simple static file server written in Rust based on axum framework
I'm learning Rust and axum.
My thought is simple.
axum has a static-file-server example, which only serve static files under a directory and does not list the directory index.
it also has a templates example which uses askama as template engine to parse a Jinja2 like template.
I thought I could simply combine the code of the two and my job is done -_-
But things didn't go in the way I thought
long time ago, I used to start a static http server like this (using the python3 built-in http server) :
python3 -m http.server -d .
since I'm learning Rust, and I found an interesting web framework that is Axum
, I want to use Axum to implement a simple static server mainly for studying purposes.
the python one support some command line flags:
❯ python3 -m http.server -h
usage: [-h] [--cgi] [--bind ADDRESS] [--directory DIRECTORY] [port]
positional arguments:
port Specify alternate port [default: 8000]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cgi Run as CGI Server
Specify alternate bind address [default: all interfaces]
Specify alternative directory [default:current directory]
so does this one:
❯ static-server -h
static-server 0.4.2
A simple static file server written in Rust based on axum framework.
static-server [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --addr <addr> set the listen addr [default:]
-l, --log <log-level> set the log level [default: debug]
-p, --port <port> set the listen port [default: 3000]
-r, --root <root-dir> set the root directory [default: .]
use for audio,video