BFit is a Python library for fitting a convex sum of Gaussian functions to any probability distribution. It is primarily intended for quantum chemistry applications, where the basis functions are Gaussians and the fitted probability distribution is a scalar function like the electron density.
See the example section down below or the interactive Jupyter binder or various files in the example folder to see specific examples on how to fit using the different algorithms and objective functions. For further information about the api, please visit --BFit Documentation--.
The instructions to access the results of the fitted atomic densities using KL-FI method is shown in the section below.
To report any issues or ask questions, either open an issue or email [email protected].
Please use the following citation in any publication using BFit library:
author = {Tehrani, Alireza and Anderson, James S. M. and Chakraborty, Debajit and Rodriguez-Hernandez, Juan I. and Thompson, David C. and Verstraelen, Toon and Ayers, Paul W. and Heidar-Zadeh, Farnaz},
title = {An information-theoretic approach to basis-set fitting of electron densities and other non-negative functions},
journal = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
volume = {44},
number = {25},
pages = {1998-2015},
doi = {},
url = {},
year = {2023}
- Python >= 3.9:
- NumPy >= 1.18.5:
- SciPy >= 1.5.0:
- Matplotlib >=3.2.0:
- Sphinx >= 2.3.0:
There are two options to install BFit:
# install from source
git clone
pip install .
# or install using pip.
pip install qc-bfit
# run tests to make sure BFit was installed properly
pytest -v .
The features of this software are:
Gaussian Basis set model:
- Construct s-type and p-type Gaussian functions,
- Compute Atomic Densities or Molecular Densities.
Fitting measures:
- Least-squares,
- Kullback-Leibler divergence,
- Tsallis divergence.
Optimization procedures
Read/Parse Hatree-Fock wavefunctions for atomic systems:
- Includes: anions, cations and heavy elements, see data page.
- Compute:
- Atomic density, including core, and valence densities,
- Positive definite kinetic energy density.
The final model of fitting the atomic densities using the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence fixed point iteration method
can be accessed by opening the file ./bfit/data/kl_fpi_results.npz
with numpy.
Similarly, the results from optimizing KL with SLSQP method using kl_fpi_results.npz
as initial guesses can be accessed by opening the file ./bfit/data/kl_slsqp_results.npz
with numpy.
In general, we recommend KL-SLSQP results over the KL-FPI results.
import numpy as np
element = "be"
results = np.load("./bfit/data/kl_fpi_results.npz")
num_s = results["be_num_s"] # Number of s-type Gaussian function
num_p = results["be_num_p"] # Number of p-type Gaussian functions
coeffcients = results["be_coeffs"]
exponents = results["be_exps"]
print("s-type exponents")
print("p-type exponents")
Alternatively, one can load these results using JSON file.
import json
import numpy as np
element = "be"
with open("./bfit/data/kl_fpi_results.json") as file:
data = json.load(file)
data_element = data[element]
num_s = data_element["num_s"]
num_p = data_element["num_p"]
coeffcients = np.array(data_element["coeffs"])
exponents = np.array(data_element["exps"])
Evaluation of the normalized Gaussian model at a given set of points can also be computed
from bfit.grid import ClenshawRadialGrid
from bfit.model import AtomicGaussianDensity
grid = ClenshawRadialGrid(4, num_core_pts=10000, num_diffuse_pts=899, extra_pts=[50, 75, 100])
model = AtomicGaussianDensity(grid.points, num_s=num_s, num_p=num_p, normalize=True)
model_pts = model.evaluate(coefficients, exponents)
print("Numerical integral (spherically) of the model %f." %
grid.integrate(model_pts - 4.0 - np.pi - grid.points--2.0)
There are four steps to using BFit.
The grid is a uniform one-dimension grid with 100 points from 0. to 50.
import numpy as np
from bfit.grid import UniformRadialGrid
grid = UniformRadialGrid(num_pts=100, min_radii=0., max_radii=50.)
See, for different assortment of grids.
Here, the model distribution is 5 s-type, normalized Gaussian functions with center at the origin.
from bfit.model import AtomicGaussianDensity
model = AtomicGaussianDensity(grid.points, num_s=5, num_p=0, normalize=True)
See for more options of Gaussian models.
The algorithm is fitted based on the paper.
from import KLDivergenceFPI
# What you want fitted to should also be defined on `grid.points`.
density = np.array([...])
fit = KLDivergenceFPI(grid, density, model)
See for options of fitting algorithms.
Initial guesses for the coefficients and exponents of the 5 s-type Gaussians must be provided.
# Provide Initial Guesses
c0 = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
e0 = np.array([0.001, 0.1, 1., 5., 100.])
# Optimize both coefficients and exponents and print while running.
result =, e0, opt_coeffs=True, opt_expons=True, maxiter=1000, disp=True)
print("Was it successful? ", result["success"])
print("Optimized coefficients are: ", result["coeffs"])
print("Optimized exponents are: ", result["exps"])
print("Final performance measures are: ", result["fun"][-1])
See the example directory for more examples or launch the interactive binder