An R package for generating simulated population models (IPMs and MPMs)
This package is under active development - enter at you own risk
This is an R package I have been developing for my PhD research to simulate population models. It uses integral projection models.
How to install this package from GitHub
## Attaching package: 'DiagrammeR'
## The following object is masked from 'package:devtools':
## add_path
Before you generate any simulated populations, you first need to define a template for your population model. This is done through a IPM descriptor object. You can generate a template for the IPM descriptor by using the init_IPM_desc()
An simpopmods
IPM descriptor consists of
- Discrete states
- Continous states (which all share the same domain)
- Parameters
- Name of parameter
- maximum possible value
- Minimum possible value
- T/F as to whether it is sampled directly, or derived from a combination of other parameters
- Functions for generating parameters that are not sampled directly
- Demographic functions (equations of parameters)
- Kernels (consisting of demographic functions)
- Functions for the upper limit, lower limit and resolution of the kernel of the continuous state domain.
Here's one I made earlier:
################ IPM_desc
states <- c("mature")
states_z <- c(T)
# $par_info
par_info <- data.frame(t(data.frame(
## survival = c(par = "",min = -10,max = 4,samp = T),
surv.z = c(par = "surv.z",min = 0,max = 10,samp = T),
## flowering = c(par = "",min = -10,max = 10,samp = T),
flow.z = c(par = "flow.z",min = 0,max = 10,samp = T),
## growth = c(par = "",min = 0,max = 1,samp = T),
grow.z = c(par = "grow.z",min = 0,max = 1,samp = F), # constrained from 0 to 1 = c(par = "",min = 0.01,max = 0.5,samp = T),
## recruit size = c(par = "",min = 0,max = 0,samp = F), # doesn't change = c(par = "",min = 0.1,max = 0.5,samp = T),
## seed size = c(par = "",min = 0,max = 100,samp = T),
seed.z = c(par = "seed.z",min = 0,max = 10,samp = T),
## recruitment probability
p.r = c(par = "p.r",min = 0,max = 0.99,samp = T) # constrained from 0 to 1
par_info$min <- as.numeric(par_info$min)
par_info$max <- as.numeric(par_info$max)
par_info$samp <- as.logical(par_info$samp)
# $par_fns
par_fns <- list( = function(params){0},
grow.z = function(params){1 - params[""]}
# $demo_fns
demo_fns <- list(
## G_z1z - Growth function, given you are size z now returns the pdf of size z1 next time
grow = function(z1, z, params){
mu <- params[""] + params["grow.z"] * z # mean size next year
sig <- params[""] # sd about mean
p.den.grow <- dnorm(z1, mean = mu, sd = sig) # pdf that you are size z1 given you were size z
## s_z Survival function, logistic regression
surv = function(z, params){
linear.p <- params[""] + params["surv.z"] * z # linear predictor
p <- pmin(1/(1+exp(-linear.p)),rep(0.99,length(z))) # logistic transformation to probability with constant cap
p <- 1/(1+exp(-linear.p))
## p_bz Probability of flowering function, logistic regression
flow = function(z, params){
linear.p <- params[""] + params["flow.z"] * z # linear predictor
p <- 1/(1+exp(-linear.p)) # logistic transformation to probability
## b_z Seed production function
seed = function(z, params){
N <- exp(params[""] + params["seed.z"] * z) # seed production of a size z plant
## c_0z1 Recruit size pdf
rcsz = function(z1, params){
mu <- params[""]
sig <- params[""]
p.deRecr <- dnorm(z1, mean = mu, sd = sig) # pdf of a size z1 recruit
kernels <- c("P","Fec")
kernel_fns <- init_nested_list(kernels,states)
# kernel_fns$P$ TO $ FROM
kernel_fns$P$mature$mature <- function (z1, z, params) {
return(IPM_desc$demo_fns$surv(z, params) * IPM_desc$demo_fns$grow(z1, z, params))
kernel_fns$Fec$mature$mature <- function (z1, z, params) {
#flowering * number of seeds * recruit survival * recruit size * seedbank splitter
return( IPM_desc$demo_fns$flow(z, params) * IPM_desc$demo_fns$seed(z, params) * params["p.r"] * IPM_desc$demo_fns$rcsz(z1, params))
# lower size limit to prevent eviction
limit_lower <- function(params, IPM_desc){
max_sd <- params[""]+params[""]
# returns the lower size limit of the kernel
# a value of 0.05 means that 5% of new recruits are evicted
qnorm(0.01,mean = 0, sd = max_sd)
#upper size limit to prevent eviction
limit_upper <- function(params,IPM_desc){
upper_lims <- seq(from = 2, to = 10, by = 1)
#Calculate the proportion of individuals wrongly evicted at a size with a size limit
fac1 <- IPM_desc$demo_fns$surv(upper_lims, params) # survival probability ~ z
#integrate(function(x) IPM_desc$demo_fns$grow(x, z, params), U, Inf)$value
inter <- function(x) {
integrate(function(x) IPM_desc$demo_fns$grow(x, x, params), x, Inf)$value
fac2 <- sapply(upper_lims,inter)
props <- fac1 * fac2
props[props>0.01] <- 0
upper_lim <- upper_lims[which.max(props)]
kernel_res <- function(params,IPM_desc,units_per_sd = 25){
min_sd <- min(params[""],params[""])
# IPM_desc object
IPM_desc <- list(
states = states,
states_z = states_z,
kernels = kernels,
par_info = par_info,
par_fns = par_fns,
demo_fns = demo_fns,
kernel_fns = kernel_fns,
limit_lower = limit_lower,
limit_upper = limit_upper,
kernel_res = kernel_res
Running plot_diagram(IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
produce a diagram produced by DiagrammR
. Use DiagrammeR::render_graph(IPM_diagram)
to render the diagram.
