - Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies.
- nxtbgthng/OAuth2Client - Client library for OAuth2 (currently built against draft 10 of the OAuth2 spec)
- macmade/KeychainCracker - macOS keychain cracking tool
- twotoasters/TWTSideMenuViewController - Side Menus for iOS 7
- granoff/Lockbox - Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.
- ArthurGuibert/FSLineChart - A line chart library for iOS
- RuiAAPeres/UIViewController-Swizzled - Used to print the structure of your application as you use it
- Zepo/GYDataCenter - An alternative to Core Data for people who like using SQLite directly.
- michaelhenry/FlipBoardNavigationController - This is a new navigation controller inspired by Flipboard.
- smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayout - Sample project demonstrating iOS 7 compatible auto sizing table view cells using Auto Layout.
- Quotation/WhoCall - 谁CALL我 - iOS来电信息语音提醒
- MailCore/MailCore - MailCore 1.0 is a Mac/iOS framework for working with the e-mail protocols IMAP and SMTP.
- yulingtianxia/MessageThrottle - A lightweight Objective-C message throttle and debounce library.
- nst/STHTTPRequest - Obj-C / Cocoa HTTP requests for humans
- FixIssue/FixCode - Fixing the "Fix Issues" button
- ipup/PPRevealSideViewController - A new container controller to easily push views on side like Path or Facebook
- zac/iphonearkit - An Objective-C augmented reality kit for iPhone.
- getsentry/sentry-cocoa - The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
- ukhsa-collaboration/COVID-19-app-iOS-BETA - Source code of the Beta of the NHS COVID-19 iOS app
- nolanw/HTMLReader - A WHATWG-compliant HTML parser in Objective-C.
- randdusing/cordova-plugin-bluetoothle - Bluetooth Low Energy Phonegap Plugin
- TouchCode/TouchJSON - A humane JSON Objective-C un-framework. (TouchJSON has been deprecated - see README)
- meiwin/NgKeyboardTracker - Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.
- devedbox/AXWebViewController - AXWebViewController is a webViewController to browse web content inside applications. It’s a lightweight controller on iOS platform based on WKWebView (UIWebView would be the base Kit under iOS 8.0). It added navigation tool bar to refresh, go back, go forward and so on. It support the navigation style on WeChat. It is a simple-using and convenient web view controller using inside applications.
- nimati/FCAlertView - FCAlertView is a Flat Customizable AlertView for iOS (Written in Objective C)
- josh-/CloudyTabs - CloudyTabs is a simple menu bar application that lists your iCloud Tabs.
- joeferraro/react-native-cookies - Cookie manager for React Native
- project-imas/encrypted-core-data - v2.0 - iOS Core Data encrypted SQLite store using SQLCipher
- LiveUI/FTCoreText - An open source Objective-C interface component that makes use of the CoreText framework to render static text content using a highly customisable markup syntax.
- Gurpartap/AESCrypt-ObjC - A simple and opinionated AES encrypt / decrypt Objective-C class that just works.
- google/google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest - Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C for REST
- ValiantCat/XXShield - It's a library can avoid some crash in iOS project written by Objective-C.
- EthanArbuckle/Apollo-CustomApiCredentials - Tweak to use your own reddit API credentials in Apollo
- leejayID/Linkage - 【Objective-C 联动】:两个 TableView 之间的联动,TableView 与 CollectionView 之间的联动
- lukhnos/objectiveflickr - ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C
- couchbaselabs/TouchDB-iOS - CouchDB-compatible mobile database; Objective-C version
- christianroman/CRMotionView - A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.
- itenfay/WeChat_tweak - iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
- armadsen/ORSSerialPort - Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift macOS apps
- RocketsChen/CDDStore - 高仿国美商城
- PengfeiWang666/iOS-getClientInfo - 📱📲iOS中获取各种设备信息🆔的方法总结(iPhone 11 已更新)
- raozhizhen/JMRoundedCorner - UIView settings without triggering off-screen rendering fillet /UIView设置不触发离屏渲染的圆角
- enormego/cocoa-helpers - A collection of helpers (categories) we've written for iOS and OS X, full with convenience methods to make them easier and more useful. [tags:cocoa,objective-c,ios,mac]
- casatwy/CTPersistance - iOS Database Persistence Layer with SQLite, your next Persistence Layer!
- LinkedInAttic/LIExposeController - Expose style navigation for iOS apps
- spritebuilder/SpriteBuilder - Objective-C Game Development Suite
- objcio/issue-1-lighter-view-controllers - Example project for the 1st issue of objc.io
- nicklockwood/CountryPicker - CountryPicker is a custom UIPickerView subclass that provides an iOS control allowing a user to select a country from a list. It can optionally display a flag next to each country name, and the library includes a set of 249 high-quality, public domain flag images from FAMFAMFAM (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/) that have been painstakingly re-named by country code to work with the library.
- ClassyKit/Classy - Expressive, flexible, and powerful stylesheets for UIView and friends.
- lobianco/ALMoviePlayerController - A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization.
- xhzengAIB/XHRefreshControl - XHRefreshControl 是一款高扩展性、低耦合度的下拉刷新、上提加载更多的组件。
- steipete/PSTAlertController - API similar to UIAlertController, backwards compatible to iOS 7. Will use the new shiny API when you run iOS 8.
- enormego/EGOTextView - EGOTextView is a complete drop in replacement for UITextView created by enormego, that adds support for Rich Text Editing. [tags:ios,objective-c,uitextview]
- huangfangyi/YiChat - YiChat-基于tigase的独立IM系统
- CYXiang/CYXTenMinDemo - 十分钟搭建App框架(OC)KIF自动化测试 与系列Demo博文地址
- thoughtbot/TBAnnotationClustering - Example App: How To Efficiently Display Large Amounts of Data on iOS Maps
- QuintGao/GKNavigationBarViewController - iOS自定义导航栏-导航栏联动
- chenyk0317/YKLineChartView - iOS 股票的K线图 分时图 Kline
- tristanhimmelman/THSpringyCollectionView - A memory and CPU efficient implementation of a collection view with cells that bounce around like they do in the iOS 7 messages app
- raymondjavaxx/SpinKit-ObjC - UIKit port of SpinKit
- CharlinFeng/CoreModel - Replace CoreData
- JackZhouCn/JZLocationConverter - GCJ-02(火星坐标)、WGS-84、BD-09坐标系转换
- ColinEberhardt/LinqToObjectiveC - Brings a Linq-style fluent query API to Objective-C
- uzysjung/UzysAssetsPickerController - Alternative UIImagePickerController , You can take a picture with camera and pick multiple photos and videos
- neror/CA360 - Core Animation iOS example code. Lots of it.
- nihalahmed/GameCenterManager - iOS Game Center helper singleton
- hamcrest/OCHamcrest - Hamcrest for Objective-C: Powerful, combinable, extensible matchers for verification
- rentzsch/clicktoflash - WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
- infinum/FBAnnotationClustering - iOS library for clustering map notifications in an easy and performant way
- tomersh/Objective-C-Generics - Objective C Generics
- postmates/PMKVObserver - Modern thread-safe and type-safe key-value observing for Swift and Objective-C
- yannickl/YLMoment - Parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates easily in Objective-C (API inspired by moment.js)
- lilidan/OCEval - 动态执行Objective-C. A tiny JIT Interpreter of Objective-C, dynamically run your code like eval().
- jumartin/Calendar - A set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS
- heardrwt/RHAddressBook - A Cocoa / Objective-C library for interfacing with the iOS AddressBook.
- keefo/CATweaker - A helper tool and an Xcode plugin for creating beautiful CAMediaTimingFunction curve
- cordova-rtc/cordova-plugin-iosrtc - Cordova iOS plugin exposing the WebRTC W3C API
- card-io/card.io-iOS-source - The open-source code for the card.io-iOS-SDK: provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
- bachonk/UIImageView-Letters - UIImageView category for using initials as a placeholder image, written in Objective-C. For a Swift implementation, see https://github.com/bachonk/InitialsImageView
- guangqiang-liu/iOS-Component-Pro - iOS 组件化开发项目架构设计,结合 MVVM 设计模式 + RAC 数据绑定 + Pod 组件管理, 实现一套实战性的iOS组件化架构
- ermalkaleci/CarbonKit - CarbonKit - iOS Components (Obj-C & Swift)
- CoderJackyHuang/HYBMasonryAutoCellHeight - A very helpful category for calculating the height of cell automatically.
- rpetrich/CaptainHook - Common hooking/monkey patching headers for Objective-C on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. MIT licensed
- xissburg/XBPageCurl - A decent page curl transition for iOS.
- nevyn/CoreDragon - [iOS/deprecated!] Stop using context menus. Drag and drop instead, even between apps!
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoaLayout - Reactive layout framework built on top of ReactiveCocoa
- googlearchive/ios-swift-chat-example - FireChat implemented in Swift!
- corderguo/XZ_WeChat - 微信聊天框架搭建,高仿微信聊天框架,一步步学习聊天框架的搭建
- SilverFruity/OCRunner - Execute Objective-C code as script. AST Interpreter. iOS hotfix SDK.
- transistorsoft/cordova-background-geolocation-lt - The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
- Zuikyo/ZIKRouter - Interface-oriented router for discovering modules, and injecting dependencies with protocol in Objective-C and Swift.
- wwmz/WMZPageController - 分页控制器,替换UIPageController方案,具备完整的生命周期,多种指示器样式,多种标题样式,可悬浮,支持ios13暗黑模式(仿优酷,爱奇艺,今日头条,简书,京东等多种标题菜单) (Pagination controller with full life cycle, multiple indicator styles, multiple title styles)
- tangdiforx/iOSPalette - Objective-C version of Google Palette algorithm in Java.A tool to extract the main color of an image.
- chrismiles/CMUnistrokeGestureRecognizer - A port of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer (aka Dollar Gesture Recognizer) to iOS as a UIGestureRecognizer.
