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The repository is a user script for image compression and watermark addition for HEXO framework using sharpjs. The project is a modified version of an existing project for watermark addition.


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This project is a copy and modification based on a related image process lib. Jykell picture tag is used as reference.
This is a use case script and not a node module. I decide to not publish to node module is because a image nodule can be a black-hole and various case by case. I hope people who can use this repository ad a template to start modify for their own purpose.
This script is using Sharp for image processing.
Originally, the watermark library support gif. But I am not using gif currently and thus not implemented. (Original files are kept for reference)

You, as a blog beginner. You probably just need a simple HEXO tag or sort of easy way to insert images. When you try out official methods, you are not satisfied by that since it is using original image that you linking to and it can cause significantly large project size. This repository provides some options for compressing, watermarking, resizing and cropping. This script will normally produce two images in format of WEBP and JPG. The quality of the compression can be defined.

Before use:

  1. use node js install modules:
$ npm install fs-extra gifwrap jimp js-md5 sharp svg2png ext-to-svg
  1. copy all files to /scripts folder
├── ...
├── scripts
│   ├── img_lib
│   │   ├── constants
│   │   │   └── cachePath.js
│   │   ├── render
│   │   │   ├── dynamic.js
│   │   │   └── static.js
│   │   ├── utils
│   │   │   ├── cache.js
│   │   │   ├── dynGetWatermarkImageBufferamic.js
│   │   │   ├── index.js
│   │   │   ├── isEqual.js
│   │   │   ├── text2svg.js
│   │   │   └── trueTo256.js
│   │   ├── config.js
│   │   └── index.js
└── ...
  1. Place your watermark Watermark.svg file to either source/images or themes/YOUR_THEME/source/images folder. This is a file must exists in order to run this script. This image file can be replaced by other images and define the path in the config.js file.

Use in markdown

Usage template:
[original] [fancybox] [nwatermk] [ncompress] link <--refmaxwidth[co-responding ratio]> <--watermkwidth[co-responding ratio]> <--crop[x]x[y]-[width]x[height]> <--mo[x]x[y]-[width]x[height]> <--ratio[width]:[height]> <--resize[width]x[height]>

  • pre-options (optional)

    • original
      This option will overwrite ALL other options

      {% webp original /post_image/abc.JPG %}
    • fancybox
      In some themes, fancybox is used. This script normally return html code with image tag with class of nofancybox. This option allows to escape from the assumption.

      {% webp fancybox /post_image/abc.JPG %}

      Go to the note section for escaping the fancybox function.

    • nwatermk
      If you don't want to add watermark to the image, add this option to the tag.

      {% webp nwatermk /post_image/abc.JPG %}
    • ncompress
      Sometimes, the result image being pixelate when resizing the image. The final image maybe so blurry and invisible. This option allows to skip the compression close the end of the process.

      {% webp ncompress /post_image/abc.JPG %}
  • link (compulsory)
    The link is the main separation between optional options and image operators. Since images maybe used in multiple posts, single image will be used as source. If all options are the same, then the image will be generated once only. Image source folder hs to be located under the source folder.
    The link for image def.JPG is /post_image/abc/def.JPG.

├── ...
├── source
│   ├── post_image
│   │   ├── abc
│   │   │   └── def.JPG
│   │   └── ghi.PNG
└── ...
  • post-options (optional)
    • --refmaxwidth[co-responding ratio]
      This is parameter for adding watermark to the image. I define the maximum display width in my site is 1000px. Therefore, the watermark can be resized for different pixel density for every after processing images in order to showing same watermark size visually.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --refmaxwidth1000 %}
    • --watermkwidth[co-responding ratio]
      This is parameter for adding watermark to the image. In personal use case, the water mark image width is 200px. This parameter will work with the previous one in combination for adjusting the distance between the right bottom conner and the water mark.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --watermkwidth200 %}
    • --crop[x]x[y]-[width]x[height]
      Imagine, you want a section of image from original image.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --crop200x200-50x50 %}

      The resultant will crop the image from (200,200) with width 50px and height 50px.

    • --mo[x]x[y]-[width]x[height]
      This option allows to blur out a section in the image.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --mo200x200-50x50 %}
    • --ratio[width]:[height]
      The most quick and dirty image cropping function to crop to certain ratio.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --ratio1:1 %}

      Consider the image having various aspect ratio, the resultant image will be cropped follows the given ratio in the middle section.

    • --resize[width]x[height]
      This function is used for resizing the process image by certain width and height.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --resize300:200 %}
    • --desc|[text]| This option allow you to add image description.

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --desc|This is a long long description for my testing image. However, I think this is not long enough so I extended it a little bit lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnger.夾雜着繁體中文。日本語もある。she's so damn pretty! he's going to sleep.| %}

      Remarks: Due to the implementation of HEXO tag works, double quotes and quote pairs are not working. For example:

      {% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --desc|"this is" 'wow'| %}

      Reference to notes for page template to display description.

Priority of the options

Notice that there may have billions of combination of options. There are fundamental priority design.

  • original have highest priority that direct return unprocessed and uncompressed image but change the image format to WEBP and JPG with MD5 name.
  • crop will override the ratio option


  • Images will only be process if and only if webp tag is used in .md file or webp_helper tag used in .ejs file which is different from most of other hexo image plugins.
  • The processed images will be stored in image folder under the root directory of the project.
  • I am using orange theme for HEXO blog development. The fancybox function is implemented by using Jquery to add a perent a tag with data-fancybox='gallery' and corresponding href to the image. When looping all elements, a filter if ($(this).hasClass("nofancybox")) {return;} can be used to escape the a tag addition.
  • To route the image description to fancybox, the following code can be added when creating the a tag.
if ($(this).attr("data-caption")){
    $(element).attr("data-caption", $(this).attr("data-caption"));

Where the element is the new a tag created. And this is the img tag that after filtered pretend to be covered by a tag.

Use in ejs template

It is the same usage as the use in markdown. But the tag curly bracket to square bracket.

In markdown:

{% webp /post_image/abc.JPG --resize300:200 %}

In ejs template:

<%- webp_helper /post_image/abc.JPG --resize300:200 %>

Additional method to add caption: In some cases, you may need to add caption from HEXO data files. Example: You have a data file named abcData.yml placed in source/_data folder. Then your caption and image information stored as following:

- fancybox /abc/IMG_0001.JPG
- fancybox /abc/IMG_0002.JPG
- hello world
- testing caption

In your ejs template:

<%- webp_helper `${abcData.image[i]}` , `${abcData.caption[i]}` %>

Here assuming you have same number of images and captions. The checking can be easily implemented by yourself.

Right of usage

The watermark library is using LGPL-3.0 licence for their project. MIT license is applied for this repository.


You can browse my blog for demonstrations.


The repository is a user script for image compression and watermark addition for HEXO framework using sharpjs. The project is a modified version of an existing project for watermark addition.








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