This is a full body planner for Willow Garage's PR2 robot. It computes a path to take the robot from point A to B by controlling both arms, the base, and the spine of the robot.
The goal format for the planner is in terms of an object. This planner is designed for the domain where the robot is trying to either pick up or put down an object. Thus, designating a goal for the planner involves defining the X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, and yaw of the object (or almost identically, the pose of the end effector). The final position of the robot will place this object/gripper at the given pose, while freely choosing the best spot for the base, arm, and spine positions (while avoiding obstacles).
This code is still under active development.
Coming soon
If you're looking to understand the planning theory, I've written tutorials here.
If you'd like to read through the code for understanding, start in
Assuming you're familiar with how SBPL works, you'll see functions for environment initialization and also the main GetSuccs function. Documentation and more tutorials are coming soon.
The entry point of this code is in
This is where everything is initialized and visible to ROS.