- romaonthego/REComposeViewController - [DEPRECATED] Sharing composers for the rest of us.
- microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push - Cordova plugin for CodePush
- casatwy/CTVideoPlayerView - A video player view for iOS based on AVFoundation, better than PBJVideoPlayer, which can let you to play multiple video at the same time, and provide download, customized operation buttons, customized cover of video
- itruf/crackify - Protection for iOS apps from cracking
- CoderJackyHuang/HYBImageCliped - 开源高效处理圆角的扩展,包括UIImageView、UIView、UIButton、UIImage的扩展API,可根据图片颜色生成图片带任意圆角,可给UIButton根据不同状态处理图片。所有生成图片都不会引起离屏渲染且不会引起离屏、图层混合,支持添加图片边框
- cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone-extensions - 3rd party extensions for cocos2d-iphone
- hackiftekhar/IQAudioRecorderController - A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface.
- michaelhenry/MHNatGeoViewControllerTransition - A new 3D Effect ViewController transition inspired by NatGeo (City Guides by National Geographic)
- jaykz52/CKCalendar - A sleek, easily customized calendar control for iOS.
- claaslange/iOS7Colors - The standard iOS 7 Colors as a handy category on UIColor
- runmad/RMSwipeTableViewCell - RMSwipeTableViewCell is a drop-in UITableViewCell subclass that supports pan gestures as seen in apps such as Clear, Mailbox, Sparrow and many more.
- yannickl/QRCodeReaderViewController - Simple QRCode reader for iOS 7 and over
- MartinRGB/LearnCube-iOS - An animation practise demo
- mukyasa/MMTextFieldEffects - Extension of TextFieldEffects with Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Objective-C
- jeffh/Fox - Property Based Testing Library for Objective-C and Swift. QuickCheck for Apple's Platforms.
- fechanique/cordova-plugin-fcm - Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
- antongaenko/UIViewController-KeyboardAnimation - Showing/dismissing keyboard animation in UIViewController category.
- ccgus/CocoaScript - JavaScript + the Cocoa frameworks, and then ObjC brackets show up to party as well.
- apache/cordova-plugin-statusbar - Apache Cordova Status Bar Plugin
- TeehanLax/UITableViewCell-Swipe-for-Options - A reproduction of the iOS 7 Mail app's swipe-to-reveal options
- rolandleth/LTHPasscodeViewController - iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
- Countly/countly-sdk-ios - Countly Product Analytics iOS SDK with macOS, watchOS and tvOS support.
- apache/cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine - [DEPRECATED] Apache Cordova wkwebview engine plugin
- wix-incubator/react-native-controllers - Native IOS Navigation for React Native (navbar, tabs, drawer)
- nealyoung/NYAlertViewController - Highly configurable iOS Alert Views with custom content views
- pixelogik/ColorCube - Dominant color extraction for iOS, macOS and Python
- leichunfeng/DesignPatterns-Objective-C - 用 Objective-C 实现《大话设计模式》书中的例子,并用一些 Objective-C 的特性对例子的实现加以优化
- dchohfi/KeyValueObjectMapping - Automatic KeyValue Object Mapping for Objective-C, parse JSON/plist/Dictionary automatically
- carlbrown/PDKeychainBindingsController - Mac OSX and iOS Keychain Access patterned after NSUserDefaults.
- ikanam/JTNavigationController - 一个拥有更平滑的navigationBar切换动画的NavigationController
- faisalmemon/ios-crash-dump-analysis-book - iOS Crash Dump Analysis Book
- JanC/TAPromotee - Objective-C library to cross promote iOS apps
- johnil/JFImagePickerController - 高性能多选图片库
- ebf/CTObjectiveCRuntimeAdditions - Objc runtime additions.
- donobono/DoImagePickerController - An image picker controller with single selection and multiple selection. Support to select lots photos with panning gesture.
- windshg/VPImageCropper - Image cropper like the one in WeChat
- StreetVoice/HysteriaPlayer - Objective-C audio player, sitting on top of AVPlayer
- gdavis/FGallery-iPhone - Objective-C based gallery for iPhones
- jessesquires/JSQSystemSoundPlayer - A fancy Obj-C wrapper for Cocoa System Sound Services
- onevcat/VVSpringCollectionViewFlowLayout - A spring-like collection view layout. The same effect like iOS7's Message.app
- tangtiancheng/DouYinComment - iOS Widget Video Gif Play Animation 1. gif视频播放小组件, 帧动画小组件, 摇摇乐小组件, 网易云iOS小组件,动态Widget,时钟组件,风扇组件,滚动照片组件; 2.抖音视频转场动画,抖音左滑push进个人主页, 评论手势拖拽效果 , 视频播放, 边下边播, 预加载, TikTok ; 3.铃声多多,上传铃声音频到库乐队(GarageBand) 4.微博主页、简书主页等。多页面嵌套列表分页滚动,上下滑动,左右滑动切换页面。类似TableView共用HeaderView悬浮,仿头条标签编辑,铃声多多音乐播放界面(豆瓣电影主页)。
- forkingdog/ProtocolKit - Protocol extension for Objective-C
- kentnguyen/KNPathTableViewController - UITableViewController with customizable overlay panel while scrolling, inspired by Path
- briancollins/BCTabBarController - a Tweetie-style tab bar for the iPhone
- andreyvit/SoloComponents-iOS - Self-contained, two-file (.h/.m) iPhone/iPad components that are dead-easy to drop into your projects
- ricobeck/KFEpubKit - An Objective-C epub extracting and parsing framework for iOS and OSX.
- justinmfischer/core-background - An Objective-C API inspired by iOS 7 and the Yahoo Weather App. Location-based Flickr photos in background UIImageView are Gaussian blurred by a UIScrollView while scrolling over foreground iPhone content.
- AugustRush/UICollectionView-ARDynamicHeightLayoutCell - Automatically UICollectionViewCell size calculating.
- husky-dev/SAMultisectorControl - Multiple control
- Guzlan/BackgroundVideoiOS - A swift and objective-C object that lets you add a background video to iOS views
- renjinkui2719/DIS_KVC_KVO - Objective-C KVC, KVO的实现源码,根据 Foundation.framework汇编反写而来,还原iOS对KVO,KVC的真实实现
- cl3m/MiddleClick - Emulate a middleclick with triple tap on MacBook trackpad and Magic Mouse.
- matej/MBPullDownController - MBPullDownController, an iOS container view controller for pullable scroll view interfaces.
- MacOMNI/MACProject - 这是一个用 Objective-C 写的 iOS 轻量级框架,旨在快速构建 iOS App,欢迎 Star
- leverdeterre/CalendarIOS7 - Calendar component for iOS apps
- petejkim/ConciseKit - A set of Objective-C additions and macros that helps you write code more quickly.
- norsez/BDDynamicGridViewController - Data-aware view-controller that displays a UIView list in an automatically laid out grid
- jberlana/JBParallaxCell - This project provides a parallax effect on a
on aUITAbleViewCell
when the table scrolls. - lukescott/DraggableCollectionView - Extension for the UICollectionView and UICollectionViewLayout that allows a user to move items with drag and drop. --- HELP WANTED --- Looking for maintainer and help with the experimental branch.
- ashfurrow/AFTabledCollectionView - How to display a UICollectionView within a UITableViewCell
- DeVaukz/MachO-Kit - A C/Objective-C library for parsing Mach-O files.
- yfactorial/objectiveresource - A port of Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource to Objective-C (and specifically the iPhone)
- MartinRGB/GiftCard-iOS - Simply Implement dribbble's popular shot.
- kishikawakatsumi/ClassicMap - Google Map is back to iOS 6.
- CooperRS/RMActionController - This is an iOS control for presenting any UIView in an UIAlertController like manner
- carsonxyz/CNPGridMenu - DEPRECATED A Mailbox style grid menu with a blurred background.
- thisandagain/color - A collection of categories and utilities that extend UIColor
- enormego/egodatabase - EGODatabase is a thread-safe Objective-C SQLite wrapper with full support for asynchronous SQLite calls as well as built in NSOperationQueue support.
- akosma/CoreTextWrapper - An Objective-C wrapper around Core Text for creating multi-column text and loading custom fonts
- madaoCN/NonBaseClass-MVVM-ReactiveObjc - iOS架构实践干货:AOP来避免基类继承 + MVVM + ReactiveObjC + JLRoutes组件化,代码比较完善,(Warnning: 不建议大家使用在真实项目中 ,),大家按需自取,能顺手给个Star那也是极好的
- illyabusigin/CYRTextView - CYRTextView is a UITextView subclass that implements a variety of features that are relevant to a syntax or code text view.
- subjc/SubjectiveCPhotoPanner - A small clone of Facebook Paper's motion based photo panner
- bennyguitar/CollapseClick - A collapsible list that functions like a UITableView, except you can collapse and open cells on a click. Feed it UIViews for what is shown when each cell is open. Works via delegation similar to UITableView.
- MugunthKumar/MKiCloudSync - Sync your NSUserDefaults to iCloud automatically
- RichDaddyCashMany/JCAlertController - AlertController presented FIFO or LIFO and customed easily
- mikeash/MAKVONotificationCenter - Better key-value observing for Cocoa
- scheinem/MSCMoreOptionTableViewCell - Drop-in solution to achieve the "More" button in an UITableView's "Swipe to Delete" menu (as seen in Mail.app under iOS 7)
- chenzeyu/CZPicker - a picker view shown as a popup for iOS in Objective-C
- honcheng/iOS-StyledPageControl - Customizable PageControl for iOS
- kickingvegas/YmsCoreBluetooth - A block-based framework for building Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka Smart or LE) iOS and OS X applications using the CoreBluetooth API. Includes Deanna and DeannaMac, applications to communicate with a TI SensorTag for iOS and OS X respectively.
- jackrex/FakeWeChatLoc - 手把手教你制作一款iOS越狱App
- CoderLNHui/SourceCodeAnalysis - iOS 常用第三方库源码分析,跟迭式积累,欢迎阅读!
