A package that will resolve local dependencies in a package.json and install them correctly without the need of publishing the local dependencies to npm. This will help reduce the complexity when dealing with monorepo application deployment.
- Support npm local package
- Support pnpm workspace
npm i -g mono-install
mono-install [args] -- [install args]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--install-dir, -i The installation directory [string]
will create a new one if it does not exist
--package-json, -p package.json location [string]
--package-lock, -l Lock file (package-lock.json, pnpm-lock.yaml) location
--engine, -e Engine to use
[string] [choices: "npm", "pnpm"] [default: "npm"]
mono-install --engine pnpm --install-dir build --package-json ./package.json --package-lock ../../pnpm-lock.yaml