IPM_diagram <- plot_diagram(IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
IPM_diagram %>%
file_name = "IPM_descs/IPM_desc_basic_graph.svg",
file_type = "SVG",
width = 700,
height = 600)
Create a parameter set or use a sampler to sample parameter sets. I have been using an Adaptive Metropolis Algorithym with delayed rejection from the R package FME
. This requires some informative priors.
Whenever I'm using parameter sets my convention is to refer to an incomplete parameter set (aka only the parameters that are sampled directly) as params_ic
(as in parameters incomplete) and full parameter sets as params_c
(as in, parameters complete).
# a starting incomplete parameter set
params_ic <- c( = 0,
surv.z = 2, = 0.3,
flow.z = 0.1, = 0.2, = 0.25, = 0.3, = 2.35,
seed.z = 2.37,
p.r = 0.4
# create a complete parameter set
params_c <- make_full_params(params_ic = params_ic, IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
Once you have a parameter set you can create an IPM with:
IPM <- make_kernels(params_c,IPM_desc)
This IPM can be discritised to an MPM by specifying a target stabe stage distribution for the MPM like so:
qtiles <- c(0,0.2,0.4,0.7,1)
MPM <- make_MPM (params_c, IPM_desc, qtiles, submesh_res = 200)
lambda doesn't change in the discretisation process and you can use the calc_dom_eig()
function to calculate the dominant eigenvalue from the mega kernel:
We also result with the same stabe stage distribuion as the qtiles that we specified above.
## [1] 4.16543
## [1] 4.1656
## [1] 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3
## [1] 0.1954836 0.1983487 0.3008145 0.3053532
You can also plot the individual trajectories as IPM diagnosis with plot_trajectories(MIPM,pop_n = 100,t_steps = 50)
This currently only works for IPMs, not discretised MPMs
plot_trajectories(IPM,pop_n = 100,t_steps = 50)
I have been using an Adaptive Metrpolis algorithm implemented with FME::modMCMC
with success.
First, define a function that returns -2 x log(likelihood) from an incomplete parameter set. It it also useful to define a similar prior function that also returns -2 x log(likelihood) from an incomplete parameter set.
likelihood_function <- function(params_ic,IPM_desc){
# create the full parameter set
params_c <- make_full_params(params_ic = params_ic, IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
# make the IPM using simpopmods
IPM <- make_kernels(params_c,IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
# calculate lambda, at a fairly high tolerence for speed
eigens <- calc_dom_eig(IPM,tol = 0.005)
growth_rate <- eigens$lambda
# calculate log likelihood
likelihood <- sum(dnorm(growth_rate,mean = 1, sd = 0.1))
log_likelihood <- log(likelihood)
#check it correctly gives a likelihood value
likelihood_function(params_ic,IPM_desc = IPM_desc)
## [1] 999.2367
#Here's an example prior function for the parameters on the survival function:
IPM_prior_fn <- function(params_ic){
params <- as.list(params_ic)
log_likelihood <- log(dnorm(params$,mean = 1, sd = 1)) #surv int
log_likelihood <- log_likelihood + log(dnorm(params$surv.z,mean = 2, sd = 2)) # surv.z
Run the sampler
#load in the FME library
## Loading required package: deSolve
## Loading required package: rootSolve
## Loading required package: coda
#extract the upper and lower limits from IPM desc to use as arguments for the modMCMC function
lower <- IPM_desc$par_info$min[IPM_desc$par_info$samp]
upper <- IPM_desc$par_info$max[IPM_desc$par_info$samp]
# jump is the starting step size
jump <- (upper-lower)/100
start_time <- Sys.time()
# run the sampler, use ?modMCMC for more information, the documentation is quite good.
samples <- modMCMC(f = likelihood_function, # -2*log likelihood function
p = params_ic, # starting parameter set
IPM_desc = IPM_desc,
niter = 200, # number of iterations
updatecov = 500, # how many iterations after which to update the covariance matrix
burninlength = 0, # how many iterations to keep updating covariance matrix
lower = lower, # lower bounds
upper = upper, # upper bounds
jump = jump,
ntrydr = 3 # number of tries (delayed rejection)
## number of accepted runs: 102 out of 200 (51%)
# how long did this take?
Sys.time() - start_time
## Time difference of 2.007547 mins
#extract the parameter sets from the MCMC object and generate a full set of parameters to include those that cwere not sampled directly
param_sets_ic <- samples$pars
param_sets <- t(apply(param_sets_ic,FUN = make_full_params,1,IPM_desc=IPM_desc))
# use unique() to remove cases where the chain failed to jump to a new parameter set
param_sets <-
# pariwise plot
pairs(param_sets,pch = ".")
Calculate lambda from the parameter sets to see that lambda is ~ 1 (or at least converging towards in this short run)
# apply function to go throug heach parameter set, construct and IPM and calculated lambda.
param_sets$lambda <- apply(param_sets,
FUN = function(params_c,IPM_desc){
IPM <- simpopmods::make_kernels(params_c,IPM_desc)
IPM_desc = IPM_desc
# a quick little plot
That's just a taster. You need a lots of burn in and thinning to remove autocorrelation to generate anything vaguely useful.
This R package has tests inplemented with R package testthat
These test to make sure that:
- Lambda does not change during discretisation from IPM to MPM
- Stable stage distribution of resulting MPM is the same as the target specified quantiles
The tests uses three different IPM descriptors.
Simon Rolph - [email protected]