- acerbetti/ACEExpandableTextCell - TextView inside an expandable TableViewCell
- lincf0912/LFMediaEditingController - Media Editor (图片编辑、视频编辑)
- simonbs/BSKeyboardControls - Put controls above the keyboard on your iPhone or iPad app.
- cbess/AutoScrollLabel - Provides marquee like UILabel scrolling, think Music.app track title scrolling. For Obj-C & Swift.
- videolan/vlckit - libvlc bindings for OS X, iOS and tvOS in Objective-C, official mirror
- romaonthego/REActivityViewController - [DEPRECATED] Open source alternative to UIActivityViewController, highly customizable and compatible with iOS 5.0.
- yepher/CoreDataUtility - An OSX application that simplifies development and debugging of CoreData enabled applications.
- itod/parsekit - Objective-C Tokenizer and Parser Generator. Supports Grammars.
- daria-kopaliani/DAPagesContainer - A generic views container with a scrollable top bar
- JustinFincher/GitHubContributionsiOS - Show off your GitHub contributions from your lock screen 📱
- hulab/ClusterKit - An iOS map clustering framework targeting MapKit, Google Maps and Mapbox.
- puls/objc-codegenutils - Three small tools to help you meet Xcode halfway.
- iiicp/KeyboardforChat - 仿微信聊天键盘,无污染,无任何第三方,使用简单
- oscardelben/Color-Picker-Pro - Color Detection Tool for Designers and Developers
- qiniu/happy-dns-objc - dns library for objective c
- appunite/CLCascade - Twitter-like cascade UI library
- rsattar/CLTokenInputView - A replica of iOS's native contact bubbles UI
- tapharmonic/Core-Animation-Demos - Bob McCune's collection of Core Animation demos.
- justinmfischer/7blur - An objective-C API that uses the new iOS 7 UIView snapshot category drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: to produce Apple Notification and Control Center like blur effects. 7blur supports both live real time and static blurred backgrounds enforcing UI depth.
- stevestreza/Barista - A modular, embeddable web server for Objective-C.
- hackiftekhar/IQMediaPickerController - Audio Image Video Picker Controller
- cocos3d/cocos3d - Cocos3D is a sophisticated, yet intuitive and easy-to-use, 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. With Cocos3D, you can build sophisticated, dynamic 3D games and applications using Objective-C.
- 04zhujunjie/ZJJTimeCountDown - iOS倒计时 验证码倒计时 秒杀倒计时 支持cell中的多个倒计时 支持自定义 样式多 支持时间差设置
- joy0304/Joy-Collection - 移动开发专题合辑
- andresbrun/ABCustomUINavigationController - Custom UINavigationController. SquaresFlips and Cube effects
- shu223/UIActivityCollection - A collection of UIActivity providers.
- AlfredTheBest/iOS_core_animation - 📙iOS核心动画高级技巧
- karelia/ConnectionKit - FTP/SFTP/WebDAV etc. for Cocoa. Join the ConnectionKit mailing list for information and suggestions.
- mixedinkey-opensource/MIKMIDI - MIDI Library for Swift and Objective-C Mac and iOS apps.
- mbcharbonneau/UIImage-Categories - 🛠 A fork of Trevor Harmon's UIImage category methods, updated for the latest versions of iOS.
- thetron/StringScore - StringScore is an Objective-C library which provides super fast fuzzy string matching/scoring. Based on the JavaScript library of the same name.
- mpospese/MPFlipViewController - A custom container view controller following the iOS 5 containment API that navigates between child view controllers via touch gestures and page-flip animations
- hollance/MHTabBarController - A custom tab bar controller for iOS 5
- chrisballinger/BLEMeshChat - Bluetooth LE Mesh Chat for iOS and Android
- casatwy/CTNetworking - iOS networking API layer
- ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview - Web View plugin for Cordova, specialized for Ionic apps.
- weissi/FRLayeredNavigationController - FRLayeredNavigationController, an iOS container view controller that works like a stack of paper with an API similar to UINavigationController.
- d-ronnqvist/blogpost-codesample-PullToRefresh - A custom pull to refresh animation where timeOffset is used to control the timing as you drag down
- mpospese/IntroducingCollectionViews - The sample application to accompany my conference talk on UICollectionView.
- brefchan/CCFoldCell - Cell折叠动效(OC实现)
- dongxinb/DBSphereTagCloud - A 3D spherical tag cloud view of iOS.
- Roobiq/RBQFetchedResultsController - Drop-in replacement for NSFetchedResultsController backed by Realm.
- gklka/GKFadeNavigationController - A Navigation Controller which supports animated hiding of the Navigation Bar
- boundsj/ObjectiveDDP - Making it easy for your Objective-C apps to communicate with your Meteor.js apps since 2013.
- Sephiroth87/Crayons - An Xcode plugin to improve dealing with colors in your project
- kulpreetchilana/Custom-iOS-Keyboards - Easily customizable custom inputView for iOS that imitates the native iOS keyboard.
- sibahota059/SPHChatCollectionView - SPHChatCollectionView to use in chat screens. (Supports iOS 8)
- Boris-Em/BEMAnalogClock - iOS library to create elegant, interactive clocks.
- jdg/oauthconsumer - An iPhone ready, Objective-C implementation of an OAuth consumer.
- Patrick-Kladek/CocoaDebugKit - Debugging made easy. Automatically create QuickLook images of custom objects
- waydabber/m1ddc - This little tool controls external displays (connected via USB-C/DisplayPort Alt Mode) using DDC/CI on Apple Silicon Macs. Useful to embed in various scripts.
- danielamitay/DAAppsViewController - DAAppsViewController is a simple way of displaying apps from the App Store in an aesthetically similar manner.
- apache/cordova-plugin-network-information - Apache Cordova Network Information Plugin
- lukeredpath/LRResty - Yet another Objective-C REST client library, inspired by Ruby's restclient gem.
- antiraum/THPinViewController - iOS 7 Style PIN Screen for iPhone and iPad
- croberts22/CRNavigationController - A UINavigationController subclass that brings about a more vivid, brighter UINavigationBar.
- Kerumen/react-native-awesome-card-io - A complete and cross-platform card.io component for React Native (iOS and Android).
- erica/iOS-6-Cookbook - iOS 6 update
- coolbeet/CBStoreHouseTransition - A custom transition inspired by Storehouse iOS app, also support pop gesture.
- adad184/MMParallaxCell - A subclass of UITableViewCell to present the parallax effect
- larksuite/SDMagicHook - A safe and influence-restricted method hooking for both Objective-C and Swift.
- matehat/Objective-LevelDB - An Objective-C database library built over Google's LevelDB
- comyar/CZWeatherKit - ⛅ A Simple Cocoa Weather Library.
- ZhongTaoTian/Hardest - 史上最困难的游戏-By Objective-C
- yangmeyer/CPAnimationSequence - Describe multi-step UIView animation sequences declaratively.
- haolloyin/MrCode - A simple GitHub iPhone App that can cache Markdown content (include images in HTML) for read it later. 简单的 GitHub iOS 应用,缓存项目中的 Markdown 渲染之后的 HTML 及其图片方便稍后阅读
- DyKnow/SignalR-ObjC - Objective-C Client for the SignalR Project works with iOS and Mac
- renebigot/XlsxReaderWriter - XlsxReaderWriter is an Objective-C library for iPhone / iPad and Mac. It parses and writes MS Excel XLSX files.
- MyGitHubFork/iOSBasicCommonDemos - iOS基本功能点
- honcheng/PaperFoldMenuController - A navigation menu on the left of the screen using on PaperFold
- firebase/geofire-objc - GeoFire for Objective-C - Realtime location queries with Firebase
- tapsandswipes/InterAppCommunication - x-callback-url made easy
- qiniu/objc-sdk - Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage Objective-C SDK for Mac/iOS
- brockgr/csshx - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/csshx
- londonappbrewery/mi_card_flutter - Starter code for the Mi Card Project from the Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
- TanguyAladenise/TAPageControl - A versatile and easily customizable page control for iOS.
- applidium/ADLivelyCollectionView - Drop-in subclass of UICollectionView that lets you add custom animations to any UICollectionView
- tingxins/InputKit - 📝InputKit, an Elegant Kit to limits your input text, inspired by BlocksKit, written in both Objective-C & ⚡️Swift.
- TaPhuocHai/PHAirViewController - Menu like airbnb app
- SPStore/SPAlertController - 提醒对话框,风格和微信原生几乎零误差。简书地址:
- riusksk/SecConArchive - Security Conference Archive
- autresphere/ASDepthModal - An Objective-C class that adds a sense of depth to your modal popup views.
- bfeher/BFPaperCheckbox - iOS Checkboxes inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- starrtc/starrtc-ios-demo - 🚀starRTC,免费IM(含单聊,群聊,聊天室),免费一对一视频聊天(回音消除),语音聊天,直播连麦,白板,小班课,多人会议,局域网无服务器直连,兼容webRTC, 支持webRTC加速,P2P高清传输,安卓、iOS、web互通,支持门禁可视对讲,电视盒子,树莓派,海思,全志,OTT设备,C语言自研方案,✨万水千山总是情,来个star行不行✨,更多示例请访问
- SherlockQi/WeChatFloat - 仿微信浮窗功能
- kaler/CrashKit - CrashKit catches uncaught exceptions, traps signals, and sends them to developers by email or straight to your bug database.
- Ceroce/CERoundProgressView - A progress view which shows its progress a pie-chart.
- John-Lluch/SWRevealTableViewCell - Highly configurable UITableViewCell subclass to display left and right buttons, similar to iOS8 mail app, based on user pan gestures or developer programmatic actions.
- qhd/ANYMethodLog - Log any method call of object in Objective-C
- dosdude1/macos-catalina-patcher - macOS Catalina Patcher (http://dosdude1.com/catalina)
- rFlex/CoreImageShop - Mac app that let you create a Core Image Filter and generate the underlying Objective-C code easily.
