A Gem to harvest data from a Stanford Purl page, with convenience methods for getting Nokogiri::XML::Document and errors when pieces are missing
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'harvestdor'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install harvestdor
client = Harvestdor::Client.new({ # Example with all possible options :log_dir => File.join(File.dirname(FILE), "..", "logs"), :log_name => 'harvestdor.log', :purl => 'https://purl.stanford.edu' })
for contents of yml -- see spec/config/example.yml
client = Harvestdor::Client.new({:config_yml_path => path_to_my_yml}) client.mods('oo111oo2222')
client = Harvestdor::Client.new({:purl => 'https://my_purl.org'}) client.mods('oo111oo2222')
client = Harvestdor::Client.new client.config.purl = 'https://my_purl.org' client.mods('oo111oo2222')
You can get, for example, the contentMetadata for a druid:
it "#content_metadata retrieves contentMetadata as a Nokogiri::XML::Document" do cm = Harvestdor.content_metadata('bb375wb8869', 'https://purl-test.stanford.edu') cm.should be_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Document) cm.root.name.should == 'contentMetadata' cm.root.attributes['objectId'].text.should == @druid end
Or the MODS metadata:
it "#mods returns a Nokogiri::XML::Document from the purl mods" do x = Harvestdor.mods('bb375wb8869', 'https://purl-test.stanford.edu') x.should be_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Document) x.root.name.should == 'mods' x.root.namespace.href.should == Harvestdor::MODS_NAMESPACE end
Similarly for
- mods
- public_xml (all of it)
- content_metadata
- identity_metadata
- rights_metadata
- rdf
- dc
You can also do this from a Harvestdor::Client object, and it will use the purl from the Client.config:
client = Harvestdor::Client.new({purl: 'https://thisone.org'}) client.identity_metadata('bb375wb8869')
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Write code and tests.
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
- 0.0.14 Bug fix for compatibility with jruby
- 0.0.13 Updated to work with Faraday 0.9, releases via rubygems instead of sul-gems
- 0.0.11 better error handling, and better testing for errors
- 0.0.10 tweak specs to test that unnec fetching isn't done.
- 0.0.9 allows public xml to be passed as Nokogiri::XML::Document to content_metadata, etc. to avoid unnec fetching
- 0.0.8 avoid undefined method 'size' from scrub_oai_args when using a non-nil default date param
- 0.0.7 add oai client timeout overrides, update README
- 0.0.6 refactoring oai_harvest for greater simplicity and passing errors through, add oai_record (get_record OAI request)
- 0.0.5 don't send empty string arguments to OAI server so you can get actual results
- 0.0.4 add integration spec and get it working with actual OAI server
- 0.0.3 add method to get mods from purl
- 0.0.2 tidy up README
- 0.0.1 initial commit