Javascript code intelligence for atom with tern.js.
Based on
(highly experimental)
- Since this package hasn't been released as a package, clone and npm install
- Create a symlink to the cloned repo in /Users/.../.atom/packages like so:
$ ln -s /path/to/repo /path/to/symlink
- In your project root, create a file named '.tern-project'. See docs E.g.:
"libs": [
"loadEagerly": [
Currently supports the following features:
- Find definition (set your cursor position to one of variable, function or instance -> open context-menu and trigger "Find definition"), "Find definition" will only be available if atom wrapped the element correctly in one of: .variable.js, .function.js or .instance.js (see menus/atom-ternjs.cson)
- Completion (completion triggers if lastChar was "." and we are in the right context (e.g.: "this." -> triggers completion if completions.length > 0))
- At the current state, only the current active editor is handled for find definition