- Eclair/CircleProgressBar - iOS Circle Progress Bar
- chipsenkbeil/choose - Fuzzy matcher for OS X that uses both std{in,out} and a native GUI
- anaglik/ANDLineChartView - ANDLineChartView is easy to use view-based class for displaying animated line chart.
- NimbusKit/sockit - String <-> Object Coder for Objective-C
- johnnywjy/JYRadarChart - an iOS open source Radar Chart implementation
- lucascorrea/SCFacebook - The SCFacebook 4.1 is a simple and cleaner to use the api facebook-ios-sdk Objective-C Wrapper (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk) to perform login, get friends list, information about the user and posting on the wall with ^Block for iPhone. Suporte 4.71 FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit and FBSDKLoginKit. Facebook SDK
- TomSwift/UIWebView-TS_JavaScriptContext - A method for obtaining UIWebView's internal JSContext without using KVC
- JV17/JVMenuPopover - Simple popover menu in Objective-C
- psven/XCFApp - 高仿下厨房App,Objective-C,Xcode7.2,数据通过Charles抓的,有接口也有本地数据。
- marcoarment/CompactConstraint - Simple NSLayoutConstraint expression parser for more readable autolayout code.
- foxsofter/LPDMvvmKit - LPDMvvmKit - Elegant MVVM framework in Objective-C.
- shinydevelopment/SDScreenshotCapture - SDScreenshotCapture is a class which can be used to capture a screenshot of the app window which excludes the iOS status bar.
- nuwehq/nuwe-charts-ios - A dynamic chart library for easily creating the Nuwe Score dial chart and History Bar Chart
- zwopple/PocketSocket - Objective-C websocket library for building things that work in realtime on iOS and OS X.
- JackTeam/PathCover - PathCover is pull down refresh and a parallax/zooming top view with real time blur effect to any UITableView, inspired by Path for iOS.
- casatwy/CTJSBridge - a javascript bridge for iOS app to interact with h5 web view
- cjwl/cocotron - The Cocotron
- liangdahong/UITableViewDynamicLayoutCacheHeight - 🖖高性能的自动计算采用 Autolayout 布局的 UITableViewCell 和 UITableViewHeaderFooterView 的高度,内部自动管理高度缓存。
- 0thernet/BZGFormViewController - Forms with validation
- agiapp/NewsComing - 本项目是一个完整的新闻应用,采用了MVVM架构,项目结构清晰,给初学者或有开发经验的人提供一种思路,方便在企业开发中快速搭建iOS项目基础架构。
- lukegeiger/LGSemiModalNavController - A UINavigationController subclass that presents itself a dynamic amount in a view controller using the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol.
- dbachrach/OCUDL - User defined literals for Objective-C
- Kjuly/ALAssetsLibrary-CustomPhotoAlbum - A nice ALAssetsLibrary category for saving images & videos into custom photo album.
- TomThorpe/UITableViewZoomController - A Cocoa Touch UITableViewController subclass in Objective C that provides a zoom effect as cells appear for the first time (similar in style to Google+ iPhone app)
- tciuro/NanoStore - NanoStore is an open source, lightweight schema-less local key-value document store written in Objective-C for Mac OS X and iOS.
- dormitory219/ChatKit - 一套IM完整的UI实现方案
- seatgeek/SGImageCache - A flexible image caching library for image rich iOS applications
- peterpaulis/StaticDataTableViewController - Enables animated hide/show of static cells and sections
- PeteC/InteractiveViewControllerTransitions - Sample code for blog post on implementing interactive view controller transitions in iOS 7
- coolbeet/CBHazeTransitionViewController - A small clone of Haze's beautiful transition view.
- coderZsq/coderZsq.project.ios - A lightweight and efficient application development tool set for iOS, and accelerating the developing speed.
- Tricertops/Block-KVO - Objective-C Key-Value Observing made easier with blocks
- TheNewNormal/coreos-osx - Local development docker/rkt CoreOS VM App for macOS made very simple
- TimOliver/PassKit-Business-Card - A template for iOS Wallet passes that can be used like business cards.
- sveinbjornt/STPrivilegedTask - An NSTask-like wrapper around the macOS Security Framework's AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges function to run shell commands with root privileges in Objective-C / Cocoa.
- hydreamit/HyCharts - 柱状图、折/曲线图、K线图(主图、交易量图、辅助图), 图与图可以自由组合, 支持分页加载数据 -----> 低内存、低耗电、滑动缩放顺滑
- ckteebe/CustomBadge - CustomBadge is an Objective-C based component to create customized Badges for any given View.
- taglia3/ElasticTransition-ObjC - A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag.This is the Objective-C Version of Elastic Transition written in Swift by lkzhao
- Cleveroad/CRPageViewController - While a standard page view allows you to navigate between pages by using simple gestures, our component goes further
- zhengwenming/CountDown - iOS倒计时,60s验证码倒计时,cell中倒计时,后台给的时间戳倒计时,全部适合。比如:离活动结束还有 0天 01: 14: 59
- wwdc14yh/HySubmitTransitionObjective-C - OC版的转场动画
- itod/pegkit - 'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for Cocoa/Objective-C
- Cue/hookshot - Instrumentation for Objective C for debugging and profiling
- jverkoey/ObjQREncoder - Objective-C QR Encoder
- SergioChan/SCNavigationControlCenter - This is an advanced navigation control center on iOS that can allow you to navigate to whichever view controller you want. iOS上的改进的导航栏控制中心。
- rsms/chromium-tabs - [historical] Chromium tabs for cocoa applications (project no longer maintained)
- tempAccountA/MSSafeContainer - ThreadSafeContainer
- stefanceriu/SCSafariPageController - A page view controller component that reproduces Mobile Safari's tab switching behavior
- exalted/PTShowcaseViewController - An initial implementation of a "showcase" view( controller) for iOS apps... Visualizes images, videos and PDF files beautifully! (by @pittleorg) [meta: image, photo, video, document, pdf, album, gallery, showcase, gallery, iOS, iPhone, iPad, component, library, viewer]
- cocoadialog/cocoadialog - Create macOS dialogs from the command line easily!
- TimOliver/TOPasscodeViewController - A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS
- zendeskarchive/FSVerticalTabBarController - Vertical tab bar controller for iOS mimicking UITabBarController look and behavior
- davidmurray/ios-reversed-headers - Reverse engineered C headers from various iOS frameworks.
- liquidx/CoreBluetoothPeripheral - Demonstration of using CoreBluetooth on Mac and iOS
- iTofu/LCTabBarController - A amazing and highly customized tabBarController! You could almost customize 100% properties with LCTabBarController!
- huang303513/SourceCodeResearchAndExploration - SDWebImage、AFNetworking、WebViewJavascriptCore、YYModel源码解析
- alikaragoz/AKASegmentedControl - 🍫 Fully customizable Segmented Control for iOS
- myang-git/iOS-Image-Crop-View - A view that allows user to select the cropping area in an image
- erica/iOS-6-Advanced-Cookbook - Recipes for working with the advanced features of iOS 6
- simoncoulton/SCSlidingViewController - A UIViewController that replicates similar functionality to ECSlidingViewController
- CooperRS/RMPickerViewController - This is an iOS control for selecting something using UIPickerView in an UIAlertController like manner
- fjolnir/DatabaseKit - An Objective-C database abstraction framework.
- JustinFincher/JZMultiChoicesCircleButton - 🔘 Multi choice circle button with cool 3d parallax effect, but seriously don't use this in production now, I will rewrite it to a delegate based UIControl when I am available.
- MP0w/MPPlot - native objective C plots...done at 5am in an hackathon
- christianroman/CRPixellatedView - Custom UIView subclass with a pixellated animation inspired by Facebook's Slingshot app.
- zedoul/ZDStickerView - ZDStickerView is an Objective-C module for iOS and offers complete configurability, including movement, resizing, rotation and more, with one finger.
- onegray/UIViewController-BackButtonHandler - The extension allows to handle UINavigationViewController's 'Back' button action. Download sample app - https://github.com/onegray/UIViewController-BackButtonHandler/archive/BackBtnHandlerSample.zip
- 4jy/Source-SnapChat - Source Code for SnapChat
- lizelu/CATransitionDemo - 注:其中有些效果调用了CATransition的Private API, 仅供娱乐
- zhengjinghua/MQRCodeReaderViewController - iOS 二维码扫描控件, UI 做了优化, 仿造微信, 直接拖进项目就可使用, 支持 CocoaPods 安装. WeChat-like QRCode reader, drop-in version, support for CocoaPods
- yuedong56/Assets.carTool - Mac上解压Assets.car文件的小工具
- wymsee/cordova-HTTP - Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers. Allows for SSL pinning!
- Serheo/SHSPhoneComponent - UITextField and NSFormatter subclasses for formatting phone numbers. Allow different formats for different countries(patterns).
- mengxianliang/XLPageViewController - 一个开放、高度可定制化的分页视图控制器
- andresbrun/ABFullScrollViewController - Behaviour objects the provides the behaviour o hiding the header view as the user scrolls. Similar to Facebook, Safari, Twitter...
- ali312/TLTagsControl - A nice and simple tags input control for iOS
- lookingstars/chuanke - 高仿百度传课iOS版,版本号2.4.1.2。
- BinBear/breadtrip-ReactiveCocoa-MVVM- - 仿面包旅行,ReactiveCocoa+MVVM
- cyndibaby905/CHAnimation - CHAnimation is a project used to demonstrate how to write your own animation engine, inspired by Facebook Pop.
- bfeher/BFPaperTableViewCell - A subclass of UITableViewCell for iOS inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- joseria/JASwipeCell - iOS 8 Mail Inspired. A UITableViewCell subclass that displays customizable left or right buttons that are revealed as the user swipes the cell in either direction. The edge-most buttons will pin to the container view and will execute an event similar to how the delete/archive button work in IOS 8 mail.
