- Place the entrypoint.sh file in the same folder as the Dockerfile
- Run the command : "docker build -t jmeter ." from the folder where the Dockerfile is located
The command accepts three arguments to parametrize the image:
- JAVA_VERSION: The tag to use as the base image. All available tags are here : https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries
- JMETER_VERSION: The version of Apache JMeter you wish to add to the image
- MIRROR: The mirror link to download Apache JMeter
docker build --build-args JAVA_VERSION="jdk8u222-b10" JMETER_VERSION="5.1.1" -t jmeter .
- Update the docker-compose.yml to set up the volume where the Apache JMeter Test Case is stored
- Finally, personalize and run the attached bash script to run your tests