TestIt is a very simple, but powerful, testing framework.
It allows you to avoid repetition in the following:
- mock initialization
- pre-test cleanup
- panic avoidance
- test execution
- assertions
It also helps you build small blocks that can be re-utilized between test cases without sharing states. Examples:
- Setup a group of expected calls
- Shared assertions for response fields
Create the tools/tools.go to declare testit as a development only dependency
//go:build tools
package tools
import (
_ "github.com/sonalys/testit"
package testit_test
import (
func Test_Example(t *testing.T) {
type dependency struct {
// mock *mock.Mock // Mocks are automatically initialized
type tc struct{}
setup := testit.SetupWithTestCase(func(t *testit.CHook[dependency, tc]) {
// setup, pre-cleanup.
// t.Dependencies.mock.EXPECT().DoSomething()
t.After = func() {
// teardown
withHook := setup.Hook(func(t *testit.CHook[dependency, tc]) {
// additional hook
t.After = func() {
// additional teardown
additionalStep := func(t testit.DCTest[dependency, tc]) {}
testfunc := func() (int, error) {
return 0, nil
t.Run("example", withHook.Case(tc{},
// any additional steps can be added manually as well.
func(t testit.DCTest[dependency, tc]) {
// test execution
var err error
t.FailNow("failing test")
value := testit.NoErr(testfunc())
t.Equal(0, value)