Bag Database v3.0.0
This is the biggest release since the initial release to GitHub, so it's time for a major version update!
Changes in this release include:
- Upload & run post-processing scripts on bag files
- Upload bag files through the web interface
- UI tweaks to make various capabilities more discoverable
- Rewrite user documentation and publish via GitHub Pages
- Document REST API and include it with the web site
- Update to Java 11 & Spring 5
- Update miscellaneous other dependencies, too
- Added unit tests to cover the entire bag & script API
- Reorganized a few packages to make them more consistent
- Bug fixes:
- Some controllers were initialized multiple times, causing unnecessary processing and weird exceptions
- Users had to reload the page after logging in before they could view bag details
- Many methods that modified the database did not require CSRF tokens
- Removed AspectJ, which caused some weird build issues
- Don't write out log file when running unit tests