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Extracting game assets (Wizard)

J. Chiavelli edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 1 revision


Resident Evil 3 takes an different approach from previous games, storing all assets inside Rofs files - making everything more simplified and protected.
To mod RE3, you will need extract these files and change Bio3.ini settings.

There is some ways you can accomplish this with already available tools (Like RE3ROFSBE), but all of them uses Patrice Mandin reevengi-tools...
And R3V2 is not an exception!

On current compiled version (0.1.8) there is a button at top that run this tool - but the next upcoming version (0.1.9) has a feature called "New Mod - Wizard", that will help new users to extract the game and create mods as the same way you creates a new project on RPG Maker!

To open New Mod (Wizard):

  • Hover "Main Menu" and click on "New Mod (Wizard)"
  • Shortcut: [CTRL + N]

Extracting game assets

[R3V2 New Mod (Wizard) Menu]

Here is how you proceed:

  • Click on "Select Game Path" and select where your game files are stored (ResidentEvil3.exe, RE3_MERCE.exe and etc...)
  • Then, insert a name for your new mod on "Mod Name". Currently this does not change that much but will be used on later
  • To start, click on "Run Wizard"

If everything goes well, It will change to an loading screen and will extract all assets on R3V2 main path.


You can change how R3V2 extracts the game by checking some options You can see what they does by hovering them.
Tip: It's recommended leaving all settings above as it is - This will avoid some issues (Like Rofs11.dat extraction)

Quick note

This wiki may change over time - since this tool still on development.

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