CZ4001 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Tentative functional requirements:
- Enhanced version of the classic squash game.
- Player scores points for hitting the ball against the wall.
- Targets will randomly spawn on the wall.
- Bonus points will be awarded if the targets are hit.
- The game ends when the ball either comes to a stop or bounces off the ground twice.
- Player can move around the play area by walking, but this will not require a lot of movement.
- Each bounce off the wall will award the user 1 point.
- Each hit target will award the user 10 points.
Additional instructions for setting up the source code:
- Add the custom merge rules from .gitconfig with this command: git config --local include.path .gitconfig
- Edit Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\mergespecfile.txt to point to your favourite diff tool. For me, it is WinMerge:
* use "%programs%\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe" "%l" "%r" "%d"
When dealing with merge conflicts:
- Run git mergetool first!