NFT-Minter: This Task is done for WEC SYSTEM & DEVELOPMENT inter-sig recruitment 2023. Here is my task demo video: < >
In this task i done creating and deploying an ERC-721 smart contract on the Ethereum Sepolia test network using Solidity programming language, Hardhat, Pinata IPFS provider,Metamask wallet and Alchemy. In This project i developed a smart contract and the forntend. The implementation of making them interaction, is going on.
after cloing or downloading the repo run < $ npx hardhat run scripts/mint-nft.js --network sepolia > if you want to run on localhost/georli etc you can specify that insted of sepolia. This NFT-Minting smart cotract has Transaction Fee: 0.000153073124601422 ETH($0.00) at this Timestamp: (Oct-25-2023 02:43:24 AM +UTC)