An Erlang wrapper around the Telegram Bot API.
Download the sources from repository
and run make
Or add it to rebar.config
into a deps
{etelegram, ".*",
{git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
Add in your config
{etelegram, [{token, <<"YOUR_BOT_TOKEN">>}]}
or configure it using application:set_env/3
1> application:load(etelegram).
2> application:set_env(etelegram, token, <<"YOUR_BOT_TOKEN">>).
Add etelegram
to the application
property in your
start it manually:
3> etelegram:start().
4> etelegram:get_me().
{ok,#etelegram_user{id = 1010,
first_name = <<"Foo">>,last_name = undefined,
username = <<"foobot">>}}
5> etelegram:send_message(1001, <<"Hello!">>).
{ok,#etelegram_message{message_id = 1,
from = #etelegram_user{id = 1010,
first_name = <<"Foo">>,last_name = undefined,
username = <<"foobot">>},
date = 1450640539,
chat = #etelegram_chat{id = 1001,type = <<"private">>,
title = undefined,username = <<"bar">>,
first_name = <<"Bar">>, last_name = undefined},
forward_from = undefined,forward_date = undefined,
reply_to_message = undefined,text = <<"Hello!">>,
audio = undefined,document = undefined,photo = undefined,
sticker = undefined,video = undefined,voice = undefined,
caption = undefined,contact = undefined,
location = undefined,new_chat_participant = undefined,
left_chat_participant = undefined,
new_chat_title = undefined,new_chat_photo = undefined,
delete_chat_photo = undefined,
group_chat_created = undefined}}