- ArchLL/HGPersonalCenterExtend - 解决UIScrollView嵌套滑动手势冲突问题,适用于复杂的首页或个人主页
- beelsebob/CoreParse - A shift/reduce parsing framework for Mac OS X and iOS
- ca-archived/AMBTableViewController - Storyboard and Prototype Cells-centric block-based UITableView controller to manage complex layouts.
- tracy-e/OCGumbo - An Objective-C HTML5 parser based on Google Gumbo.
- ChrisXu/CXCardView - Easy, simple and card-style overlay on screen to deliver message to users.
- u10int/URBSegmentedControl - A replacement for UIKit's UISegmentedControl that offers a greater level of flexibility and customization.
- DevDu/FastCoding-Xcode-Plugin - FastCoding is a plug-in for the fast generation of getter, setter, and lazy methods.
- dito010/JPNavigationController - This library provides an fullScreen pop and push gesture for UINavigationController with customize UINavigationBar for each single support.
- mikeash/MAZeroingWeakRef - Zeroing weak references for retain/release Objective-C
- khanlou/Objective-Shorthand - Objective-Shorthand is a set of categories that make long things in Objective-C short. Additions welcome.
- jondanao/TheSidebarController - A container view controller that implements different popular sidebar view controllers like Facebook, Airbnb, Flipboard, etc.
- chasseurmic/TWRCharts - An iOS wrapper for ChartJS. Easily build animated charts by leveraging the power of native Obj-C code.
- mikeash/MABlockClosure - ObjC block -> C function pointer using libffi
- manuelescrig/MEVHorizontalContacts - An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items.
- ShadyElyaski/ios-filter-control - An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
- giantss/cordova-plugin-ImagePicker - 🔥cordova相册仿微信多选插件
- samsouder/reggy - Objective-C interactive regular expression validator and tester for OS X.
- xhzengAIB/iOS8SelfSizingCells - This is instagram app feed tableView demo use iOS8 Self Sizing Cells.
- stefanceriu/SCPageViewController - Just like UIPageViewController but better.. :)
- zakk4223/CocoaSplit - Stream/record your desktop/webcam to twitch/owned etc.
- yourkarma/JWT - A JSON Web Token implementation in Objective-C.
- illyabusigin/CYRKeyboardButton - A drop-in keyboard button that mimics the look, feel, and functionality of the native iOS keyboard buttons
- facebookarchive/FBFetchedResultsController - A drop-in replacement for NSFetchedResultsController built to work around the fact that NSFetchedResultsController does not work with parent/child contexts.
- nevyn/cfxr - [cocoa] Mac port of sfxr with document support, etc
- mutualmobile/Counter - A simple example of the VIPER architecture for iOS apps
- mjmsmith/gcdobjc - Objective-C wrapper for Grand Central Dispatch
- Stormotion-Mobile/LUNSegmentedControl - Customizable segmented control with interactive animation.
- honcheng/CATransform3D-Test - A test app to visualize view transformation when value in CATransform3D matrices change
- hamzasood/CustomWatchFaceTest - Custom watch faces on Apple Watch
- cyqresig/ReactNativeComponentDemos - Demos for react-native components of 'react-native-component'
- cemolcay/CategorySliderView - slider view for choosing categories. add any UIView type as category item view. Fully customisable
- Cleveroad/CRParticleEffect - A CocoaPod that simplifies creation of the particle effects.
- muzipiao/GMObjC - SM2/SM3/SM4/ECDH crypto library based on OpenSSL.
- google/functional-objc - Functional operators for Objective-C
- BeamApp/MusicPlayerViewController - An iPhone view controller to visualize and control music playback
- aryaxt/OCMapper - Objective-C library to easily map NSDictionary to model objects, works perfectly with Alamofire. ObjectMapper works similar to GSON
- opa334/Choicy - Advanced tweak configurator for iOS 10 and up
- dorianj/CoRD - CoRD is a Mac OS X remote desktop client for Microsoft Windows computers using the RDP protocol. It's easy to use, fast, and free for anyone to use or modify.
- apdevzhang/PushNotificationManager - Convenient and comprehensive api for push notification,provide 6 stems and 20 branchs' function,offer examples written by Objective-C and Swift respectively
- Ahmed-Ali/Cucumberish - Cucumberish is test automation framework for Behaviour Driven Development. It is inspired by the amazing way of writing automated test cases introduced originally by Cucumber using Gherkin language
- SergioChan/SCTableViewCell - 📧 Swipe-to-Delete Effects like iOS Native Mail App。一个模仿iOS8中的邮箱里面的cell删除动效以及滑动右侧菜单按钮效果的开源库
- nmondollot/NMPaginator - NMPaginator is a simple Objective-C class that handles pagination for you.
- katzer/cordova-plugin-email-composer - Edit and send email messages
- iosre/WeChatRobotForExample - A Powerful WeChat Robot for Example
- elado/jastor - Auto translates NSDictionary to instances of Objective-C classes, supporting nested types and arrays
- dzenbot/XCSwiftr - An Xcode Plugin to convert Objective-C to Swift
- mortenjust/PocketCastsOSX - An unoffical OSX wrapper for Pocketcasts
- gabriel/CaptureRecord - User + Screen Recording iOS SDK
- bfeher/BFPaperTabBarController - iOS UITabBar (controller) inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- nicklockwood/JPNG - JPNG is a bespoke image file format that combines the compression benefits of JPEG with the alpha channel support of a PNG file. The JPNG library provides an Objective-C implementation of this format along with transparent JPNG loading support for iOS and Mac OS.
- uzysjung/UzysCircularProgressPullToRefresh - Give Pinterest Like PullToRefresh to any UIScrollView with just simple code
- hohl/MIHCrypto - OpenSSL wrapper for Objective-C [cryptography]
- ianisme/CoolNavi - A cool UINavigationbar
- alexzielenski/ZKRevealingTableViewCell - A Sparrow-style Implementation of Swipe-To-Reveal
- Aster0id/YCXMenuDemo_ObjC -
is an easy-to-use menu. - ccmenu/ccmenu - CCMenu is a Mac application to monitor continuous integration servers.
- artemstepanenko/CrossNavigation - Any side navigation.
- HHuiHao/HSDownloadManager - 【demo】下载音乐、视频、图片各种资源,支持多任务、断点下载!- Objective-C
- gcamp/GCRetractableSectionController - Controller that helps the management of UITableViews extendable sections
- yuping1989/YPTabBarController - 功能强大,使用方便,可高度自定义的TabBarController。
- cxa/UIMenuItem-CXAImageSupport - [Deprecated! Use MenuItemKit instead] UIMenuItem with Image Support
- googlearchive/OpenInChrome - Open in Chrome
- reactnativecomponent/react-native-chat-demo - 网易云信IM示例
- Produkt/PDKTStickySectionHeadersCollectionViewLayout - UICollectionView Layout that makes section headers behave like UITableView section headers. Section header views stick to the top of the collection view, over it's section cells.
- mtonio91/AMLoginViewController - LoginViewController with Video and Blur
- fastred/ReflectableEnum - Reflection for enumerations in Objective-C.
- carantes/CircularProgressControl - Circular Progress Control using CAShapeLayer
- rsms/cocui - Cocoa meets WebKit for more rapid UI development
- keshiim/ZMJGanttChart - Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedule, gantt chart or timetable as if you are using Excel.
- typcn/163music-mac-client-unlock - Unlock netease music mac client using dylib inject
- etoile/CoreObject - Distributed version control + object persistence framework
- booyah/protobuf-objc - Protocol Buffers for Objective C
- wubianxiaoxian/PureCamera-Demo - A custom camera that allows for free cropping of photos upon completion.
- ideawu/cocoaui - Build adaptive UI for iOS Apps with flow-layout and CSS properties
- Shuangzuan/RCTRefreshControl - A pull down to refresh control for react native.
- matthewcheok/MCPanelViewController - Drop-in panel control for iOS with blurring background and screen-edge activation gestures.
- Cokile/CCActivityHUD - A simple replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView
- d0ping/DBMapSelectorViewController - This component allows you to select circular map region from the MKMapView.
- ChrisXu/CXAlertView - Custom alert-view which allow you to add view as main content.
- puls/objc-mocktail - A simple(r) way to stub out HTTP servers in your Objective-C app.
- navneet83/Cross-platform-AES-encryption - Basic cross platform AES encryption
- ariok/TB_CircularSlider - This is the code for the tutorial "How to create a custom control in iOS" from http://www.thinkandbuild.it
- zepojo/UPCardsCarousel - A cards based carousel for iOS
- kamilpowalowski/HSDatePickerViewController - Customizable iOS view controller in Mailbox app style for picking date and time. https://twitter.com/kamilpowalowski
- MP0w/MPParallaxCollection - [dead] a collection view layout + cell that can do something percent driven ( parallax for image)
- doubleencore/DETweetComposeViewController - The iOS 4 compatible Tweet Sheet.
- funkyboy/Building-a-Jabber-client-for-iOS - Source code for the tutorial "Building a Jabber client for iOS"
- QiShare/QiCardView - QiCardView,一款由QiShare所开源的自定义卡片式控件。
- katzer/cordova-plugin-printer - Print HTML documents
- loveway/HWLoadingAnimation - Animation for loading (complete with Objective-C & Swift)
- acburk/SOCQ - Syntax for Objective-C Queries
- panghaijiao/HJTabViewController - A Cool PageViewController
- CrabMen/CMPageTitleView - ✍️一分钟集成类似抖音,新浪微博,腾讯视频,网易新闻,今日头条等常见的标题栏样式,api灵活易扩展,支持Cocoapods和Masonry布局,支持ChildController的完整生命周期
- cemolcay/PullToRefreshCoreText - PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
- michaeltyson/TPAACAudioConverter - Easy-to-use Objective-C wrapper for AAC audio conversion
- cyrilchandelier/CCHexagonFlowLayout - UICollectionView layout for both horizontal and vertical management of hexagonal cells
- BeatsKitano/Somo - Somo is a iOS Skeleton-style animation library that's simple enough,and in objective-c
- podkovyrin/DWAlertController - UIAlertController re-implementation with controller containment support
- kmikael/PBWebViewController - A light-weight, simple and customizable web browser component for iOS.
