Welcome! In this repo we (some undergrad mechanical engineering students at Tufts University) aim to help you master iRobot™ Education's Create®3 Robot through code examples and design challenges. To control the Create®3 robot we will use ROS 2 Galactic and the Python Client Library. Please follow the directions written here to set up ROS 2 if you have not already.
If you run into errors setting up ROS 2 search here (step 12) for answers.
- If you are not currently in your virtual machine, go to that now. Once you are there, open this link in your virtual machine. Download this repository (on your virtual machine).
- Click the green "Code" button then "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the repository & move it to the Home directory of your virtual machine.
- Follow the READMEs in the other folders to test out the code.
In any file, if a piece of code is written inside {} or [] brackets it means you should fill it out with your unique namespace/package name/workspace etc. Do not include the {} or [] when you run the code.
For example, if the namespace of my Create® 3 robot is JonSnow. Then I would want to modify the code accordingly. For example:
ros2 topic echo /[Namespace]/battery_state
ros2 topic echo /JonSnow/battery_state
when you run it in your terminal.