Life is fun, ATS is fun so, ATS error reporting should be fun too.
Pretty-printer/wrapper for the ats compiler/typechecker
" can drastically reduce the need for debugging by making extensive use of types in programming." (source)
Understanding the typechecking errors though, can be quite difficult. The goal is to provide human readable messages.
Primarily seeks to make error reporting easier to read/understand and increase programming productivity. Places an importance of being memory frugal and explicit memory management (no memory leaks).
The application wraps patsopt, patscc and myatscc into one executable. The overall goal is to create a unified tool surrounding the ats compiler and other utilities.
Automated installer script
make install
by default installs to $PATSHOME/bin (which should already be on PATH)
make testrun
Also, see TEST directory.
- TEST/TESTS/*.dats files (each contains errors)
The error messages returned by current ATS compiler format:
command: patscc -tcats ./TEST/cfail.dats results:
.../TEST/cfail.dats: 570(line=35, offs=5) -- 610(line=35, offs=45): error(3): unsolved constraint: C3NSTRprop(C3TKmain(); S2Eeqeq(S2Eapp(S2Ecst(sub_int_int); S2Evar(r$14475$14476(23038)), S2Evar(r$14479$14480(23042))); S2Eapp(S2Ecst(add_int_int); S2Evar(r$14475$14476(23038)), S2Evar(r$14479$14480(23042))))) typechecking has failed: there are some unsolved constraints: please inspect the above reported error message(s) for information. exit(ATS): uncaught exception: _2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_error_2esats__FatalErrorExn(1025)
And the same file with acc:
command: acc ./TEST/cfail.dats results:
../TEST/cfail.dats: 35:5-45 35| (FIB2(res1.0, res2.0) | res1.1 - res2.1) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: unsolved constraint actual: sub_int_int(r 14258, r 14262) needed: add_int_int(r 14258, r 14262) exit(ATS): uncaught exception: (1025)
acc [whichcc] <filename.[d|s]ats>
(Optional) whichcc:
my => myatscc
pc => patscc
pm => PATS
po => patsopt
gc => PATS_GC
tcats => patscc -tcats
tc => patscc -tcats
lm => PATS_LM
potc => patsopt --typecheck --dynamic
fly => patscc -tcats
c => myatscc
tcatsc => patscc -tcats
myatscc => myatscc
patscc => patscc
patscc_gc => PATS
tcats => patscc -tcats
patsopt => patsopt
valid file extensions: .dats or .sats
acc my foo.dats
acc gc foo.dats -o foo
one can also construct existing options.
for example, to use patscc with familiar options
acc -pc -DATS_GNU_SOURCE -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC -O2 foo.dats -o foo
or for patsopt,
acc -po --output foo.tags --taggen -d foo.dats
Currently handles only a subset of error expressions from "ATS2/src/pats_staexp2.sats"
- expect additions
- output format will improve
- need advice for general format
* # : prefix for external value or external kind (S2Eextype | S2Eextkind)
* [n] : existentially qualified type n (S2Eexi)
* inf : intinf (S2Eintinf)
* uni. : universally quantified type (S2Euni)
* "g0int" : "g0int_t0ype"
* "g0float" : "g0float_t0ype"
* "g0uint" : "g0uint_t0ype"
* "g1int" : "g1int_int_t0ype"
* "char" : "char_t0ype"
* "char" : "char_int_t0ype"
* "string" : "string_type"
* "string" : "string_int_type"
* "strnptr" : "strnptr_addr_int_vtype"
* "list" : "list_t0ype_int_type"
* "list_vt" : "list_vt0ype_int_vtype"
* XXXXX : where X is an integer (I believe is a tag of some sort)
The ideal form of the executable is one executable including a suite of smaller utilities (similar to haskells 'cabal').
- Give 'hints' for how to resolve certain errors.
- Have a scale for levels of verbosity
one could remove all of the precise information (i.e. tag numbers and such)
'describe' : a utility to describe a particular error message
option to print only first error
REPL-like evaluator (currently developing and refining)
Code formatter
Infer file type instead of having to explicitly pass the file type flag ( -d (for .dats) | -s (for .sats) )
Built-in options that automagically jsonize, depgen, taggen as opposed to "patsopt --jsonize -d foo.dats" | "patsopt --jsonize -s foo.sats"
acc --jsonize ( FILE.[d|s]ats ) acc --depgen ( FILE.[d|s]ats ) acc --taggen ( FILE.[d|s]ats )
Incorporate other compilation tools that target languages other than C. options for -js / --atscc2js (for javascript) ...