- peakji/PJTernarySearchTree - Objective-C implementation of Ternary Search Tree for Mac OS X and iOS. Best for text autocompletion. Store any objects, auto pruning, serializing, unicode support.
- McZonk/VideoToolboxPlus - Objective-C wrapper for and additions to VideoToolbox
- mattt/CupertinoYankee - An NSDate Category With Locale-Aware Calculations for Beginning & End of Day, Week, Month, and Year
- HHuiHao/Universal-Jump-ViewController - 【demo】万能动态跳转界面 - runtime
- lukeredpath/LROAuth2Client - OAuth2 client for iPhone and iPad apps
- nihalsharma/Clock-Bar - Macbook | Clock, right on the touch bar
- southpeak/Minya - A simple basic hierarchy for iOS development with Objective-C. It is based on MVCS and KVO.
- MugunthKumar/UIKitCategoryAdditions - Block based Category additions for AlertView and ActionSheets
- paradiseduo/tcping - tcping command, written with Objective-C, on macOS,tcping for mac,ping over a tcp connection
- nicklockwood/FXPageControl - Simple, drop-in replacement for the iPhone UIPageControl that allows customisation of the dot colour, size and spacing.
- coding/Coding-iPad - CODING iPad 客户端源代码
- muhku/calendar-ui - MACalendarUI is a project which offers calendar user interface for iPhone applications.
- bogardon/MSPullToRefreshController - pull to refresh controller
- Yak0xff/ChatMessageTableViewController - ChatMessageTableViewController is like iMessage app. support text && image .
- transistorsoft/cordova-plugin-background-fetch - Implements background fetching of data.
- samsymons/RedditKit - An Objective-C wrapper for the reddit API
- akosma/iPhoneWebServicesClient - This project showcases different transport formats and libraries to consume web services from an iOS application.
- songwentong/WTRequestCenter - WTKit is my Code accumulation
- rnystrom/RNSwipeViewController - Swipe in view controllers from off-screen similar to Check the Weather.
- jakemarsh/JMImageCache - NSCache based remote-image caching and downloading mechanism for iOS.
- substantial/choosy - An elegant way to give your users the freedom to choose favorite apps
- klop/KLParallaxView - KLParallaxView is a UIView subclass that imitates Apple TV's parallax effect, written in Objective-C.
- instructure/CKRefreshControl - A pull-to-refresh view for iOS 5, 100% API-compatible with UIRefreshControl in iOS 6
- p2/quicklook-csv - A QuickLook plugin for CSV files
- n8gray/QLColorCode - A Quick Look plugin for source code with syntax highlighting
- thecatalinstan/Criollo - A powerful Cocoa web framework and HTTP server for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- jbavari/cordova-plugin-video-editor - A cordova plugin to edit videos.
- cyndibaby905/GIFRefreshControl - "Twitter music" and "Yahoo! Weather" like pull-to-refresh control created using GIF.
- cezarywojcik/CWPopup - CWPopup category to present popup view controllers
- Tuccuay/RuntimeSummary - 一个集合了常用 Objective-C Runtime 使用方法的 Playground。
- romaonthego/RETrimControl - iOS audio trim control, similar to the one seen in default iPhone Voice Memos app.
- mamaral/MAFormViewController - Quick and easy iOS forms.
- amarcadet/XMLReader - Objective-C XML reader based on NSXMLParser
- siegrainwong/WeChat - 仿微信,注释齐全,方便初学者食用。
- ShadoFlameX/PhotoCollectionView - A tutorial for creating a collection view with a custom layout on iOS 6
- robin/cocoa-web-resource - [Deprecated] A file transfer solution for iPhone and iPod Touch. Support uploading, download and delete files via browser.
- iVanPan/Cordova_QQ - A Cordova wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQZone Sharing etc.
- HAPENLY/UIWebviewWithCookie - 两步实现iOS UIWebView 通过 cookie 完成自动登录。
- funkyboy/How-To-Create-a-Rotating-Wheel-Control-with-UIKit - Code for the tutorial "How To Create a Rotating Wheel Control with UIKit" published on raywenderlich.com
- eerolanguage/eero - Eero was a fully binary- and header-compatible dialect of Objective-C, implemented with a modified version of the Apple-sponsored LLVM/clang open-source compiler. It featured a streamlined syntax, Python-like indentation, and other features that improve readability and code safety. It was inspired by languages such as Smalltalk, Python, and Ruby.
- kolyvan/kxsmb - KxSMB is objective-c wrapper for libsmbclient (samba.org) lib.
- haqu/climbers - iPad game
- netshade/Cocoa-Touch-Barcodes - Fork of Jeff Lamarche's original barcode generator library at http://code.google.com/p/cocoabarcodes/
- leancloud/LeanCloudLiveKit-iOS - Show how to add IM module to Live app
- baozoudiudiu/CWCarousel - 轮播图banner
- akiroom/AXStretchableHeaderTabViewController - Stretchable header view + Horizontal swipable tab view
- floatinghotpot/cordova-httpd - Embed tiny web server into Cordova with a plugin
- erica/ABContactHelper - Objective-C Address Book wrapper
- conradev/CKShapeView - UIView subclass backed by CAShapeLayer
- sakrist/VBPieChart - 🍰📈 Pie Chart iOS control with different animations to present.
- CaramelForSwift/Caramel - A portable I/O framework for Swift
- thisandagain/cam - A “keep it simple” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
- liuzechen/CCDraggableCard-Master - 类似陌陌探探中可滑动的卡牌视图
- HatsuneMikuV/SHSegmentedControlTableView - Both scroll horizontal and vertical for segment scrollview which have a same header. — 类似半糖、美丽说主页与QQ音乐歌曲列表布局效果,实现不同菜单的左右滑动切换,同时支持类似tableview的顶部工具栏悬停(既可以左右滑动,又可以上下滑动)。兼容下拉刷新,上拉加载更多。现已加入swift豪华套餐,使用样例助你快速使用
- CRAnimation/CRNumberFadedAnimation - CRNumberFaded
- tuenti/TUDelorean - TUDelorean helps you test your time-dependent Objetive-C code allowing you travel anywhere in time.
- siuying/IGHTMLQuery - IGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, built on top of libxml.
- mikr/RestartLessOften - modify parameters, colors, images and code of your app without restart on iOS and OS X with Objective-C
- ChrisXu/CXPhotoBrowser - Photo browser for iOS, Inspiring by @MWPhotoBrowser. Supporting with high level customization, including Navigationbar, Toolbar, Loading process placeholder and Loading failure placeholder.
- DeveloperErenLiu/ComponentArchitecture - 很详细的组件化集成方案及Demo,写技术文章不容易,希望各位能帮忙点个Star,谢谢!
- Aevit/SCCaptureCamera - A Custom Camera with AVCaptureSession to take a square picture. And the UI is patterned on Instagram.
- malcommac/DMPagerViewController - DMPagerViewController is page navigation controller like the one used in Twitter or Tinder
- gnustep/libs-gui - The GNUstep gui library is a library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon Apple's Cocoa framework (which came from the OpenStep specification). *** Larger patches require copyright assignment to FSF. please file bugs here. ***
- Geek-1001/Clue - Flexible bug report framework for iOS
- Crypho/cordova-plugin-secure-storage - Secure storage plugin for Apache Cordova
- sebastienwindal/FRD3DBarChart - Interactive iOS 3D bar chart control made with GLKit
- crashlytics/cannonball-ios - Cannonball is the fun way to create and share stories and poems on your phone. This app uses all the features of Fabric for iOS.
- JJMM/CUSLayout - iOS Layout Manager.Open source auto layout Manager,which is similar to Android,SWT,SWING API. ios layout
- mattt/CHChromaHashView - A classic password visualization concept, ported to iOS
- ddeville/DDPageControl - An easily customizable alternative to UIKit's UIPageControl
- contentsync/SketchContentSync - Sync sketch files with google docs.
- xcatsan/iOS-Sample-Code - iOS Sample Code
- Kong/unirest-obj-c - Unirest in Objective-C: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
- jerrykrinock/CategoriesObjC - General-purpose categories of Cocoa classes.
- EddyVerbruggen/cordova-plugin-native-keyboard - 🎹 Add a Slack / WhatsApp - style chat keyboard to your Cordova app!
- timominous/TDImageColors - iOS Library used to detect a number of most used colors in a UIImage instace.
- sunweiliang/NeteaseMusicCrack - iOS网易云音乐 免VIP下载、去广告、去更新 无需越狱...
- LQi2009/LQCartViewController - 比较完整的购物车界面及逻辑,商品展示,多选,单选,全选及滑动删除,价格计算;
- Jiang-Fallen/iComicReader - Comic Source Code 漫画APP源码
- StefanLage/SLParallaxController - Create Parallax effect between UITableView & UIMapView - like FourSquare
- nonstriater/NTSlidingViewController - NTSlidingViewController is right-and-left sliding view controller container
- SebastienMichoy/MSSlidingPanelController - [DEPRECATED] Integrate easily a sliding panel controller mechanism in your project!
- Meiqia/MQChatViewController - 美洽开源的聊天界面。
- squarezw/ZWIntroductionViewController - A simple custom app introductions and tutorials and welcome video
- larsacus/LARSAdController - Lightweight ad mediation for iOS to properly manage multiple ad networks dynamically including iAd and Google ads.
- kewenya/SearchCoreTest - search contact by name or phone-number
- chasseurmic/TWRSkewedCollectionView - An iOS collection view subclass to present a list of skewed images.
