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Code and infrastructure for


The website backend is implemented in Python using Flask, using a mixture of static pages and templates rendered using the Jinja engine. Static files like images and CSS are found within the Flask app, but additional files used by templates such as JSON files can be found in the assets/ folder.

Web Server

NGINX is used as a reverse proxy web server to serve content to clients. NGINX is also set up to serve the static assets more efficiently. Gunicorn is used as the WSGI HTTP server that actually runs the Flask code. Supervisor and systemd are used to startup the server on bootup, as well as restart it if needed. All of this runs on a shared Linode Compute instance.


The UI is implemented using Bootstrap, which has plenty of available components to use. It also allows customization of the design from mobile to desktop.

Publishing Workflow & Test Server

This repository uses GitHub Actions to for it's CI/CD pipeline. Any pull requests into main trigger spinning up the test subdomain, which will run the associated Flask app. Closing the pull request (through merging or otherwise) will turn off the supervisor task running the testing subdomain. Pushes and merges into main cause the CI to update the Flask app running the main site with the new additions.


The server has a cronjob that updates the server by saving the results of a GraphQL query to GitHub to download information about contributions every hour (as well as delete outdated information). This process uses a tool I created called cronberry, which manages updating the crontab during updates to main. I use pre-commit for ensuring code is formatted, linted, and conforms to REUSE specifications.