This is a demonstration app to utilize some basic asynchronous functionality in Javascript. After 24 hours data will be purged, but until then B00kMaRKr will record a list of favorite web URLs along with ratings and descriptions.
Harry Winkler
1.) I can add bookmarks to my bookmark list. Bookmarks contain:
- title
- url link
- description
- rating (1-5)
- I can see a list of my bookmarks when I first open the app
2.) All bookmarks in the list default to a "condensed" view showing only title and rating
3.) I can click on a bookmark to display the "detailed" view
4.) Detailed view expands to additionally display description and a "Visit Site" link.
5.) I can remove bookmarks from my bookmark list.
6.) I receive appropriate feedback when I cannot submit a bookmark.
7.) Check all validations in the API documentation (e.g. title and url field required).
8.) I can select from a dropdown (a <select>
element) a "minimum rating" to filter the list by all bookmarks rated at or above the chosen selection