- myl9361/MYLStockChartDemo - 一个在别的第三方基础上完成的,包含分时图(五档明细图)、五日、k线图(蜡烛图) 的项目,可横屏 、长按,捏合缩放、十字线拖动 ma5 、ma10、ma20 vol macd kdj rsi 等计算和绘制,基本满足股票类app 页面的实现
- dhcdht/DXXcodeConsoleUnicodePlugin - 转换Xcode控制台中一些不可阅读的字符,比如 \u22AD 这种
- TeehanLax/UIViewController-Transitions-Example - An example of how to use the new iOS 7 APIs to create custom view controller transitions.
- music4kid/EasyCode-Xcode - "legal" Xcode Plugin for inserting code in super duper fast lazy way.
- ahmetardal/SSPhotoCropperViewController - SSPhotoCropperViewController is a custom view controller that provides UI for cropping and scaling photos in iPhone / iPod Touch apps.
- stefanceriu/SCStackViewController - SCStackViewController is a container view controller which allows you to stack other view controllers on the top/left/bottom/right of the root and build custom transitions between them while providing correct physics and appearance calls.
- leecrossley/cordova-plugin-apple-watch - Cordova / PhoneGap Apple Watch Plugin for Apache Cordova
- buddingmonkey/SpriteKit-Components - Component model and helper classess for iOS 7+ SpriteKit Framework
- mrustaa/ContainerView - ContainerView is designed to add a cool swim from the bottom to the animation with the effect of scale, controlled by the help of a gesture, scrollView also takes control. The idea is taken from the application: https://www.apple.com/ios/maps/
- jamztang/JTObjectMapping - A very simple objective-c framework that maps a JSON response from NSDictionary or NSArray to an NSObject subclass for iOS.
- boserup/JBWebViewController - A modal view controller for showing websites - inspired by the Facebook app
- wujunyang/MVVMReactiveCocoaDemo - ReactiveCocoa的知识点及MVVM模式运用(不断更新中....)
- ResearchKit/AppCore - Core code shared by the initial ResearchKit apps.
- camdenfullmer/CFShareCircle - CFShareCircle is a user interface component for iOS that can be integrated into an app as a sharing mechanism for any kind of content.
- ameingast/cocoaimagehashing - Perceptual Image Hashing for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
- rizumita/CTFeedback - Library to send feedback for iOS. Swift version https://github.com/rizumita/CTFeedbackSwift
- iSapozhnik/NavigationMenu - [DEPRECATED] Objective-C component that adds menu to the navigation bar
- scalessec/CSLinearLayoutView - Linear layout view designed to simplify relative layouts on iOS.
- HouWan/CodeTextDemo - iOS验证码输入
- gyetvan-andras/cocoa-waveform - A cocoa audio player component which displays the waveform of the audio file.
- gabriel/GHKit - Utilities and categories for Objective-C
- mysteriouspants/ArgumentParser - Faster, easier, more declarative parsing of command line arguments in Objective-C/Foundation.
- mpospese/CircleLayout - fixing bugs in WWDC 2012's 219 session sample code
- Evernote/evernote-cloud-sdk-ios - Evernote Cloud SDK for iOS
- recruit-mp/RMPScrollingMenuBarController - RMPScrollingMenuBarController has a scrollable menu bar, and multiple view controllers.
- mengxianliang/XLChannelControl - iOS 仿腾讯新闻客户端的频道管理功能
- nicklockwood/ColorUtils - [DEPRECATED]
- iostyle/WeChatPlugin - 微信小助手
- adamwulf/ClippingBezier - ClippingBezier calculates intersection points, paths, and shapes between two UIBezierPaths
- soffes/cheddar-mac - Cheddar for Mac
- NilStack/NKWatchChart - A chart library for Apple Watch based on PNChart and ios-charts.
- ChenYilong/CYLDeallocBlockExecutor - Hello block,byebye dealloc!一行代码代替dealloc完成“self-manager”
- boai/BAWeChat - 博爱微信,使用原生 frame + MVVM + MVC + QMUIKit + BAKit 开源的微信
- Bertrand/handlebars-objc - handlebars-objc is a feature-complete implementation of Handlebars.js for Objective-C
- appdesignvault/MagRackCollectionView - MagRackCollectionView
- alberti42/iTunes-Volume-Control - Controlling iTunes and Spotify volume using volume up and volume down hotkeys.
- omxcodec/OCMethodTrace - Trace Any Objective-C Method Calls
- jinht/NewsChannel - 新闻频道栏/滚动栏(网易新闻,新浪新闻,搜狐新闻,今日头条,聚划算,腾讯视频,优酷等类的频道栏),支持小红点标识 && 懒加载 && 缓存 && 排序 && 增删等
- douban/douban-objc-client - Objective-C client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
- d0ping/DBAttachmentPickerController - This powerful component allows to select different types of files from different sources on your device.
- apparentsoft/ReactiveCoreData - Core Data with ReactiveCocoa
- vmodena/ICSDrawerController - ICSDrawerController is a left-side drawer controller for iPhone (iOS 7 or later).
- hirakujira/CPU-Identifier - Check your A9 chip manufactory
- popochess/PPImageScrollingTableViewCell - PPImageScrollingTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell subclass that can make images scrollable horizontally in TableView.
- HelloYeah/ChooseLocation - 京东选择收货地址
- chenxiaoyu3/BBStockChartView - An iOS stock chart view, K-Line, volume Line
- briancoyner/Core-Animation-Fun-House - Core Animation Examples (Basics, Replicator, Reflection, Wiggle Jiggle, Lissajous Curve, Sine Wave, etc.)
- Tuberose621/-CollectionViewLayout-CollectionViewFlowLayout- - 自定义布局和自定义流水布局(CollectionViewLayout和CollectionViewFlowLayout)
- ole/CollectionViewParallaxScrolling - A custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout to support parallax scrolling in cells. Check out the accompanying blog post for more info.
- molon/MLLayout - Flexbox in Objective-C, using Facebook's css-layout.
- indragiek/INDANCSClient - Objective-C Apple Notification Center Service Client
- EddyBorja/UIColor-MLPFlatColors - A category for UIColor that adds flat UI color methods. For iOS.
- d0ping/DBImageColorPicker - It's very useful component for determine different colors from your image.
- ninjaprox/NVBnbCollectionView - A Airbnb-inspired collection view
- ryanmaxwell/UIAlertController-Blocks - Convenience methods for UIAlertController
- khanlou/InstantCocoa - Instant Cocoa is a framework for making iOS apps.
- jasarien/CoreTextHyperlinkView - An iOS view that renders text using Core Text with tappable hyperlinks without a webview!
- grgcombs/MultiRowCalloutAnnotationView - An iOS MapKit callout annotation view with independent cells and accessory actions.
- gloubibou/HHPanningTableViewCell - Swipe to reveal implementation for iOS
- cwenboshi/RNBlurredSideViewController - RNBlurredSideViewController is a side view controller with a dynamic blurred background effect when swiping similar to the iOS 7 control center.
- tylerneylon/moriarty - A collection of useful Objective-C and iOS classes.
- paypal/PayPal-Cordova-Plugin - PayPal SDK Cordova/Phonegap Plugin
- subjc/SubjectiveCUnreadMenu - A rebuilding of Unread's pull-for-menu interaction.
- ElegantLiar/DingdingPunchCardDemo - 远程定位demo
- shijingsh/react-native-customized-image-picker - iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video compression, multiple images and cropping
- limneos/weak_classdump - Cycript real-time classdump . An alternative for encrypted binaries
- doukasd/iOS-Components - Misc components for the iOS. Just random stuff really but hopefully useful.
- dasdom/DDHDynamicViewControllerTransitions - Custom view controller transitions using UIDynamic behaviors.
- vprtwn/BZGFormViewController - Forms with validation
- ramonpoca/ColorTools - Tools for color management in Mac OS X and iOS, supporting Adobe Swatch Exchange and NSColorList formats
- jaykz52/CKSideBarController - CKSideBarController is a UITabBarController-like UIViewController for iPad. Inspired by Twitter for iPad, as well as my own work.
- PoomSmart/IDAObjcTypes - A collection of types & functions definitions useful for Objective-C binaries analysis.
- insidegui/AssetCatalogTinkerer - An app that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images.
- chenxing640/WeChat_tweak - iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
- rocketshipapps/adblockfast - Adblock Fast is a faster ad blocker for Windows, Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
- 91renb/NewsComing - 本项目是一个完整的新闻应用,采用了MVVM架构,项目结构清晰,给初学者或有开发经验的人提供一种思路,方便在企业开发中快速搭建iOS项目基础架构。
- erikdoe/ccmenu - CCMenu is a Mac application to monitor continuous integration servers.
- Pakhee/Cross-platform-AES-encryption - Basic cross platform AES encryption
- macmade/FileVaultCracker - macOS FileVault cracking tool
- psineur/NSObject-AutomagicCoding - Ability to save every object to PLIST without any special coding.
- Ink/ThatCloud - ThatCloud is an open-source iOS application that allows you to access, view, and work with all of the content you have online.
- devedbox/AXAnimationChain - AXAnimationChain is a chain animation library, can be used to easily create CAAnimation based chain animation. There are two kinds of combination chain, one is called combination, the other is called link, created by the two ways above, the animation can be carried out at the same time, can also according to the time order, you can use the code to create a rich and complex animation.
- zilmarinen/UIColor-Crayola - Crayola colors UIColor category
- rsoffer/RS3DSegmentedControl - A 3D filter control that gives users a fun way to browse between many segments.
- nicklockwood/OSNavigationController - [DEPRECATED]
- pablosproject/iPhone-OCR-Tesseract-and-OpenCV - Simple academic project made using OpenCV and Tesseract. The aim of these project is to read flyers of job offer and extract the text.
- floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-nativeaudio - The low latency audio plugin is designed to enable low latency and polyphonic audio from Cordova/PhoneGap applications, using a very simple and basic API.
- carleihar/JRMFloatingAnimation - An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views.
- yaakaito/Overline - Objective-C utilities and shorthands.
