smhi-node is a JavaScript wrapper for the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute's (SMHI) weather forecast API (text in Swedish), packaged as a Node.js module.
It's an abstracting wrapper in that it not only hides the details of a request to SMHI from the developer, but also wraps the response in a response object instead of simply outputting it as a JSON object. The purpose of the response object is to make it easier to read and write code that handles the response, using methods that has readable and non-ambiguous names. (e.g. getTemperature() instead of get("t")). If the developer prefers the original JSON, it's available as well.
SMHI updates its forecast at 3:30, 7:30, 11:00, 14:00/15:00 (Winter/Summer), 17:30 and 00:00 Central European Time. Instead of caching responses retrieved from the API until a forecast is expected to happen, the wrapper reads the max-age from the Cache-Control header in the HTTP response from the API, and invalidates the cached value when the max-age has passed. That way SMHI can dynamically control how long users should hold on to a result.
needle is used for HTTP requests. es6-promise, an EcmaScript 6 polyfill, is used for promises. Mocha is the testrunner.
Given latitude and longitude, SMHI's API returns weather forecast information from the time of the request to ten days into the future. Forecasts include properties such as direction and velocity of winds, type and intensity of precipitation, and temperature. Full list of properties can be found here (Excel file). Hourly forecasts for the first days, but become less regular as time approaches ten days from the request.
Example response for Stockholm:
lat: 58.638217,
lon: 16.102653,
referenceTime: "2014-03-14T20:00:00Z",
timeseries: [
validTime: "2014-03-14T21:00:00Z",
msl: 990.8,
t: 5.3,
vis: 16,
wd: 211,
ws: 6.6,
r: 87,
tstm: 0,
tcc: 6,
lcc: 5,
mcc: 8,
hcc: 6,
gust: 10.2,
pit: 1.7,
pis: 0,
pcat: 3
validTime: "2014-03-14T22:00:00Z",
msl: 990,
t: 5.1,
vis: 7,
wd: 224,
ws: 7.1,
r: 93,
tstm: 0,
tcc: 7,
lcc: 7,
mcc: 8,
hcc: 8,
gust: 14.6,
pit: 1,
pis: 0,
pcat: 3
... (and so on, ten days into the future)
Below are two examples of wrapper use cases, using same query and getting the same response shown above.
More examples can be found in the examples folder.
var SMHI = require("smhi-node"),
latitude = 58.59, // Stockholm
longitude = 16.18;
SMHI.getForecastForLatAndLong(latitude, longitude).then(
function(response) {
var forecasts = response.getForecasts();
var nextHour = forecasts[0];
if (nextHour.getPrecipitationCategory() === SMHI.PrecipitationCategory.RAIN) {
console.log("It will rain");
} else {
console.log("Yay, it won't rain!");
function(error) {
console.log("I didn't manage to find out, sorry.", error);
var SMHI = require("smhi-node"),
latitude = 58.59,
longitude = 16.18;
SMHI.getForecastForLatAndLong(latitude, longitude).then(
function(response) {
var forecasts = response.getForecasts();
var records = {
highest : forecasts[0],
lowest : forecasts[0]
forecasts.slice(1).forEach(function(forecast) {
if (records.highest.getTemperature() < forecast.getTemperature()) {
records.highest = forecast;
} else if (records.lowest.getTemperature > forecast.getTemperature()) {
records.lowest = forecast;
// Highest temperature: 9.6°C on 2014-03-22T12:00:00.000Z
console.log("Highest temperature: " + records.highest.getTemperature() + "°C on " + records.highest.getValidTime().toJSON());
// Lowest temperature: 5.3°C on 2014-03-14T21:00:00.000Z
console.log("Lowest temperature: " + records.lowest.getTemperature() + "°C on " + records.lowest.getValidTime().toJSON()); // 5.3°C
function(error) {
console.log("I didn't manage to find out, sorry.", error);
# In the directory of the project that will use smhi-node
npm install smhi-node --save
# config.json
"cacheTTL" : 900 // Default 900 seconds (15 minutes). 0 turns off caching.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Install Grunt to be able to run tasks
npm install -g grunt-cli
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run tests and Javascript linting
There are no methods on this prototype, so there's no need to instantiate an SMHI object.
* Get weather forecasts for a specified coordinate.
* @param {Number} lat The latitude of the location you want forecasts for
* @param {Number} lon The longitude of the location you want forecasts for
* @returns {Promise} Returns a ES6 compatible promise that resolves to a {SMHI Response} object
* if the request is successful. Otherwise, it rejects the promise.
SMHI.getForecastForLatAndLong(lat, lon)
* Get coordinates for the closest gridpoint.
* @param {Number} lat The latitude
* @param {Number} lon The longitude
* @returns {Promise} Returns a ES6 compatible promise that resolves to an object with a {Number} lat
* and {Number} lon property, if successful. Otherwise it rejects the promise.
SMHI.getClosestGridpointForLatAndLong(lat, lon)
* Enum for precipitation categories.
* @enum {Number}
NONE (0)
SNOW (1)
RAIN (3)
There's no need to create a new SMHI Response with its constructor. Responses are returned from SMHI, when a request has been made successfully using getForecastForLatAndLong.
* Get the forecasts that is contained within the SMHI Response.
* @returns {Forecast[]} The forecasts
* @returns {Number} Latitude of the closest measuring node
* @returns {Number} Longitude of the nearest measuring node
* @returns {Date} Time when the forecast request was made
* @returns {Object} The parsed JSON response from SMHI's server
There's no need to create a new Forecast with its constructor. Forecasts are retrieved from the SMHI Response with it's getForecasts() method.
* @returns {Number} Latitude of the closest measuring node
* @returns {Number} Longitude of the nearest measuring node
* @returns {Date} Time when the forecast request was made
* @returns {Date} Time of the forecast
* @returns {Number} Air pressure at sealevel in hPa
* @returns {Number} Temperature in Celsius
* @returns {Number} Visibility in kilometers, one decimal
* @returns {Number} Wind direction (Degrees, one decimal)
* @returns {Number} Wind Velocity (m/s, one decimal)
* @returns {Number} Wind gust (m/s, one decimal)
* @returns {Number} Relative humidity (%, integers)
* @returns {Number} Probability of thunderstorm (%, integers)
* @returns {Number} Total cloud cover (0-8)
* @returns {Number} Low cloud cover (0-8)
* @returns {Number} Medium cloud cover (0-8)
* @returns {Number} High cloud cover (0-8)
* @returns {Number} Rain (millimeter per hour, one decimal)
* @returns {Number} Snow (millimeter per hour of melted snow, one decimal)
* @returns {Number} SMHI internal precipitation category (0-6)
* 0: No precipitation
* 1: Snow
* 2: Mixed snow and rain
* 3: Rain
* 4: Drizzle
* 5: Freezing rain
* 6: Freezing drizzle