Consider the fact that every commit message is whatever the last spoken sentence I just happened to overhear at the time of having to write my commit message, be it from something on the TV, a lyric from a playing song, a genuine "OH", or a random thought that passed through my head.
Conclusion: If the phrase "pre-alpha" referred to the "cenozoic era", this code base would be "the electroweak epoch" (this code base is exceptionally young. If you'd like to play with something more stable than this code base, consider Francium)
# install (needs node.js and npm, obviously)
npm install -g grunt
npm install -g broccoli
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
# build
grunt build
# build documentation
grunt docco
Make more JS friendly:
- C++ initialization is tailored for synchronous file loading:
- load 'player-options.json'/options file
- load 'english.json'/string table file
- resource cache is designed for filesystems/zip files, not xhr requests
- instance exports for `eventManager` and `eventFactory` are mimicing C++ globals.
- EventManager.update no longer has a timeout, and there is no real-time event queue