- stuartervine/OCTotallyLazy - Functional extensions to Objective C's collections
- QinminiOS/EnjoyCamera - FilterCamera & ImageEditor For iOS ---此项目包含了50多种滤镜,可以选择图片和编辑图片,可以拍照和实时滤镜等。
- cocopon/CQMFloatingController - Floating UI component with navigation bar for iPhone
- B-Sides/ELCTextFieldCell - A demo project for the UITableViewCell subclass ELCTextFieldCell to help with form creation
- mattstevens/objc-diff - An Objective-C API diff report generator
- lizelu/ZLCustomeSegmentControlView - 视错觉Demo介绍
- iSECPartners/ssl-conservatory - Sample SSL client code for correct endpoint validation.
- GJGroup/GJAlertController - 在程序中使用UIAlertController而不用关心低版本兼容的问题
- fastred/AHKNavigationController - A UINavigationController subclass that re-enables the interactive pop gesture when the navigation bar is hidden or a custom back button is used.
- Pocket/Pocket-ObjC-SDK - Headless iOS/Mac SDK for saving stuff to Pocket.
- bryanoltman/CAAnimation-EasingEquations - A category on CAAnimation that provides a number of easing equations to add some zazz to your app (with examples!)
- JC-Hu/JHCellConfig - 适用于UITableView的“蝇量级”框架。 将业务复杂度集中,减少代码量,提高可阅读性。 本类的思想,是将tableView中cell的相关逻辑集中起来, 放到数组中管理,而不是将业务逻辑分散在各个代理方法中。 特别是使用基类BaseTableViewController进行转接后, 具体业务vc不需要实现tableView cell相关的代理方法
- Zepo/Reflow - A unidirectional data flow framework for Objective-C inspired by Flux, Redux and Vue.
- yuhua-chen/MCCardPickerCollectionViewController - A card collection view controller inspired by Facebook People you may know.
- letqingbin/DynamicOC - A hotfix library based on flex/yacc. You can call any Objective-C class and method using DynamicOC.
- iTofu/LCNavigationController - 除 UINavigationController 外最流行的 NavigationController!
- ishkawa/ISRefreshControl - (deprecated) iOS4-compatible UIRefreshControl
- AlanQuatermain/iPhoneContacts - A wrapper for the iPhone's C-based AddressBook framework.
- vonovak/react-native-add-calendar-event - Create, view or edit events in react native using the standard iOS / Android dialogs
- nenosllc/iCloudDocumentSync - Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
- benzguo/BZGFormViewController - Forms with validation
- NodeMedia/NodeMediaClient-iOS - NodeMedia RTMP/RTSP/HTTP Play/Publish Client SDK for iOS
- mbrandonw/UIResponder-KeyboardCache - A simple workaround to the annoying problem of keyboard lag.
- zycslog/ChatMessageTableViewController - ChatMessageTableViewController is like iMessage app. support text && image .
- creaceed/CeedGL - Thin Objective-C wrapper for modern OpenGL development on Mac & iOS
- apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser - Apache Cordova Plugin inappbrowser
- birkir/react-native-carplay - CarPlay with React Native
- ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController - [EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带红点角标,支持动态刷新。【iOS13 & Dark Mode & iPhone XS MAX supported】
- wuba/WBBlades - 基于Mach-O解析技术的包大小占比分析、基于反汇编的Objective-C & Swift无用代码(冗余类)检测、点对点崩溃解析,支持big method /small method 解析 以及 iOS 15以上关于 dyld_chained_fixups的处理 (Technology app size analysis tool based on Mach-O, unused code (unused class) detection tool based on __text disassembly, point-to-point crash analysis tool based on dSYM or without dSYM.)
- teslamotors/react-native-camera-kit - A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps.
- joeblau/COSTouchVisualizer - Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad
- mpiannucci/react-native-context-menu-view - Use native context menus in React Native
- nihp-public/COVID-19-app-iOS-BETA - Source code of the Beta of the NHS COVID-19 iOS app
- wix/react-native-controllers - Native IOS Navigation for React Native (navbar, tabs, drawer)
- evernote/evernote-cloud-sdk-ios - Evernote Cloud SDK for iOS
- react-native-cameraroll/react-native-cameraroll - CameraRoll is a react-native native module that provides access to the local camera roll or photo library.
- jakemarsh/JMStaticContentTableViewController - A subclass-able way to cleanly and neatly implement a table view controller much like those in Settings.app, with nice-looking fields to collect or display information, all using a simple and convienent block-based syntax.
- matteozappia/DynamicCow - Enable Dynamic Island on every device that is running iOS 16.0 to 16.1.2 using the MacDirtyCow exploit.
- CoderLN/Apple-GitHub-Codeidea - Three party source code
- CoderLN/Framework-Codeidea - System file classification
- kenshin03/RouletteWheelCollectionViewDemo - Demo of a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass implementation of a roulette wheel of cards, in the style of the Yahoo TimeTraveler app.
- Sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS - A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
- Coding/Coding-iOS - CODING iOS 客户端源代码
- Coding/Coding-iPad - CODING iPad 客户端源代码
- henrytkirk/HTKDynamicResizingCell - Subclassed UITableView/UICollectionView cells that will auto calculate their size so long as AutoLayout constraints are applied correctly. For iOS 7+. Works similar to how iOS 8's auto sizing of cells work.
- parse-community/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX - The Objective-C SDK Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS)
- jjolano/shadow - A jailbreak detection bypass for modern iOS jailbreaks.
- HJaycee/JCAlertController - AlertController presented FIFO or LIFO and customed easily
- soulverteam/SoulverCore - A powerful Swift framework for evaluating mathematical expressions
- wwdc14/HySubmitTransitionObjective-C - OC版的转场动画
- futuresimple/FSVerticalTabBarController - Vertical tab bar controller for iOS mimicking UITabBarController look and behavior
- dgynfi/WeChat_tweak - ♨️ iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
- CyberAgent/AMBTableViewController - Storyboard and Prototype Cells-centric block-based UITableView controller to manage complex layouts.
- HHHsiang/Somo - Somo is a iOS Skeleton-style animation library that's simple enough,and in objective-c
- ardalahmet/SSPhotoCropperViewController - SSPhotoCropperViewController is a custom view controller that provides UI for cropping and scaling photos in iPhone / iPod Touch apps.
- bref-Chan/CCFoldCell - Cell折叠动效(OC实现)
- Tricertops/Objective-Chain - Object-oriented reactive framework, inspired by ReactiveCocoa
- skooal/PushNotificationManager - Convenient and comprehensive api for push notification,provide 6 stems and 20 branchs' function,offer examples written by Objective-C and Swift respectively
- sureJiang0/MSSafeContainer - ThreadSafeContainer
- newyjp/JPNavigationController - This library provides an fullScreen pop and push gesture for UINavigationController with customize UINavigationBar for each single support.
- RobinChao/ChatMessageTableViewController - ChatMessageTableViewController is like iMessage app. support text && image .
- realm/realm-cocoa - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- phoboslab/pl_mpeg - Single file C library for decoding MPEG1 Video and MP2 Audio
- JmoVxia/CLPlayer - 自定义视频播放器
- kevin0571/STPopup - STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad. It's written in Objective-C and compatible with Swift.
- twitter/CocoaSPDY - SPDY for iOS and OS X
- cocbin/CBTableViewDataSource - Just one line to create DataSource and Delegate for UITableView.
- facebookarchive/SocketRocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
- yulingtianxia/FishChat - Hook WeChat.app on non-jailbroken devices.
- foolsong/EasyCharts - A simple chart lib used for iOS(Objective-c && Swift). :-)
- pytorch/cpuinfo - CPU INFOrmation library (x86/x86-64/ARM/ARM64, Linux/Windows/Android/macOS/iOS)
- ryanpcmcquen/basque - A top-down 2d game engine, written from scratch in under 1000 lines of C. Development of the game based on this engine is streamed on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ryanpcmcquen
- vicc/Chameleon - Color framework for Swift & Objective-C (Gradient colors, hexcode support, colors from images & more).
- MustangYM/WeChatICU-ForMac - Mac版企业微信消息防撤回, 聊天会话去水印
- MustangYM/WeChatSeptet-ForMac - 简版Mac微信小助手
- JmoVxia/CLDemo - 这是一个Demo空间,持续更新
- jiaxiaogang/he4o - 和(he for objective-c) —— “信息熵减机系统”
- wdas/partio - C++ (with python bindings) library for easily reading/writing/manipulating common animation particle formats such as PDB, BGEO, PTC. See the discussion group @ http://groups.google.com/group/partio-discuss
- nhsx/COVID-19-app-iOS-BETA - Source code of the Beta of the NHS COVID-19 iOS app
- ink-spot/UPCardsCarousel - A cards based carousel for iOS
- HsiaohuiHsiang/Somo - Somo is a iOS Skeleton-style animation library that's simple enough,and in objective-c
- ShelinShelin/OffLineCache - About Offline caching ideas and The use of AFN
- Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController - iOS view controller, shows left and right views by pressing button or gesture
- sdlpal/sdlpal - SDL-based reimplementation of the classic Chinese-language RPG "Xiān jiàn Qí Xiá Zhuàn" (also known as PAL).
- linkedin/LIExposeController - Expose style navigation for iOS apps
- iRareMedia/iCloudDocumentSync - Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
- soffes/cheddarkit - Objective-C framework that powers Cheddar for iOS and Cheddar for Mac
- SureCase/WaterfallCollectionView - Waterfall-style implementation of UICollectionView layout
- microsoft/react-native-code-push - React Native module for CodePush
- jamesonrader/CUE-Ultrasonic-Transmissions-Protocol - Transmit data using ultrasonic audio. Perfect for offline/network-free data transfer, automatic content recognition (ACR), and broadcast.
- Just-/UIViewController-KeyboardAnimation - Showing/dismissing keyboard animation in UIViewController category.
- ticsmatic/XQPageController - PageController, including normal style, including sticky, tableview in tableview
- agilebits/AgileCloudSDK - AgileCloudSDK is our CloudKit JS implementation of the CloudKit framework. It is used in 1Password for Mac.