Rivendell module for Python. Rivendell is an open-source radio automation suite.
This module requires a few things:
(NOTE: this list is work-in-progress and is most likely incomplete)
- A recent installation of Rivendell and its dependencies (MySQL, Apache, ...) Optional:
- libebur128 (needed for the "loudness" normalization utility)
To use it, the module must be imported first:
import rivendell
Initialize a host:
host = rivendell.Host()
To get a cart:
cart = host.get_cart(cart_number) # integer value
To access the cuts of a cart:
cut = cart.cuts[index]
How many cuts in a cart?
print len(cart.cuts)
Get loudness of a cut (this requires libebur128
Set playback gain of a cut (in hundredths of decibels):
More features coming later!
There is a utility provided with the package, named utils/normalize.py
which can be used to normalize the audio level (loudness) of multiple carts in a row.
It can either work in a destructive (edit cuts in place, currently not implemented) or non-destructive way (modify
play_gain value in database).
Right now, python-rivendell uses a hacked=together means of accessing the database. Eventually it will be reimplemented using some ORM engine (likely SqlAlchemy).