Adjusting Camera Update Interval Using Renderer Feature of URP.
This sample project is developed to assist in creating smooth UI while the world is rendered at a low FPS for cinematic effects. It is not developed with the intention of reducing rendering frequency, so there are no performance benefits to using RenderInterval. If the sole purpose is to reduce rendering frequency regardless of the world and UI, please refer to the documentation below.
- Add RenderInterval to the Renderer Feature.
- Set up FPS and add a dedicated material for RenderInterval using shaders. (If the shader is not properly configured, the screen may not render correctly in the Metal API)
Anti-aliasing is not supported. Anti-aliasing for the camera must be set to 'No Anti-aliasing' without exception.
UI (Canvas) should use either Screen Space - Overlay or Screen Space - Camera, but you must use a Camera that does not apply RenderInterval.
Separate URPRenderer into Default and Main, and RenderInterval should only be added to the RendererFeature of Main. Otherwise, flickering may occur in the Game, Scene, Preview Views.