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BLADE: Bayesian Log-normAl DEconvolution for enhanced in silico microdissection of bulk gene expression data


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BLADE: Bayesian Log-normAl DEconvolution

DOI Python 3.6 PyPI version Binder

BLADE (Bayesian Log-normAl DEconvolution) was designed to jointly estimate cell type composition and gene expression profiles per cell type in a single-step while accounting for the observed gene expression variability in single-cell RNA-seq data.

BLADE framework. To construct a prior knowledge of BLADE, we used single-cell sequencing data. Cell are subject to phenotyping, clustering and differential gene expression analysis. Then, for each cell type, we retrieve average expression profiles (red cross and top heatmap), and standard deviation per gene (blue circle and bottom heatmap). This prior knowledge is then used in the hierarchical Bayesian model (bottom right) to deconvolute bulk gene expression data.

Demo notebook is available here. You can also run the demo using Binder.

Note that for the testing on Binder, parallel processing has to be disabled by setting Njob to 1. BLADE significantly performs better with high number of cores, epecially when Nsample, Ngene and Ncell is high. In case of Binder, we recommend the following setting:

  • Ncell=3
  • Ngene=50
  • Nsample=10

It takes about 30 minutes to complete the demo execution on Binder.

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

BLADE can run on the minimal computer spec, such as Binder (1 CPU, 2GB RAM on Google Cloud), when data size is small. However, BLADE can significantly benefit from the larger amount of CPUs and RAM. Empirical Bayes procedure of BLADE runs independent optimization procedure that can be parallelized. In our evaluation, we used a computing node with the following spec:

  • 40 threads (Xeon 2.60GHz)
  • 128 GB RAM

OS Requirements

The package development version is tested on Linux operating systems. (CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04).


Using pip

The python package of BLADE is available on pip. You can simply (takes only <1min):

pip install BLADE_Deconvolution

We tested BLADE with python => 3.6.

Using Conda

One can create a conda environment contains BLADE and also other dependencies to run Demo. The environment definition is in environment.yml.

Step 1: Installing Miniconda 3

First, please open a terminal or make sure you are logged into your Linux VM. Assuming that you have a 64-bit system, on Linux, download and install Miniconda 3 with:


On MacOS X, download and install with:

curl -o

Step 2: Create a conda environment

You can install all the necessary dependency using the following command (may takes few minutes).

conda env create --file environment.yml

Then, the BLADE environment can be activate by:

conda activate BLADE

Using Singularity

If you have Singularity, you can simply pull the singularity container with all dependency resolved (in few minutes, depends on the network speed).

singularity pull shub://tgac-vumc/BLADE

Overview of BLADE

In the BLADE package, you can load the following functions and modules.

  • BLADE: A class object contains core algorithms of BLADE. Users can reach internal variables (Nu, Omega, and Beta) and functions for calculating objective functions (ELBO function) and gradients with respect to the variational parameters. There also is an optimization function (BLADE.Optimize()) for performing L-BFGS optimization. Though this is the core, we also provide a more accessible function (BLADE_framework) that performs deconvolution. See below to obtain the current estimate of cellualr fractions, gene expression profiles per cell type and per sample:

    • ExpF(self.Beta) : returns a Nsample by Ngene matrix contains estimated fraction of each cell type in each sample.
    • self.Nu: a Nsample by Ngene by Ncell multidimensional array contains estimated gene expression levels of each gene in each cell type for each sample.
    • numpy.mean(self.Nu,0): To obtain a estimated gene expression profile per cell type, we can simply take an average across the samples.
  • Framework: A framework based on the BLADE class module above. Users need to provide the following input/output arguments.

    • Input arguments
      • X: a Ngene by Ncell matrix contains average gene expression profiles per cell type (a signature matrix) in log-scale.
      • stdX: a Ngene by Ncell matrix contains standard deviation per gene per cell type (a signature matrix of gene expression variability).
      • Y: a Ngene by Nsample matrix contains bulk gene expression data. This should be in linear-scale data without log-transformation.
      • Ind_Marker: Index for marker genes. By default, [True]*Ngene (all genes used without filtering). For the genes with False they are excluded in the first phase (Empirical Bayes) for finidng the best hyperparameters.
      • Ind_sample: Index for the samples used in the first phase (Empirical Bayes). By default, [True]*Nsample (all samples used).
      • Alphas, Alpha0s, Kappa0s and SYs: all possible hyperparameters considered in the phase of Empirical Bayes. A default parameters are offered as described in the manuscript (to appear): Alphas=[1,10], Alpha0s=[0.1, 1, 5], Kappa0s=[1,0.5,0.1] and SYs=[1,0.3,0.5].
      • Nrep: Number of repeat for evaluating each parameter configuration in Empirical Bayes phase. By default, Nrep=3.
      • Nrepfinal: Number of repeated optimizations for the final parameter set. By default, Nrepfinal=10.
      • Njob: Number of jobs executed in parallel. By default, Njob=10.
    • Output values
      • final_obj: A final BLADE object with optimized variational parameters and hyperparameters.
      • best_obj: The best object form Empirical Bayes step. If no genes and samples are filtered, best_obj is the same as final_obj.
      • best_set: A list contains the hyperparameters selected in the Empirical Bayes step.
      • All_out: A list of BLADE objects from the Empirical Bayes step.
  • BLADE_job/Optimize: Internal functions used by Framework.


BLADE: Bayesian Log-normAl DEconvolution for enhanced in silico microdissection of bulk gene expression data







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