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#Top Common Problems Occures in Java and Tools to be used

minimise memeory:

lazy allocation of collection -dnt create something until u need to put something into it

dnt create colleciton in single object -just store the object itself

size collections correctly only 2 size put it correctly

HashMap mhy = new HashMap(2);

avoid expansion of large collections due to 2x algorithm 32 MB used to store 17MB of data

colloections do not shrink once expanded may be reallcoation if collections uses drops

latency: how long does gc event takes.


exception-error with app app time per request - data base response time active thread state time spent in gc memory allocation

gather the stats:

LOGS profiler core jdk tool jmx metrices apm-application performance monitorgin tools framework/app server moniroting tools

data does each tool provide?

logs app server monitoring new relic yourkit jvisualkit jconsole jmap/jhat -->jstack

new relic:

applcation permonance monitoring(apm)tool that monitor web app,servers,database

donitostics paid


use in production:

logs jconsole app server monitoring jvisualVM- jstack new relic

new relic:


angular react and ember legicy:

migrating web logic to cloud lift and shift appliacation sernver technology not pizza delivery company software company memeory utilization

servers mobile browser plugins

new relic:

application monitor

performance of mobile for end perspective performance servers performance broser performance platform

new relic works:

deploy new relic agenet in your apps new relic collect app health data app performance anywhere

external web calls web and non-web

highest salary from employee:

select * from employee where salary = (select max(salary) from employee);

max salary:

select max(salary) from employee;

second highest salary from employee:

select max(salary) from employee where salary not in (select max(salary) from employee);

select range based on employee id: select * from employee where employee_id between 2003 and 2008;

select e.employe_name ,e.salary,d.depart from employee e inner join department d on (e.depart_id=d.depart_id) where salary in (select max(salary) from employee);

most common problesm:

slow database queries ineffiecent applcition code too many db queries concurrency issues memeory leaks configuration issues(pooling threshold, request throttling) slow db GC pauses memory churn

dbqureies, memory leaks, gc puses

->resources leaks: forgetting to close() resources jdbc connections file handles

->gc login:

->Heap Dump Analysis: eclipse memory analuzer- eclipse MAT for dumps ,not histograms -histogream can convert into spreadsheet data easily

->memory leaks: -> profiler: -> memory: -> generation count

profiler: execution profliling memory profiling thread visualization heap visulization


sample: CPU

JDBC: JDBC is dsigned as a layout plugin component excellent for plugging in logging layer

->JDBC ->can plugin your own layer ->catch commication in either direaction ->monitoring ->logging ->caching

->JDBC: JDBC logging layer P6Spy is a framework that enables database data to be seamlessly intercepted and logged with no code changes to the application.

->concurrency: try to determin what code is: blocked waiting sleeping

the results will ne easily identified with thread dumps but don't dump too often

concurrency: stack traces alredy lists deadlocks stack traces show synchorinzed locked monitors

top common problems:

slow database queires-JDBC monitoring(eg p6spy), tune sql

inefficent application code- execution profile(jvisualvm), tune code

too many db quries-jdbc monitoring(p6spy), refactor calls

commcurrency issues-stack trace analysis

memorry leaks-heap dump analyser(eclipse MAT),identify the objects retaigning memory and fix the code to stop that

configuration issue(pooling thresolds,request throtting)-keep record to changes

slow DB-JDBC monitoring(p6spy), find clusters or slow queries

GC pauses-gc logging and gc logs analyzer(gc viewer)

memeory-look for object allcoation in memory profiler(jvisualvm)

buiulding and tuning high performance java platforms:

web portals middle wware database batch/data movement

proifling java code with jprofile:

->run as ->run configuration ->jprofiler->download ->install and start

memory view cpu view

->session ->new session ->launch ->main classes->browser class file ->click ok

->general settings->

->cpu views ->program will run for few seconds ->record memory

->hot spot -> how much amount of memeory uses

cpu profiling: ->Two Types: ->instrumentation -> all types ->sampling -> cpu profiling

filter settings: filter rule for method call recording


Top Common Problems Occures in Java and Tools to be used







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