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Releases: sinaatalay/rendercv


07 Sep 23:27
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We have launched the beta version of the RenderCV App! Check it out at

Full Changelog: v1.13...v1.14


  • rendercv_settings field has been added to the YAML input file. For details, see here. It will be extended in the future.

New Contributors


23 Jul 16:03
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Full Changelog: v1.12...v1.13


  • Arbitrary keys are now allowed in the cv field. For details, see here.
  • Two new fields have been added to the locale_catalog field: phone_number_format and date_style (#130). For details, see here.


  • The default value of the design.show_timespan_in field for the classic theme has been changed to [] (#135).
  • Custom theme names with digits are now allowed.


  • The data model overriding in CLI has been fixed.
  • The url field is now shown in the PublicationEntry (#128).


16 Jul 11:01
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Full Changelog: v1.11...v1.12


  • Arbitrary keys are now allowed in entry types. Users can use these keys in their templates. For details, see the documentation.
  • The locale_catalog.full_names_of_months field has been added to the data model (#111).
  • The TODAY placeholder can be used in the design.page_numbering_style field now.


  • Some articles and prepositions (like "and," "of," "the," etc.) are now not capitalized in the section titles.


  • The TODAY placeholder in design.last_updated_style field is localized with the new locale_catalog.full_names_of_months field (#111)
  • Rendering Markdown links with special characters has been fixed (#112).


19 Jun 12:34
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Full Changelog: v1.10...v1.11


  • CLI options now have short versions. See the CLI documentation for more information.
  • CLI now notifies the user when a new version is available (#89).
  • Google Scholar has been added as a social network type (#85).
  • Two new design options have been added to the classic, sb2nov, and engineeringresumes themes: seperator_between_connections and use_icons_for_connections.


  • The punctuation of "ORCID" has been changed to uppercase, which was previously "Orcid" (#90).
  • HTML output has been improved with better CSS (#96).
  • More complex section titles are now supported (#106).
  • Month abbreviations are not using dots anymore.
  • Date ranges are now displayed as "Month Year - Month Year" instead of "Month Year to Month Year."
  • DOI validator in the PublicationEntry has been disabled.
  • url field has been added to the PublicationEntry as an alternative to the doi field (#105)
  • YouTube username should be given without @ now.


  • The error related to the validation_error_cause flag of Pydantic has been fixed (#66).
  • rendercv render with relative input file paths has been fixed (#95).


  • Twitter has been removed as a social network type (#109)

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25 May 13:11
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Full Changelog: v1.9...v1.10


  • rendercv --version command has been added to show the version of RenderCV.
  • StackOverflow (#77), GitLab (#78), ResearchGate, and YouTube has been added to the available social network types.


  • Authors in PublicationEntry are now displayed correctly in engineeringresumes and sb2nov themes.
  • justify-with-no-hyphenation text alignment has been fixed.

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19 May 15:13
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This is a big release!

This release brings significant and useful updates. The documentation has been extensively rewritten to provide more comprehensive information. You might discover new RenderCV features that you may not be aware of yet! Check out the links below:

Full Changelog: v1.8...v1.9


  • RenderCV is now a multilingual tool. English strings can be overridden with locale_catalog section in the YAML input file (#26, #20). See the documentation for more information.
  • PNG files for each page can be generated now (#57).
  • rendercv new command now generates Markdown and $\LaTeX$ source files in addition to the YAML input file so that the default templates can be modified easily.
  • A new CLI command has been added, rendercv create-theme, to allow users to create their own themes easily.
    rendercv create-theme "customtheme" --based-on "classic"
  • A developer guide has been written.
  • New options have been added to the rendercv render command:
    • --output-folder-name "OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME": Generates the output files in a folder with the given name. By default, the output folder name is rendercv_output. The output folder will be created in the current working directory. (#58)
    • --latex-path LATEX_PATH: Copies the generated $\LaTeX$ source code from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
    • --pdf-path PDF_PATH: Copies the generated PDF file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
    • --markdown-path MARKDOWN_PATH: Copies the generated Markdown file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
    • --html-path HTML_PATH: Copies the generated HTML file from the output folder and pastes it to the specified path.
    • --png-path PNG_PATH: Copies the generated PNG files from the output folder and pastes them to the specified path.
    • --dont-generate-markdown: Prevents the generation of the Markdown file.
    • --dont-generate-html: Prevents the generation of the HTML file.
    • --dont-generate-png: Prevents the generation of the PNG files.
    • --ANY.LOCATION.IN.THE.YAML.FILE "VALUE": Overrides the value of ANY.LOCATION.IN.THE.YAML.FILE with VALUE. This option can be used to avoid storing sensitive information in the YAML file. Sensitive information, like phone numbers, can be passed as a command-line argument with environment variables. This method is also beneficial for creating multiple CVs using the same YAML file by changing only a few values.
  • New options have been added to the rendercv new command:
    • --dont-create-theme-source-files: Prevents the creation of the theme source files. By default, the theme source files are created.
    • --dont-create-markdown-source-files: Prevents the creation of the Markdown source files. By default, the Markdown source files are created.


  • Package size has been reduced by removing unnecessary TinyTeX files.
  • date field is now optional in PublicationEntry.
  • and the documentation have been rewritten.


  • ExperienceEntry and NormalEntry without location and dates have been fixed in the engineeringresumes, classic, and sb2nov themes.
  • $\LaTeX$ templates have been polished.
  • Bugs related to the special characters in email addresses have been fixed (#64).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.8...v1.9


16 Apr 13:07
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Full Changelog: v1.7...v1.8


  • Horizontal space has been added between entry titles and dates in the engineeringresumes theme.
  • The date_and_location_width option has been added to the engineeringresumes theme.
  • A new design option, disable_external_link_icons, has been added.


  • sb2nov theme's $\LaTeX$ code has been changed completly. There are slight changes in the looks.
  • classic, sb2nov, and engineeringresumes use the same $\LaTeX$ code base now.
  • The design option show_last_updated_date has been renamed to disable_last_updated_date for consistency.
  • Mastodon links now use the original hostnames instead of


  • The location is now shown in the header (#54).
  • The education_degree_width option of the classic theme has been fixed.
  • Lualatex and xelatex rendering problems have been fixed (#52).


08 Apr 19:42
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Full Changelog: v1.6...v1.7


  • The new theme, engineeringresumes, is ready to be used now.
  • The education_degree_width design option has been added for the classic theme.
  • last_updated_date_style design option has been added for all the themes except moderncv.


  • Highlights can now be broken into multiple pages in the classic theme (#47).
  • Some JSON Schema bugs have been fixed.


31 Mar 19:52
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A note: I recently discovered a handy feature of RenderCV that I wasn't aware of before: It turns out that you can replace the built-in theme files with your own custom LaTeX code without having to create a new theme from scratch. This means you can override specific files to achieve the desired look and feel. If you are interested, please read more about it in #45.

Full Changelog: v1.5...v1.6


  • A new theme has been added: engineeringresumes. It hasn't been tested fully yet.
  • A new text alignment option has been added to classic and sb2nov: justified-with-no-hyphenation (#34)
  • Users are now allowed to run local lualatex, xelatex, latexmk commands in addition to pdflatex (#48).


  • ORCID is now displayed in the header like other social media links.


  • Decoding issues have been fixed (#29).
  • Classic theme's ExperienceEntry has been fixed (#49).


27 Mar 18:11
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Full Changelog: v1.4...v1.5


  • Users can now make bold or italic texts normal with Markdown syntax.


  • The moderncv theme doesn't italicize any text by default now.


  • The moderncv theme's PDF title issue has been fixed.
  • The ordering of the data models' keys in JSON Schema has been fixed.
  • The unhandled exception when a custom theme's file is invalid has been fixed.
  • The sb2nov theme's PublicationEntry without journal and doi fields is now rendered correctly.
  • The sb2nov theme's OneLineEntry's colon issue has been fixed.